Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, study finds

There is no doubt that illegal voting favored the Beast and there is no doubt that it happened. The only question is it was enough to sway the popular vote.

The answer is no. It doesn't matter anyway.
800,000 illegal votes constitutes a severely flawed and invalid election. The only thing to do is void that one, and hold another.
"Studies" only matter to the "US" media when they agree with left wing bullshit - just ask real scientists who had their climate grants terminated for producing honest studies showing NO WARMING...
800,000 illegal votes constitutes a severely flawed and invalid election. The only thing to do is void that one, and hold another.

Hoping that a Christian prude like you wins this time, huh?
The dude only cares about his popular vote, he could care less about the US citizens getting screwed by the Russians or other means of vote tampering...and this thread is ok with that...omg
"screwed by the Russians" means the TRUTH about Demo Corruption got to the American people...

1. CNN giving debate questions to Hillary before the debate
2. major media outlets submitting "stories" to be "approved" by Hillary's campaign
3. paid Hillary thugs started fights at Trump events so the "US" media could lie and produce FAKE "news" that Trump was racist/violent etc...

Anyone whining about the Russians is whining about the TRUTH of DEM Corruption getting to the US people over the wall of FAKE NEWS from the bogus "US" media...
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

That study is bogus because it doesn't support the left

The study is bogus because it's not peer reviewed and there is no basis for the data. Unless you are there, looking at the ID's, how can you possible tell that 800,000 illegals voted, or who they voted for? You can't. And therefore the study is bogus.
‘Stop citing our work’: Virginia professor says Trump’s twisting his research on non-citizen voting
Study isn't bogus. The way Trump used it is. The person who did the study has this to say.“First of all, he’s confusing our study with another study, and then he’s flipping ours around and exaggerating the most extreme estimates from it,” Richman told The Virginian-Pilot.Trump’s order for “major investigation” into voter fraud is based on misquoted ODU research
"screwed by the Russians" means the TRUTH about Demo Corruption got to the American people...

1. CNN giving debate questions to Hillary before the debate
2. major media outlets submitting "stories" to be "approved" by Hillary's campaign
3. paid Hillary thugs started fights at Trump events so the "US" media could lie and produce FAKE "news" that Trump was racist/violent etc...

Anyone whining about the Russians is whining about the TRUTH of DEM Corruption getting to the US people over the wall of FAKE NEWS from the bogus "US" media...

CNN gave the questions to Bernie too. The two names reddacted in the leaked email, were Saunders and his campaign manager. Why would the hacker reddact the email? If this email was in facted hacked, why would it be reddacted? The truth is, it was the hackers who wanted to create the lie that only Clinton was given the question in advance, when it went to both campaigns.

The second is just false shit reported by the Kremlin.

Trump openly encouraged his supporters to punch protestors and offered to pay their legal fees if they were arrested. Trump is the incitor. Since he started slagging immigrants and Muslims, hate crimes have spiked.

You've elected an incompetent, narcissicistic clown. The world is laughing. The British reporters could barely keep straight faces talking to him at the press conference today.
Trump argument bolstered BUSTED: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, study finds, but still clearly won popular vote by at least 2 million even if that is true.

there, fixed it for you.
It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

It may not be the reported margin but who knows if the illegal votes carried some states for Hillary and made others close?

Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds

You know the author of the source is walking it back:
Author of Trump’s Favorite Voter Fraud Study Says Everyone’s Wrong
CNN gave the questions to Bernie too.


1. Bernie was not in the general debate with Trump
2. CNN was 100% for Hillary, lying about the Iowa Caucus raw vote total to help her

CNN has given their debate questions before the debate to every Dem since 1992 when Slick Willie couldn't stop giggling as the question was being asked...

You and yours thought the US people were too stupid to see through the veil of complete bullshit the Democrats put out....

Your side LOST.

A full investigation is long overdue.

The Dems cheat every election in massive numbers. Time to out the thing the Dems hate the most - the truth about the Dems....

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