Trump appoints 36 year old pro-Trump pro-NRA blogger to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge

He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?

That makes him more qualified than any social justice warrior pretending to be a ginsburg, sotomayor, kennedy, breyer.......most of the 9th circuit and 4th circuits.......

Trying no cases, ever, makes him less qualified by any rational standard. Period. You've lost your damn mind.

Did you read the article...the left does the same thing...but no one ever comments on it....

Some conservatives discount the ABA's rating. "The ABA is a liberal interest group. They have a long history of giving lower ratings to Republican nominees," said Carrie Severino, counsel for the Judicial Crisis Network, which supports Trump's nominees. She said past liberal nominees have been rated as qualified even if they had little or no courtroom experience.
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?

That makes him more qualified than any social justice warrior pretending to be a ginsburg, sotomayor, kennedy, breyer.......most of the 9th circuit and 4th circuits.......

Trying no cases, ever, makes him less qualified by any rational standard. Period. You've lost your damn mind.

Did you read the article...the left does the same thing...but no one ever comments on it....

Some conservatives discount the ABA's rating. "The ABA is a liberal interest group. They have a long history of giving lower ratings to Republican nominees," said Carrie Severino, counsel for the Judicial Crisis Network, which supports Trump's nominees. She said past liberal nominees have been rated as qualified even if they had little or no courtroom experience.

Those words are no less windier than yours. blah blah blah.... you're quite the talker... by the way, an actual person who has never tried a case was just appointed.
Exactly the kind of person we elected President Trump to put on the Federal bench. Good going!
Just watching the libbies on here freaking out over this. Which proves without a doubt, he is the man for the job. Oh, and it's very entertaining! Anything you leftist are against, is the best thing for our great country. Trump making America great again!
Talley has more experience than posted:

Talley served for two years as the Deputy Solicitor General in the Alabama Attorney General's Office.

Trump also nominated Judge Moorer to the federal bench

Trump nominates black Alabama judge to federal bench

Out of 16, jump to attack one NOMINEE, ignore the rest. No thanks, the President nominates, does not appoint. Talley is not as inexperienced as reported.

Tired of reading the fine print is these twisted NEWS half stories? I am.
President Trump can appoint Ronald McDonald for all I care. As long as he is a strict constitutionalist.
He is a poltician, mind is made up, has -0- experience. How can he be fair on the Bench?
How is sotomyer fair she ADMITS she makes decisions based on her race.
Not just her race, but her social positions, rather than the Constitution.

You're both wrong. She says her experiences could and would influence her decisions , just like everyone else's. If it were only about "regurgitating the Constitution", then we could just have a computer be the Supreme Court.

Now that's a good idea.

We need to get emotional reactionaries out of the judicial process
This is exactly the kind of person Trump was elected to appoint to the bench.
President Trump has got three years left.
In that time Ruth will croak and Kennedy will retire.
In that time President Trump will LOAD the lower court benches with strict constitutionalists.
No matter what happens in 2020 the REPs WILL control the upper and lower courts for decades.
THIS is the #1 reason the LIBs are DESPERATE to get rid of Trump ASAP!
The LIBs are so fucking stupid they haven't realised what a President Pence would do visa vi the courts.
If he could he'd have classrooms across America studying the Bible for two hours a day.
And Betsie would see that it happened!
Face it LIBs the REPs have your tiny balls in a vice and Maxine and Schumer and Ellison et al can't do fuck all to help!
Anyone with common sense can be a judge. That means no liberals. The biggest problem our country has are shitbag liberal judges that don’t follow the law or have any common sense.
Anyone with common sense can be a judge. That means no liberals. The biggest problem our country has are shitbag liberal judges that don’t follow the law or have any common sense.

that is false. the little boy hasn't even been in a courtroom.

but it's always cute to see someone with no comprehension and who hates our country think this is ok.
Anyone with common sense can be a judge. That means no liberals. The biggest problem our country has are shitbag liberal judges that don’t follow the law or have any common sense.

that is false. the little boy hasn't even been in a courtroom.

but it's always cute to see someone with no comprehension and who hates our country think this is ok.
Sure hope you never get nominated you are constantly claiming to be a lawyer and then say the stupidest shit possible.

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