Trump and the GOP, will they find Unity?

Richard Haas was on Morning Joe. I'm not a huge free trade guy, but he observed that Trump views the world in a war with Islam, while the rest of the Western world views Islam in a war within itself. The Founders expressly rejected a ban on Muslims. It seems to me to be impossible for the United States to be at war with any particular religion.

Nobody gets on Morning Joe unless they are a Turd willing to mimic whatever the Fool Obama has said the day before.

What the Turds on Morning Joe, and the Fool in the White House, don't seem to understand is that Islam is not just a religion...its is a very very harsh political ideology which seeks world domination--just like the Nazis did.

And the Turds in the Northeast, and obviously in LoonLand on the West Coast, thought Hitler was just a tin-horn dictator until they woke up to WWII.

Hitler was a Fanatic, but no more so than the Mullahs and Ayatollahs and Grand Muftis in the Middle East...which has been Barbaric for many Centuries...but mostly harmless to the West UNTIL a mountain of Oil was discovered beneath their shitty desert.

They are using the Oil Money to buy Democratic Politicians in America (the Clintons), and to build, in the case of Persia---a Nuclear Bomb.

They are centuries away from recognizing a Wall of Separation between Church and State. Right now you cannot be a Muslim if you recognize such a wall...they will cut your head off. Islam is is the is the State...and Fanatics are mostly in charge--and that makes it very dangerous, like Hitler and his Nazis were very dangerous.

Trump's suggested ban on people from terrorists states coming from a Culture which hates everything America stands for, and is mostly Barbaric, is the most reasonable thing any politician has had the guts to suggest in a long time.

The Europeans wish he had suggested it to them a few years ago. Why Pinheads and Loons won't learn from Europe's experience is a mystery....but a good guess is MONEY...and of course Votes. Democrats can always count on these Barbarians to take time off from killing Homosexuals and other Infidels (Americans, being at the top of the list, after all we let Women drive) VOTE Democratic.

The House of Saud owns the Clintons.

Fuck Morning Joe.


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