Trump and team making a list of traitors to primary

You vermin are going to see what Jewish communism is really like !! Maybe they will seize your own nice house and give it to dozens of families from El Salvador
Reichstag Fire, anybody? Krystalnacht II ? Thank God these arrogant closet-fascist a$$hole$ are losing power on January 20th...
Awesome! Let's get to it! I want to see Doug Collins primary Kemp for governor, not sure about Lt Governor, maybe have that democrat who backed President Trump here in Georgia run against Duncan the Lt Gov and we need someone to primary that POS Raffensberger as well.
Right now, and for the next 26 days, the inmates are running the asylum...

Afterwards, the nation will leave the Orange Baboon-God behind, both Left and Right mindful of just how barely the Republic dodged an Orange bullet...

There will be no large-scale political 'revenge' because the nation will be breathing a sigh of relief that our system of Checks and Balances worked when needed.
China will be running the USA next month , you cancerous tumor
You will see floods of illegal trash that you can’t imagine
Why doesn't Trump do the country a favor by splitting away from the GOP and take his cult with him and start a third party. Everybody wins.
Would be a win win for all.
Feel free to break up the Democrat party if you like. Trump is taking over the Republican party. The Dim appeasers are all on the chopping block.
Having fat donnie and his merry band of cultists start a third party will be the best thing for the Democrats ever!
Whites need not apply when the Stalins take over


Back... back... back under your rock, until your Führer tells you it's OK to "Don" your Brown Shirts again...

You have drunk far too deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid and must now be deprogrammed... :laugh:
Whites need not apply when the Stalins take over


Back... back... back under your rock, until your Führer tells you it's OK to "Don" your Brown Shirts again...

You have drunk far too deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid and must now be deprogrammed... :laugh:

You will see massive affirmative action policies that you can’t imagine and your kids or grandkids will pay the price
You guys are the true “ red guard and brown shirts “ of the world

Awesome! Let's get to it! I want to see Doug Collins primary Kemp for governor, not sure about Lt Governor, maybe have that democrat who backed President Trump here in Georgia run against Duncan the Lt Gov and we need someone to primary that POS Raffensberger as well.
I'm never voting again for anything
Let the progressive useful idiots destroy the nation

Down with the union

Merry Christmas :D

Awesome! Let's get to it! I want to see Doug Collins primary Kemp for governor, not sure about Lt Governor, maybe have that democrat who backed President Trump here in Georgia run against Duncan the Lt Gov and we need someone to primary that POS Raffensberger as well.
I'm never voting again for anything
Let the progressive useful idiots destroy the nation

Down with the union

Merry Christmas :D
Whites need not apply when the Stalins take over


Back... back... back under your rock, until your Führer tells you it's OK to "Don" your Brown Shirts again...

You have drunk far too deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid and must now be deprogrammed... :laugh:

You will see massive affirmative action policies that you can’t imagine and your kids or grandkids will pay the price
You guys are the true “ red guard and brown shirts “ of the world
Your grand know that white women take advantage of CC more than anyone else, right?
he's an antichrist! :eek:

Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. King James 2000 Bible Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord. American King James Version
At least he doesn't have the killed, like Clintoncide.
LOL So angry these men didn't abuse their office for a dickhead who probably would not even say thank you for throwing away their careers.

Their careers weren't shit anyway. They spent their whole careers allowing the government to fuck their constituents in the ass by giving the Democrats what they wanted.

And for what? A little bit of money.

You seriously can't understand why these people can't just overturn an election without cause. Sad.

There's plenty of cause. Furthermore, they refuse to change the rules that allowed the swindle. Why did a Republican governor allow this mail-in voting scam?

He will be run out of town on a rail.

Because it is a law.

NO it isn't. The governor changed the law unilaterally, which he can't legally do.
LOL So angry these men didn't abuse their office for a dickhead who probably would not even say thank you for throwing away their careers.

Their careers weren't shit anyway. They spent their whole careers allowing the government to fuck their constituents in the ass by giving the Democrats what they wanted.

And for what? A little bit of money.

You seriously can't understand why these people can't just overturn an election without cause. Sad.

There's plenty of cause. Furthermore, they refuse to change the rules that allowed the swindle. Why did a Republican governor allow this mail-in voting scam?

He will be run out of town on a rail.

Because it is a law.

A law passed by republicans, no less.

It wasn't "passed" by anyone, moron. No one ever voted on it.
The left is also as anti Semitic as it comes !! Almost every university now has extreme Israel and Jewish hate by the leftist whites who attend

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