*Trump and VP James Woods!*

Sorry bout that,

1. If anyone can come up with a better pairing, lets here it!
2. Trump would be very wise to pick James Woods.
3. Likely the second smartest man on the planet.
4. GO James Woods!!!

Just to confirm, is Trump the smartest?
Sorry bout that,

1. If anyone can come up with a better pairing, lets here it!
2. Trump would be very wise to pick James Woods.
3. Likely the second smartest man on the planet.
4. GO James Woods!!!

It would be a fun pair, but not a winning pair. If we are doing hypotheticals, then a good winning pair would be if he picked Obama to be his VP. Trump would get some lefties voting for him if he had Obama.
Nothing wrong with this pair.

James Woods would be the perfect candidate to keep Trump centered and inline on what needs to be done to clean up this country and DC.
Trump has a bad habit of being like a toddler in a toy store...........he's just "all over the place". Pence was a total buffoon. Someone needs to be there with a spine and not afraid to tell Trump to put the fucking phone DOWN and get some Democrats in front of some firing squads!!!
I like that ticket. Not sure it can beat the Dem's cheating, ballot harvesting, debate rigging and outright theft of elections but Woods would rip Harris a new one in the debates.
2024 Ballots.jpg
sorry bout that,

1. James Woods would be the *BEST*~Anti-Stealing VP, candidate on the planet.
2. Those in power don't want to fuck around and find out, what Mr. Woods would say or do, if they would be so bold, and try that shit again!
3. If they did do it again, we'd be forced as a people, to go up there, and scoop their brains out with spoons!lol!!!!!!!
4. We will see. I hope Trump considers James Woods.
5. I'm pretty sure *JAMES WOOODS*, that he would say yes.
6. That dudes a fighter, and I'dd want him to back me up, all day every day, and half the night!
7. There isn't a wittier person ,other than *Trump*, who can spin as well as he does.
8. They could tag team some fancy shit on the Democrats.
9. Drop the beans faster than to liberal media and the Democrats can pick them up, it would be *GLORIOUS*!!!
10. A real dream team, lets hope for a match that will overcomes this Bullshit they are slinging.

It would be a fun pair, but not a winning pair. If we are doing hypotheticals, then a good winning pair would be if he picked Obama to be his VP. Trump would get some lefties voting for him if he had Obama.

Ya, except tRump still can't find that foreign birth certificate of Obama's. How is that search going by the way.
Pretty much nothing since tRump sent his Crack investigation squad looking for it and they came up with wait for it, NOTHING! And since tRump only hires the best it means it doesn't exist in a foreign country.
Hilarybeast started pushing the rumor when she was campaigning.
I've never been a birther, so it means nothing to me.
Hilarybeast started pushing the rumor when she was campaigning.
I've never been a birther, so it means nothing to me.
Sorry bout that,

1. I need to see the real birth certificate, with the numbers and paper being correct for that time period.
2. Only a fucking fool would accept anything else!


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