Trump Announcement

Cry me a river. Trump can do what he's called FREEDOM.

Has anyone attempted to stop Trump from doing this? What does "FREEDOM" have to do with anything?

Trump is "FREE" to be an asshole if he wants, and I'm "FREE" to call him on it.

Try reading comprehension as well and then you will be able to follow what is said and why.

I think you might want to try that "reading comprehension" thing, actually. Perhaps re-reading the posts that you've responded to would help.

Fucking hilarious! In English slang, 'trump' is another word for a fart. How appropriate. A bigger bag of wind you couldn't wish for.

For a 'fart' he certainly made your hero, the Assclown President look like a total LOSER and POSER. :lol:

Obama my hero? Are you off your rocker. I despise him since he's made it quite clear he doesn't like the Brits. He even declared France was the USA's closest ally. So try another one dear. I just happen to think that Trump is nothing more than an over rich arrogant egotist twat. I have no horses to back in this race. I prefer thoroughbreds.
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Okay, to recap for those just signing in this morning and who won't want to read the entire thread:

Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million dollars immediately to any charity of President Obama's choice if the President will release his passport records and college applications and records by October 31. The caveat is that the records must be released by October 31 to Trump's satisfaction.

Donald Trump has never been known to welch on a deal. If President Obama does it, he will write the check the same day.

This is not a referendum on Donald Trump, however. Can anybody think of any reason the President should not do this and thereby reap a massive windfall for a great charity?

That right there is the funniest thing that I've heard today.
Not one person at Columbia ever met Obama while there?? That's a bit odd, no? Perhaps he went as the Invisible Man? ;-)
Okay, to recap for those just signing in this morning and who won't want to read the entire thread:

Donald Trump has offered to donate $5 million dollars immediately to any charity of President Obama's choice if the President will release his passport records and college applications and records by October 31. The caveat is that the records must be released by October 31 to Trump's satisfaction.

To those who say it would be impossible to do in seven days, nonsense. The President of the United States has infinte resources to make it happen.

Donald Trump has never been known to welch on a deal. If President Obama does it, he will write the check the same day.

This is not a referendum on Donald Trump, however. Can anybody think of any reason the President should not do this and thereby reap a massive windfall for a great charity?

Because in this century in America, Negroes don't have to prove themselves worthy.
LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..


Why doesn't Trump just give that money to feed hungry kids?

Why is he letting them starve unless he gets what he wants?

That's hostage taking. Pure and simple. "Feed my ego or the kid dies."

Mr. Trump, if you want to give money away, if you want to give to a charity, give it to me, I could really use it. My family is strapped right now and $5 million would, for us, help a great deal.

First, my family could use it. I'm talking about my wife and children.
Second, I have 3 brothers and their families who are financially strapped right now and could use some help.
Third, my sister and her family aren't doing as bad as the rest, but I'm sure they could use a little.
Fourth, my mother and father may need some help as well.
Fifth, my wife's side of the family is hitting hard times and they need some help. There's four sisters over there.
Now on to my nieces and nephews, they all could use a little help.

Your $5 million could could help 25 families. We would greatly appreciate it if you so happen to give us that money. I'll release my birth certificate and college stuff if you want. I don't have a passport though, never been out of the country.
Root: The Obama Scandal is at Columbia | Drudge Retort

Not one person at Columbia ever met Obama while there?? That's a bit odd, no? Perhaps he went as the Invisible Man? ;-)

That's funny. I just saw some of his college friends on Frontline a few days ago.


ETA: Here's someone who knew him at Columbia:

Keep drinking the piss. It has electrolytes!

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yeah, old Trump couldn't be a nice guy and just give the dangling carrot to the poor, he has to tease them and try to pull a political jerkoff session for RWers and conservatives.

Can you think of a reason why Obama should refuse the offer?

Truth be told, he won't be President beyond January 20th anyway.

I can think of countless reasons that Obama should refuse the offer.

It would look pretty bad for America for the President to acknowledge loons like this.
LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..


Why doesn't Trump just give that money to feed hungry kids?

Why is he letting them starve unless he gets what he wants?

That's hostage taking. Pure and simple. "Feed my ego or the kid dies."


Trump is taking hostages because he won't spend his own money the way you DICTATE??????Really??? LOL
Step up BARRY.. Put your money where your mouth is after all, you're the candidate who cares sooo much about the poor right?? Here's your chance!!!!!!!!! 5 MILLION DOLLARS Barry..

Trump is holding hungry babies hostage. You admire that, eh?


You are a fool.


It's all he keeps posting. He thinks he's "onto" something with his "hostage" angle...:cool: Maybe he's right...Obama shouldn't hold any charuty "hostage"...just release his records and they get their money.
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LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..


Why doesn't Trump just give that money to feed hungry kids?

Why is he letting them starve unless he gets what he wants?

That's hostage taking. Pure and simple. "Feed my ego or the kid dies."


Trump has plenty of philanthropic endeavors and gives tons... this is just an additional $5,000,000.
LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..


Why doesn't Trump just give that money to feed hungry kids?

Why is he letting them starve unless he gets what he wants?

That's hostage taking. Pure and simple. "Feed my ego or the kid dies."

He isn't "letting the them starve" anymore so now than he was two hours ago.

Why didn't you give a shit about the staaaarrrvinnnng chiiiilllldrrreeeennnn two hours ago?
LMAO A Lib mod calling Trump an asshole because he offers Barry 5 million to feed hungry kids..


Why doesn't Trump just give that money to feed hungry kids?

Why is he letting them starve unless he gets what he wants?

That's hostage taking. Pure and simple. "Feed my ego or the kid dies."


Trump is taking hostages because he won't spend his own money the way you DICTATE??????Really??? LOL

The guy g5000 is a real "wit".
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