Trump announces executive order aiming to make hundreds of deregulations amid coronavirus permanent

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Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.

95% of the CFR cover shit other than effluents. Nice red herring of an argument you got there. This is always the drivel that the left spews because they are ignorant of the vast regulations our government has put in place.

Hell - we had a sustainability officer position created not five years ago and his whole job was to measure waste, set goals and reduce it. So his big "Look at what I did" thing was to remove trashcans from the break rooms and told everyone to pack out their trash from their lunch. He then took credit for a 30% reduction in waste in the first year. Businesses have a huge self interest in reducing waste. They don't need the government to step in and tell them what to do.

This is typical of what happens with stooooopid regulations.
Trump is using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to enact his agenda of massive governmental deregulation. He thinks no one cares right now, so he can do as he pleases with executive orders and the like. Don't worry though, we are paying attention and this will impact his electability in November!!!

Just like we are paying attention to how the commies in the House are using the pandemic to promote their leftist agendas that would cost Americans billions if not trillions of dollars, but have nothing to do with the pandemic.

Those who are open minded and educated on this pandemic are of the understanding it's our bureaucracies and agencies that retarded our ability to respond properly. While the pandemic was unstoppable, we could have done things differently to save more lives. Unfortunately, as Trump pointed out in the OP, we are mired with layers and layers of unnecessary red tape.

So did we learn anything from all this? Well, those on the left haven't, but we on the right, and in this instance, the President, learned a lot. The more government power we have, the more problems we create. President Trump is right. It's time to get out that big eraser and get rid of these problem causing regulations. It's also time for the President to start dissolving some of these unnecessary bureaucracies.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.

In four and a half years from now, nobody will even be thinking about it.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

Before reading any further I will predict:

Trump wants dirty air and water.
Trump wants to kill old people.
Trump wants MMGW to kill everyone.
Trump is getting rich off of this.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
BINGO! First reply out of the box. :abgg2q.jpg:
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Been listening to that scaremongering envirowhack boilerplate shit for at least 40 years now...Meanwhile, environmental conditions keep getting better.

Goddammit are you fucking moonabts boring.

Do you remember the Love Canal? I remember when I grew up in LA and we had smog alerts more than a dozen times in a year. We had to put our heads on our desk at school and not do anything. The teacher couldn't even teach. Now LA's air is cleaner than I ever remember. You can see the mountains on a daily basis. When I was growing up there you were lucky to see them three or four times a year. We have gotten better. We have reduced our pollution. It's just that nobody seems to remember that shit.

Ray from Cleveland's rule: You can't make an environmentalist happy. It just isn't possible. We've been trying for the last couple of generations, and with the trillions we have spent on the problem, the environmentalists are more unhappy today than when we started.

Environmental issues is a bottomless pit that all the money in the world cannot fill. Ask any environmentalist what their ultimate goal is, and you'll be met with a blank stare. Ask them what metrics we need to reach, and how much it would cost us to get there before they shut up and never bring up the subject again. No answer.

Instead, they'll bitch about fracking, which is responsible for the decrease in our carbon footprint. They'll complain how we are not doing enough or spending enough money on the environment, then run to Walmart to buy a cart full of Chinese made products.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.

Obama's dream act was a EO the supreme court orders it permanent


The Supreme Court ruled that Obama's EO was constitutional. So Obama's EO for DACA was legal and constitutional.

The Supreme Court ruled trump's EO reversing Obama's constitutional EO was unconstitutional. So what trump did was illegal and reversed.

All the next president needs to do is reverse this EO.

The only reason why trumps reversal of his EO was it was unconstitutional. Obama's wasn't.

It's not unconstitutional to stop polluting. If it was the environmental protection act would have been ruled unconstitutional in the nixon years.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that this EO by trump will be challenged and removed by the courts. We have a lot of laws and clauses in the constitution that makes the EO trump signed illegal. The environmental protection act is one. The General Welfare clause to the constitution is another.

So you can celebrate polluting our nation but it won't last long.

You're a fool if you think otherwise.
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Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.

Obama's dream act was a EO the supreme court orders it permanent


All the next president needs to do is reverse this EO.

The only reason why trumps reversal of his EO was it was unconstitutional. Obama's wasn't.

It's not unconstitutional to stop polluting. If it was the environmental protection act would have been ruled unconstitutional in the nixon years.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that this EO by trump will be challenged and removed by the courts. We have a lot of laws and clauses in the constitution that makes the EO trump signed illegal. The environmental protection act is one. The General Welfare clause to the constitution is another.

So you can celebrate polluting our nation but it won't last long.

You're a fool if you think otherwise.

Why wasn't anyone suung already?
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.

LefTard Logic:
“We hate pollution but we want as many filthy wetbacks here as possible.”
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.

Why should we Republicans care about the air or water? We breathe and drink different stuff. :auiqs.jpg:
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.

Obama's dream act was a EO the supreme court orders it permanent


The Supreme Court ruled that Obama's EO was constitutional. So Obama's EO for DACA was legal and constitutional.

The Supreme Court ruled trump's EO reversing Obama's constitutional EO was unconstitutional. So what trump did was illegal and reversed.

All the next president needs to do is reverse this EO.

The only reason why trumps reversal of his EO was it was unconstitutional. Obama's wasn't.

It's not unconstitutional to stop polluting. If it was the environmental protection act would have been ruled unconstitutional in the nixon years.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that this EO by trump will be challenged and removed by the courts. We have a lot of laws and clauses in the constitution that makes the EO trump signed illegal. The environmental protection act is one. The General Welfare clause to the constitution is another.

So you can celebrate polluting our nation but it won't last long.

You're a fool if you think otherwise.

Wait the supreme court didn't rule Trump's EO unconstitutional it rules it was to late.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Link that I am breathing polluted air. This isn’t China. Link that I am drinking polluted water. Your posts are constant lies. You’re a Chinese troll and you’re also BWK.

Dunno if you have polluted water where you live, but there are lots of places where they have had their water contaminated. One of them is Flint MI.

As far as polluted air? Los Angeles is seeing cleaner air than they ever have because of this virus and the ensuing shutdown. They are hoping it will last, but they know it won't.

The government approved the water pipes with lead in them. Not sure that’s a good example.

LA has always had smog issues. Not a useful example of why say Norman, OK needs to be saddled with the same regulations.
When the government approved the water pipes with lead in them there was no known danger from lead at all. Children's toys were painted with lead based paint.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Link that I am breathing polluted air. This isn’t China. Link that I am drinking polluted water. Your posts are constant lies. You’re a Chinese troll and you’re also BWK.

Dunno if you have polluted water where you live, but there are lots of places where they have had their water contaminated. One of them is Flint MI.

As far as polluted air? Los Angeles is seeing cleaner air than they ever have because of this virus and the ensuing shutdown. They are hoping it will last, but they know it won't.

The government approved the water pipes with lead in them. Not sure that’s a good example.

LA has always had smog issues. Not a useful example of why say Norman, OK needs to be saddled with the same regulations.
When the government approved the water pipes with lead in them there was no known danger from lead at all. Children's toys were painted with lead based paint.
But they know everything now. No worries there. The pipes are fixed now right? Or they will be, someday, just as soon as they can make the government a little larger and can round up a few hundred billion to enrich their buddies. Then it will be fixed. If we had a much bigger government at the time this probably would have never happened.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

Yeah, the skidmark is doing well in annihilating western culture.
You said it, back it up with the annihilation comment...or are you just trolling?
I have many times.

Once more:

I see, you have trolled many times, agreed. Annihilation?....only to a troll
He is a hypocrite and a troll. 100%
When have I been a hypocrite? Do I have a chain migrant wife?

When you said Kavanaugh was guilty and Biden was innocent. I do Not know or care about your personal life.
I stated that "Kavanaugh cried, you have to give it to him." The Jimmy Swaggart repentance.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?

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