Trump appoints 36 year old pro-Trump pro-NRA blogger to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge

He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?
How is sotomyer fair she ADMITS she makes decisions based on her race.
Not just her race, but her social positions, rather than the Constitution.

You're both wrong. She says her experiences could and would influence her decisions , just like everyone else's. If it were only about "regurgitating the Constitution", then we could just have a computer be the Supreme Court.
If it were only about "regurgitating the Constitution", then we could just have a computer be the Supreme Court.

Or maybe they could just follow the advice of its author?

On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. —Thomas Jefferson
Which is not the role of a SC Justice. It is not to legislate from the bench.
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?
How is sotomyer fair she ADMITS she makes decisions based on her race.
Not just her race, but her social positions, rather than the Constitution.

You're both wrong. She says her experiences could and would influence her decisions , just like everyone else's. If it were only about "regurgitating the Constitution", then we could just have a computer be the Supreme Court.
So pretty much he appointed a fascist that could easily join the taliban and be accepted to the bench. Goddamn you fuckers are anti-freedom.
If it were only about "regurgitating the Constitution", then we could just have a computer be the Supreme Court.

Or maybe they could just follow the advice of its author?

On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. —Thomas Jefferson

So, I can just program that into a computer, and the computer can be the Supreme Court, right? ;)

face it... people's experiences affect their decisions. Whether that's an old white evangelical man, or Sotomayor.
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?

That makes him more qualified than any social justice warrior pretending to be a ginsburg, sotomayor, kennedy, breyer.......most of the 9th circuit and 4th circuits.......
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?

That makes him more qualified than any social justice warrior pretending to be a ginsburg, sotomayor, kennedy, breyer.......most of the 9th circuit and 4th circuits.......

Trying no cases, ever, makes him less qualified by any rational standard. Period. You've lost your damn mind.
So pretty much he appointed a fascist that could easily join the taliban and be accepted to the bench. Goddamn you fuckers are anti-freedom. are mistaking him with ginsberg, sotomayor and all of obama's appointments...this guy is fair and actually believes in the Constitution......

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