Trump Approval At An All-Time High

i wonder if they ever poll the 24 million people who have showed up at Trump Rallies
But 90% of them were protestors...


Luaghing animated .gif
i wonder what the Trump Approval is amongst the racist white deplorables. all 145 Million of them
Wow!!!! Almost half the country now approves of Trump?! Imagine the party if he gets more than half the country?!
i wonder what the Trump Approval is amongst the racist white deplorables. all 145 Million of them

By that, you mean whites, at least whites who don't vote democratic. It's hard to get good data as so much of the media is fraught with deliberate partisan bias, but I found this data over a year old which suggests that among the backbone of America, that is, older, white, more experienced people, Trump's approval is almost iconic:

Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 11.57.51 PM.png

and I suspect his approval is even higher now. One thing for certain, whatever the polling data says, it will tend to UNDERrate Trump. Where Trump is weakest is with younger, especially female college students and minorities. Clearly, the impetus behind those that dislike Trump is mainly driven by kids inexperienced in life, susceptible to the whiles of liberal, progressive pressure and propaganda.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Polls mean nothing in reality.
  2. I think I remember a poll a couple months before the election Hillary had a 90% approval rating to win the election, she couldn't lose the poll claimed.
  3. LOL!!!!!
  4. Try to remember the pollsters are rigging the polls, take it to the bank, as Pelosi once said!
  5. These are facts and could be proven but only a idiot listens to pollsters, or a genius stoking the incompetent.
And yet the Democrats have a double digit lead on the generic ballot for November.
Bullshit polls created to change the outcome of the election.

Democrats are dumber and smaller in number than they have ever been.

So Trump’s polls are totally legit, but all the others are bullshit? You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, don’t you?
The generic Ds are nothing like the warring Ds who will be seen in the primaries. Trotskyite Green vs. moderate Graham in the battle for the D nomination for governor here in FL will end up losing the general election not just at the top of the ticket because the supporters for each candidate despise the other side more than they do the Rs. The Graham supporters will vote R before they vote for Green and Green's supporters will demonstrate against Graham. So the generic vote matters not in the least.
And yet the Democrats have a double digit lead on the generic ballot for November.

"Pollsters no longer tell us what people think, they tell us what they want us to think."
Rush Limbugh
" I don't really understand scientific polling methods at all, but I know my audience doesn't either, so..."

- Rush Limbaugh's brain stem
Try looking at the polls just weeks before the election and see how different they are from the already inaccurate polls conducted on the day of the election.

Rush understands polls better than you ever will because CNN doesn’t want you to understand how polls work.
And yet the Democrats have a double digit lead on the generic ballot for November.
Bullshit polls created to change the outcome of the election.

Democrats are dumber and smaller in number than they have ever been.

So Trump’s polls are totally legit, but all the others are bullshit? You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, don’t you?
I don’t believe they are legit at all.

All that is being stated in regards to Trump’s polling is the fact that the number is consistently going up.

Most modern day politicians who start out with supposedly low approval ratings either completely fizzle out or stay static.
And yet the Democrats have a double digit lead on the generic ballot for November.
Lol. Clinton was up by 11 points and got her ass kicked. I still don't understand why you clowns took it up the ass from the DNC. Come 2020 you will do as you are told, and lose again.
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