Trump Approval At An All-Time High

Debt at all time high too.

You are right about that.
But the Trumpanzees are well trained to ignore facts.
They just drool whenever Trump opens his pie hole.

Debt at all time high too.
Tramp has already raised the national debt over $1 trillion this fiscal year in less than 10 months!!!!!

And if he runs a trillion every year he's President, he'll still be spending two trillion less than Hussein.
I didn’t hear anyone call obama a fiscal conservative. You are aware trump is doing it in a strong economy?

I don't recall anybody calling Trump a fiscal conservative either. And what does the economy have to do with spending? Very little of DumBama's spending had to do with helping the economy.

Really, no one did?
Donald Trump fiscal policy makes conservatives cheer
in 2016, into a tangle of worry and anger, came a showman who made big promises like drain the swamp, while surrounding himself with lobbyists and billionaires who run the swamp and feed off government favors.

a man always on the hunt for his next big con. Donald J Trump.

no no no. we need to build the america of our best dreams, not our worst nightmares.
And yet the Democrats have a double digit lead on the generic ballot for November.

"Pollsters no longer tell us what people think, they tell us what they want us to think."
Rush Limbugh

So does Donald Trump.

Except now he's gone all out Orwellian with this last night:
"But remember, they have the biggest, best, strongest lobbyists, and they’re doing a number. Just stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people — the fake news. "

So the only real news is Fox, according to this huge asshole you helped elect.

He wants a state-run news organization.
Guess who else has that?
HIs butt-buddy Putin.
That's where idiots LIKE YOU are taking the rest of us.

So suggesting a news channel is Orwellian? No, that's not Orwellian. Orwellian is the federal government funding PBS and NPR. Orwellian is Net Neutrality. Orwellian is the Fairness Doctrine.

NPR and PBS have never advocated or suggested that the public listen only to one person, or any single entity.
And FYI, idiot: The Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC in 1987 under Reagan.
It's how assholes like Rush Limbaugh were unleashed.
You really don't know what you're talking about here. Sad.
Trump wants to control the media.
And his sheep will do as told and tune into Fox Noise and be suspicious of any other news organization because that's what Donald told them to do.
Can they say "baaaaaaa-baaaaaa"?
Trump wants to control the media.
And his sheep will do as told and tune into Fox Noise and be suspicious of any other news organization because that's what Donald told them to do.
Can they say "baaaaaaa-baaaaaa"?

I have bad news for ya: most people that voted for Trump did that long ago.
NPR and PBS have never advocated or suggested that the public listen only to one person, or any single entity.

But they receive GOVERNMENT money and promote a leftist agenda. That's much more Orwellian than suggesting people stop listening to fake news.

And FYI, idiot: The Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC in 1987 under Reagan.

Correct idiot, and the Democrats brought it back up for discussion when GW won reelection. If left up to them, they would have re-instituted it.
Trump has always been around 60%,being the media generally lies,and then again, Maxine Waters has never passed the 00.42% Approval Mark.
But the Trumpanzees are well trained to ignore facts.
They just drool whenever Trump opens his pie hole.



Ah yes, FACTS. Well here are some FACTS:

FIRST OFF, the chart you provide is a lie. Whomever created it made it to exacerbate the data that while numerically correct, is graphically a FICTION. It reports that our debt has increased nearly THIRTY FOLD since a year ago! It does that by truncating the columns to where you only see the tops so that it looks like the debt has literally SKYROCKETED over the past year.

I took the time to redraw the data to show an ACCURATE representation.


This is our true debt. It tells you the same thing, but instead of making it look like it has erupted up like the Himalayas under Trump, it shows that over the past year, it has actually only added on around 5% (actually less).

The first thing I note is that we need to spend and invest in certain things before we begin to get the ball rolling and see a return. We are starting to see that under Trump. Obama promised that but all we ever saw under him was a stagnant and listless economy.

The other thing I wonder is WHERE WAS ALL YOUR ALARM AND CONCERN during the past eight years when Obama was piling on our debt like there was no tomorrow? I took the liberty to draw in two red lines showing roughly where our debt was when Obama took office and when he left. You ignored that (or probably justified it), yet now are alarmed at the meager difference Trump has added at the top?

Shove it!
The other thing I wonder is WHERE WAS ALL YOUR ALARM AND CONCERN during the past eight years when Obama was piling on our debt like there was no tomorrow?
That talking point never really got off the ground, as the Obama administration instituted very little new spending.
Trump approval tough to pin down as president continues to confound pollsters

President Trump hit the campaign trail Tuesday riding high with his best poll numbers since his inauguration.

Mr. Trump scored his all-time high of 45 percent approval in a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Donald Trump approval rating varies as president continues to confound pollsters

Now I know some will dispute this, but the rest of the time they are always quoting polls for everything else! Bottom Line: the more the Left bashes Trump, the better he does. The more they predict his imminent failure, the more he just keeps going on. One thing is certain: considering the circumstances and their claims, it DOES NOT BODE WELL for the Democrats, the mid-terms, and the Trump-Haters much less the 2020 election that Trump is showing anything other than "in the sewer" pollings everywhere. He already has a higher approval rating than many presidents have needed to win the nation!

The Dems better get Hillary propped up on crutches, shoot her up with a mix of Geritol, Vitamin E and amphetamines, ram a board up her ass and tell her to get back on the trail! I for one want to see her fall off a stage face first somewhere into the crowd below coughing trying to wring out one last rally cry for the doomed Left.
I love how rightards brag about a 45% approval rating. Talk about lowering the bar.

I also like how rightards cherry pick only the polls that rate him among the highest, while ignoring all the rest.
i wonder what the Trump Approval is amongst the racist white deplorables. all 145 Million of them

By that, you mean whites, at least whites who don't vote democratic. It's hard to get good data as so much of the media is fraught with deliberate partisan bias, but I found this data over a year old which suggests that among the backbone of America, that is, older, white, more experienced people, Trump's approval is almost iconic:

View attachment 206846

and I suspect his approval is even higher now. One thing for certain, whatever the polling data says, it will tend to UNDERrate Trump. Where Trump is weakest is with younger, especially female college students and minorities. Clearly, the impetus behind those that dislike Trump is mainly driven by kids inexperienced in life, susceptible to the whiles of liberal, progressive pressure and propaganda.

The less educated you are, the more likely you support trump.

”I love the poorly educated!” ~ Crazy Donald
The other thing I wonder is WHERE WAS ALL YOUR ALARM AND CONCERN during the past eight years when Obama was piling on our debt like there was no tomorrow?
That talking point never really got off the ground, as the Obama administration instituted very little new spending.

BALONEY. We only had about an 8 trillion dollar national debt when he took office and the guy spent ANOTHER 8 TRILLION! That is EIGHT THOUSAND BILLION DOLLARS of new spending. And most of it went to his buddies.
Trump approval tough to pin down as president continues to confound pollsters

President Trump hit the campaign trail Tuesday riding high with his best poll numbers since his inauguration.

Mr. Trump scored his all-time high of 45 percent approval in a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Donald Trump approval rating varies as president continues to confound pollsters

Now I know some will dispute this, but the rest of the time they are always quoting polls for everything else! Bottom Line: the more the Left bashes Trump, the better he does. The more they predict his imminent failure, the more he just keeps going on. One thing is certain: considering the circumstances and their claims, it DOES NOT BODE WELL for the Democrats, the mid-terms, and the Trump-Haters much less the 2020 election that Trump is showing anything other than "in the sewer" pollings everywhere. He already has a higher approval rating than many presidents have needed to win the nation!

The Dems better get Hillary propped up on crutches, shoot her up with a mix of Geritol, Vitamin E and amphetamines, ram a board up her ass and tell her to get back on the trail! I for one want to see her fall off a stage face first somewhere into the crowd below coughing trying to wring out one last rally cry for the doomed Left.
I love how rightards brag about a 45% approval rating. Talk about lowering the bar.

Except Obama spent 5 of his 8 years at or below that mark and was only buoyed by the fact that he didn't have a 9/11 to deal with, wasn't getting blamed for everything like GW and talked nasty about every day by an all-DNC ass-licking pro-Obama media; now Trump is charged with cleaning up his mess. Considering everything, I'd say Trump is doing great.

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