Trump Announcement

and at the same time offer the 5 million for Romney to publish his Tax Returns and income derived from Bain Capital or demand Romney pay 5 million to charity if he refuses.
yeah, old Trump couldn't be a nice guy and just give the dangling carrot to the poor, he has to tease them and try to pull a political jerkoff session for RWers and conservatives.

Can you think of a reason why Obama should refuse the offer?

Truth be told, he won't be President beyond January 20th anyway.
Tissue? You refuse to accept that Trump can do what HE wants with HIS money WITHOUT your approval.

Of course he can do what HE wants with HIS money.

Doesn't change the fact that he's stingy bastard pulling a cheap political stunt.

Cry me a river. Trump can do what he's called FREEDOM.

Has anyone attempted to stop Trump from doing this? What does "FREEDOM" have to do with anything?

Trump is "FREE" to be an asshole if he wants, and I'm "FREE" to call him on it.
Who here is worried about their college records being made public??? Who here pays MILLIONS of dollars in attorney fee's to keep those records hidden??

This is why the liberal Zombie herd are going apeshit today . lol
Oh the humanity..... think of the ccchhhiiilllddddddrrreennn!
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The liberals on this forum are on total meltdown today. LOL

Between Obama being caught in his Bengazi lies and cover up and now THE DONALD showing that this FAKE will do anything to protect what the rest of us sees as no big deal. STUDENT RECORDS?? Really Obama??? Passports???? My gawd..

Only an idiot like you would even think such a thing.

Obama should do it if Trump shaves his head.
yeah, old Trump couldn't be a nice guy and just give the dangling carrot to the poor, he has to tease them and try to pull a political jerkoff session for RWers and conservatives.

Can you think of a reason why Obama should refuse the offer?

Truth be told, he won't be President beyond January 20th anyway.

I can think of countless reasons that Obama should refuse the offer.
Of course he can do what HE wants with HIS money.

Doesn't change the fact that he's stingy bastard pulling a cheap political stunt.

Cry me a river. Trump can do what he's called FREEDOM.

Has anyone attempted to stop Trump from doing this? What does "FREEDOM" have to do with anything?

Trump is "FREE" to be an asshole if he wants, and I'm "FREE" to call him on it.

Try reading comprehension as well and then you will be able to follow what is said and why.
LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..

Who here is worried about their college records being made public??? Who here pays MILLIONS of dollars in attorney fee's to keep those records hidden??

This is why the liberal Zombie herd are going apeshit today . lol

Obama hasn't spent a penny keeping his records "hidden". I don't know why you guys keep repeating that bullshit.
Who here is worried about their college records being made public??? Who here pays MILLIONS of dollars in attorney fee's to keep those records hidden??

This is why the liberal Zombie herd are going apeshit today . lol

Obama has not paid millions in lawyers fees to fight birther claims. That is a persistent lie they tell themselves to delude themselves they are onto something.

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Okay, to recap for those just signing in this morning and who won't want to read the entire thread:

Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million dollars immediately to any charity of President Obama's choice if the President will release his passport records and college applications and records by October 31. The caveat is that the records must be released by October 31 to Trump's satisfaction.

To those who say it would be impossible to do in seven days, nonsense. The President of the United States has infinte resources to make it happen.

Donald Trump has never been known to welch on a deal. If President Obama does it, he will write the check the same day.

This is not a referendum on Donald Trump, however. Can anybody think of any reason the President should not do this and thereby reap a massive windfall for a great charity?
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Donald Trump just revealed what a pathetic media whore he really is. The elections are coming and nobody is paying attention to "The Donald"

To claim that this is any kind of a "Major Announcement" is a sham

I will be seriously disappointed in our President if he even acknowledges this offer

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