Trump selects JD Vance for VP

Can you prove that?
I didn't look much into him either, but apparently he's said some bad things about Trump in the past. I am a little worried about him after the election, but Trump's VP will have no power if Trump doesn't want him to. It will be funny to watch if he debates Kamala. He'll destroy her.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Vance has said that, had he been vice president in 2020, he would have carried out Trump’s scheme for the vice president to overturn the election results. He has fundraised for January 6 rioters. He once called on the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation into a Washington Post columnist who penned a critical piece about Trump. After last week’s assassination attempt on Trump, he attempted to whitewash his radicalism by blaming the shooting on Democrats’ rhetoric about democracy without an iota of evidence.

This worldview translates into a very aggressive agenda for a second Trump presidency. In a podcast interview, Vance said that Trump should “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat” in the US government and “replace them with our people.” If the courts attempt to stop this, Vance says, Trump should simply ignore the law.

“You stand before the country, like Andrew Jackson did, and say the chief justice has made his ruling, now let him enforce it,” he declares.

Trump’s VP pick is a naked authoritarian

The thing to understand about J.D. Vance is that he doesn’t believe in democracy.

You’re not going to trip up Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) by presenting him with his past disparagements of Donald Trump. Vance has spent years reframing those comments, as when he said that Trump was “leading our political discourse to a very negative place.” His spin is that he was wrong and Trump’s presidency was great, and that was enough to get Trump to endorse him in 2022 and propel him to his current position.

Well, that and a repeated willingness to embrace Trump’s rhetoric, no matter how negative the place where Vance later ends up. As when he said during an interview Sunday that he would have done exactly what Trump wanted on Jan. 6, 2021, and blocked electors from states that voted for Joe Biden — triggering a dangerous challenge to American democracy.
What the hell are you babbling about?
Two people from the same State can't get that State's Electoral College votes. I don't understand it, but I do know it's in the Constitution.

One of them would have had to take up residency in another State. Rubio couldn't. No way. And Trump would have tremendous difficulty doing it because of the Corporations he owns.
This is somewhat true but...
Trump said, and I think he meant it, that his VP pick would have to meet his expectations to be a great President.

Because, that is a very likely scenario

Yes, I am not bummed by the pick…I just think Tulsi would have been fun.

Lets face it, it is the rare person who is voting Trump for his VP pick.

I’m a bit surprised, but not shocked. I thought he would select Nikki Haley
I have absolutely no idea why you thought he would pick her. Until just a day or two ago she wasn't even invited to the convention.
I didn't look much into him either, but apparently he's said some bad things about Trump in the past. I am a little worried about him after the election, but Trump's VP will have no power if Trump doesn't want him to. It will be funny to watch if he debates Kamala. He'll destroy her.
Politics is a contact sport. They can beat the Hell out of each other during the 'game' and be best buddies afterwards
Yes, I am not bummed by the pick…I just think Tulsi would have been fun.

Lets face it, it is the rare person who is voting Trump for his VP pick.
I like Tulsi, too. But she would have the scars of a traitor to her party. I would like to see her in the Trump Admin, though.

Some place where she could do some damage to the dimocrap scum that back-stabbed her
On the surface, I would have went with a woman or minority.
They must feel Vance will help them with the youth vote. Ohio is already pretty red, so Trump would more than likely win it anyway.

I can see the ads now, just another 'all-white male ticket'.
Many claim that Vance will help them win in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I'm not sure if he will help with that or not but I agree he might help with the younger vote. Trump and Biden are both up there in years and pretty much no one wants Harris to be president.
Absolutely. The whole election is a shit show. JD squeaked out a senate victory, primarily through funding from his Super PAC, Protect Ohio Values which was little more than a cover for a ten million dollar contribution from Peter Thiel. You think Thiel ain't going to call in that marker?

And you think Thiel "ordered" Trump to pick Vance?
Trump needed a vp who could shove it up people's asses, mostly the attack dog media. But, he will surely make mincemeat out of Harris.
I hate overconfidence

But I agree that vance will change Harris’ cackle into sobbing by the end of their debate
Many claim that Vance will help them win in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. I'm not sure if he will help with that or not but I agree he might help with the younger vote. Trump and Biden are both up there in years and pretty much no one wants Harris to be president.

That could be the strategy, we'll see, I hope it helps and not backfires.

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