Trump as an anti-conservative

The goal of the leftists and RINO-Trumpsters is to take away all the conquests of the Spring of Nations. The main goal in America is the revival of the British slavery of Americans, the state of America before the American Revolution
Okay so then no freedoms were taken.

Thanks for playing.
There is no consensus at all about trumpsters. They say that they are right they say that they were never right, they say that they are for the Taliban, they say that they are against the Taliban, they say that they are Putin's henchmen and they say that they are against Moskow, they say that they are for faggots and they say that they are against faggots, they say that they for family values and say that trump's wife is a whore who starred in lesbian porn, they say that they are for the working class and say that they suck Rothschilds, they say that they stole Reagan paraphernalia and say that they have nothing to do with Reagan, they say that they are federalists and say that they are anti-federalists, they say they are fascists and they say they are right-wing libertarians.

Everyone can be given their own personal Trump, which he wants to see. I haven't heard anyone say anything specific about Trump. Something is always attributed to him, depending on what is profitable for him to attribute. Trump is everything.
And behind this many faces of a prostitute who dresses each client in his favorite costume - a maid, a nun, a red cap and a nurse, her essence is clearly manifested - anti-Americanism, pure anti-conservatism, Eurocentrism, the destruction of American tradition. It is no coincidence that he began precisely by destroying what the right had built - integration with Latin America and containing Europe.
And David Rothschild gave him instructions on Twitter on how to properly run America.
He said something like this: you fucking idiot, we put you there so that you would sit silently in a chair. Don't say anything about the economy, because of your stupidity, the stock exchange is in a fever
Traders then had special strategies, they predicted the movements of the markets depending on what stupidity Trump would say on Twitter. They specifically followed his tweets in order to place bets.
And now the culmination: "Right" vote for same-sex marriage.
Of course the left bastards, but it wasn't so bad as long as they were opposed by the real right. The left plague is in the Trumpsters and not in the left. The left just fought the right, and the Trumpsters destroyed the right
Why did left-wing fascists of all stripes hate America so much? Because America is truly unique, it is the last bonfire of the Revolution. And now Trump has come, pissed on this fire and it is no more
And if you think that you will survive being under Europe - you are mistaken. They do not need you, they will populate the territory with their colonists, and you will be exterminated quietly, as they did with the Uighurs in China, the Khazarians in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Western Ukrainians. They will carry out a series of vaccinations, the rest will be sent to European brothels under the guise of refugees, some will be sold for organs, some will go to South America, but South America will also be fucked up without the USA.
They do not need Americans as slaves, they have obedient ones, and Americans are used to freedom, this is a problem for them.

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