Trump announces executive order aiming to make hundreds of deregulations amid coronavirus permanent

Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.
The damage it will do before it's reversed is the concern. If the skidmark REALLY wants to buy votes he'll push for the 2 grand per month for everyone, well, except me.
I remember when it was bad to rule by executive order....

I remember when opposing parties could sit down and negotiate to come to a reasonable compromise.

That started to go the way of the dodo after 9/11 when Jr. was basically putting the country into an "us vs. them" mentality. Remember when he said if you aren't with us, you're with the terrorists?

Then, after Obama got into office, the Republicans were pissed, and decided from day 1 to make sure that Obama was a one term president. And, along the way, the rhetoric became more and more inflamed, and the country started to divide itself even further.

Trump saw what was happening, and used his skills as a salesman and a demagogue to get into the WH, by using even more heated rhetoric and separating the country into what we have now.
I remember when it was bad to rule by executive order....

I remember when opposing parties could sit down and negotiate to come to a reasonable compromise.

That started to go the way of the dodo after 9/11 when Jr. was basically putting the country into an "us vs. them" mentality. Remember when he said if you aren't with us, you're with the terrorists?

Then, after Obama got into office, the Republicans were pissed, and decided from day 1 to make sure that Obama was a one term president. And, along the way, the rhetoric became more and more inflamed, and the country started to divide itself even further.

Trump saw what was happening, and used his skills as a salesman and a demagogue to get into the WH, by using even more heated rhetoric and separating the country into what we have now.
What we all saw was the Bush family and Obama's with a love fest as they sneered at Trump at his innauguration and at the royalty funerals for the sacred politicians who passed away.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.

Moron, the same "experts" who told us 2.5 million people would die from the Chinese Flu are the same morons...I mean "experts" who tell morons like you the earth is warming because of idiot.....

You are just terrified that he might actually get the economy back up and running in the next 6 would rather 36 million or more Americans live in poverty and death than let Trump get re-elected....
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Link that I am breathing polluted air. This isn’t China. Link that I am drinking polluted water. Your posts are constant lies. You’re a Chinese troll and you’re also BWK.

Dunno if you have polluted water where you live, but there are lots of places where they have had their water contaminated. One of them is Flint MI.

As far as polluted air? Los Angeles is seeing cleaner air than they ever have because of this virus and the ensuing shutdown. They are hoping it will last, but they know it won't.

Two places? Come on man.

There are lots of places here in America where the air quality is poor, or the water is not safe to drink. I know that here in Amarillo, especially during the summer when the lakes are low, you end up with white particles floating in the tap water.

All ya gotta do is use the Google thingie to find what you want to know. These are the ones I picked because they have recently been in the news, but there are others.

Tell that to someone in Africa. You have no idea how our water is high quality.

You apparently don't understand that there are unsafe levels of water contamination in many cities. And, lets not forget that water you were able to set on fire in the NE due to fracking.

The link talks about a whole bunch of places where the water isn't safe.

That water on fire wan't due to fracking you lying shitstain.... as was shown it was due to methane in the water not even close to be connected to was doing that long before fracking you lying asshat....

No. This is a well-traveled mythology, so let’s take a closer look. First, naturally occurring methane has been well documented all across the country – and for many years prior to drilling.

In Michigan, naturally occurring methane was documented in the 1960s, and in Pennsylvania in the 1980s – decades before hydraulic fracturing and shale development came to those states.

Two U.S. Geological Survey studies found lots of methane in Pennsylvania and New York water wells prior to any drilling. Another peer-reviewed study examining 1,700 Pennsylvania water wells in both natural gas-producing and non-gas producing areas determined that “methane is ubiquitous in groundwater” in the region.

There have been efforts to debunk the fracking/flaming faucet myth. The documentary “Truthland” highlights an upstate New York resident setting his water on fire – while pointing out that the state had a fracking moratorium for years. Another documentary, “FrackNation,” features three U.S. towns called “Burning Springs,” because residents can ignite their water on fire. All got their names long before “fracking” ever became a household word. One of these is in the Niagara Falls, N.Y., region, where one visitor, D.W. Clark, observed in 1845:
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Been listening to that scaremongering envirowhack boilerplate shit for at least 40 years now...Meanwhile, environmental conditions keep getting better.

Goddammit are you fucking moonabts boring.

Do you remember the Love Canal? I remember when I grew up in LA and we had smog alerts more than a dozen times in a year. We had to put our heads on our desk at school and not do anything. The teacher couldn't even teach. Now LA's air is cleaner than I ever remember. You can see the mountains on a daily basis. When I was growing up there you were lucky to see them three or four times a year. We have gotten better. We have reduced our pollution. It's just that nobody seems to remember that shit.
The authorities in Love Canal were told that toxic waste was contained where it was, and safely contained....They ignored what they were told and disturbed the area anyway.

True story.

Yep.....the left wing asshats don't want to explain that part of the story........Love Canal was a lie.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?
Who doesn't buy it themselves?
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?
That's related to pollution, how? Or are you just trying to divert and deflect?
I remember when it was bad to rule by executive order....

I remember when opposing parties could sit down and negotiate to come to a reasonable compromise.

That started to go the way of the dodo after 9/11 when Jr. was basically putting the country into an "us vs. them" mentality. Remember when he said if you aren't with us, you're with the terrorists?

Then, after Obama got into office, the Republicans were pissed, and decided from day 1 to make sure that Obama was a one term president. And, along the way, the rhetoric became more and more inflamed, and the country started to divide itself even further.

Trump saw what was happening, and used his skills as a salesman and a demagogue to get into the WH, by using even more heated rhetoric and separating the country into what we have now.

That's a very myopic view. You forget that an opposing party of a President always wants to see him only be one term. Can you name me a time when an opposing party wanted to see their opposition in for two terms?

When Bush said you are either with us or against us, he was speaking to other countries, not the Democrat party. Do you know why you couldn't buy incandescent light bulbs after DumBama got into office? That was George Bush's initiative to save energy. Do you know why diesel fuel became more expensive than gasoline? That's right, George Bush again for mandating lower sulfur diesel fuel. Do you know who was responsible for the Diesel Emission Fluid all diesel engines must have today? George Bush again. Do you know who created the largest federal entitlement program since Medicare? Yep, George Bush and Part D. Do you know who crated the tax structure so that oil companies had to invest in alternative fuel vehicles? Guess.

Seems to me GW worked on many leftist issues. So don't say it started with him. Even the Republican Congress under Hussein allowed him to increase taxes on businesses.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.
The damage it will do before it's reversed is the concern. If the skidmark REALLY wants to buy votes he'll push for the 2 grand per month for everyone, well, except me.

If you are on unemployment today, and are making 400 bucks a week on state unemployment, you are getting a thousand dollars a week when you include the 600 a week the feds (under Trump) are adding to it. Why would you need an extra 2K a month on top of that?
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?
Who doesn't buy it themselves?
That's the responsibility of the employer.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?
That's related to pollution, how? Or are you just trying to divert and deflect?
Can you spell M-A-S-K-S, dumbass.....?
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.
The damage it will do before it's reversed is the concern. If the skidmark REALLY wants to buy votes he'll push for the 2 grand per month for everyone, well, except me.

If you are on unemployment today, and are making 400 bucks a week on state unemployment, you are getting a thousand dollars a week when you include the 600 a week the feds (under Trump) are adding to it. Why would you need an extra 2K a month on top of that?
The skidmark is going to lose due to the economy. Seventy percent of the US economy is consumer spending. Social subsidies bring 1.7:1 to the economy. Do the math.
On pollution and regulations: Air and water are still much cleaner and safer today in general in the U.S. than when we were children. Why? Because there was a generation of laws and regulations passed to protect them, and because we off-shored our most polluting heavy industries. Now China (and India and Africa) have to deal with pollution. China is dealing with its pollution, but it ain’t easy. Bring back polluting heavy industry to the U.S. while ending regulations, allow for a new oligarchy of crony capitalists to capture the trillions of newly created public debt, and see what happens. It won’t be pretty.
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!

The order also relaxes compliance measures overall. Agencies will be told not to over-enforce regulations on small businesses and nonprofits that are doing the best they can.

You don't know that an executive order can be reversed at any time by any president?

You don't realize that EO will only be in effect while trump is president do you?

LOL. Wow are you stupid.
The damage it will do before it's reversed is the concern. If the skidmark REALLY wants to buy votes he'll push for the 2 grand per month for everyone, well, except me.

If you are on unemployment today, and are making 400 bucks a week on state unemployment, you are getting a thousand dollars a week when you include the 600 a week the feds (under Trump) are adding to it. Why would you need an extra 2K a month on top of that?
The skidmark is going to lose due to the economy. Seventy percent of the US economy is consumer spending. Social subsidies bring 1.7:1 to the economy. Do the math.

Only you TDS people are blaming the President for a worldwide pandemic. Most logical people are not holding him responsible for a worldwide pandemic that was unstoppable. They are going to place their vote for how well he handles the problem. IMO, he's doing pretty well right now.
I remember when it was bad to rule by executive order....

I remember when opposing parties could sit down and negotiate to come to a reasonable compromise.

That started to go the way of the dodo after 9/11 when Jr. was basically putting the country into an "us vs. them" mentality. Remember when he said if you aren't with us, you're with the terrorists?

Then, after Obama got into office, the Republicans were pissed, and decided from day 1 to make sure that Obama was a one term president. And, along the way, the rhetoric became more and more inflamed, and the country started to divide itself even further.

Trump saw what was happening, and used his skills as a salesman and a demagogue to get into the WH, by using even more heated rhetoric and separating the country into what we have now.

It started with Clarence Thomas
Go Trump the business and people's president at work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately for the people, we have to breathe the polluted air, deal with the polluted water, be exposed to dangerous chemicals, while watching the global warming prez ignore the overwhelming scientific evidence and cause catastrophic damage so he can squeeze 0.01% more GDP out of the economy.
Can you point to pollution in America being worse now than it was before Trump started reducing the regulatory burden on business, or can you only complain because you're sure it will happen?
"Regulatory burden" such as PPE for employees?
Who doesn't buy it themselves?
That's the responsibility of the employer.

They won't buy me the good stuff.

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