Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

How many times is this asshole going to say "I feel..."? Just offer up facts you jackass, your "feelings" don't mean shit
The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching.
And the whole world's worst suspicions are confirmed. The president of the United States is a liar.
Sad day for America.

Trump said Comey told him he wasn't under investigation. What did Comey say about that. Where was the lie?

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and i still don't understand how writing something down means you wrote down the truth..

Take it up with the federal rules of evidence. Past recollection recorded is an enhancement of witness credibility, not a replacement for. The witness still need to swear under penalty of perjury that he knows the contents of the notes to have been accurate and truthful at the time he wrote them.
He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
Yes, he did, at least twice so far. It's just a google click away. Type in "Comey calls trump a liar". Lots of links.
I imaging the links are flying as each word comes from his mouth but quote where he actually says that. If you can. Unless you're a liar.

I'm pretty sure Comey is positioning himself as the Dem candidate for president next time around. What a political animal.

LOL I'd like to see this spineless worm run...he'd get the beat down he deserves
Comey is coming off as vindictive.

He said he didn't have a "clear view then". why would he have a clear view now?

The man is a clown

ANY person who puts donald trump next to james comey and sees mr comey as the one who is a clown.............. a clown themselves. this means YOU, sassafras --> :laugh2:
I know. Trump speaks like a fourth grader..
"Those were lies, plain and simple," Comey said.

The Trump administration, he said, "chose to defame me and, more importantly, the FBI by saying that the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly led, that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader."

Comey also said that while he didn’t want to express an opinion on whether Trump was seeking to obstruct the ongoing investigation into Russians meddling into the presidential election, he is “sure” the special counsel, Robert Mueller, will be examining that. And he said he is sure he was fired because of "the Russia investigation."

Comey testifies that White House lied in describing the reasons he was fired
Based on Trump's history....I can't blame him
Where are Trump's notes?

Trump just released his notes from the meeting with Comey

Where are Trump's TAPES he alluded to? Oh right the world knows the President of the United States is a pathological liar.
I want the tapes from Lynch's conversation with Billy boy. Comey testified he was pressured by Lynch in the email case.
Does anyone know if this has ever happened before? A former FBI Director has just testified under oath that the President of the United States is a LIAR and his honesty can not be trusted? What does it mean when such a high-ranking former government official such as an FBI Director calls the President a LIAR while under oath during a Senate Hearing?
What did he say, exactly?
"Those were lies, plain and simple," Comey said.

The Trump administration, he said, "chose to defame me and, more importantly, the FBI by saying that

Comey also said that while he didn’t want to express an opinion on whether Trump was seeking to obstruct the ongoing investigation into Russians meddling into the presidential election, he is “sure” the special counsel, Robert Mueller, will be examining that. And he said he is sure he was fired because of "the Russia investigation."

Comey testifies that White House lied in describing the reasons he was fired

"the organization was in disarray, that it was poorly led, that the workforce had lost confidence in its leader."

No lie there, anyone paying attention knew that
I think he made it pretty clear that he didn't trust Trump's temperament or honesty and felt he needed some CYA documents. Understandable..
and i still don't understand how writing something down means you wrote down the truth. guess people believe what they want and if these "notes" you like, they're true. if you don't, they're false. in the end, they're just notes that bear no merit as they can't be proven to be true.
Well, they're a part of testimony if relevant, and then it's up to whether the testimony is believed, like any other testimony.
It's all over deep state Mother Fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!! :banana: Fuck You Obama! :afro::ahole-1::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

Obama served 2 terms. That all you can serve. He'd be president now if there was no limit. But the reality is that Obama is not president. So then makig he exclamation fuck Obama just shows you are ignorant.

Now exactly what is all over? This thing is in its beginning.
Comey also explained why he wrote memos chronicling his private conversations with Trump: he had a "gut feeling" the president might lie about the nature of the meetings.

"I knew there might come a day when I needed a record of what happened," he said.

Asked about Trump's public statement that Comey had "better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations," the former director replied, "Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

Comey's forthright and unflinching remarks to the committee — openly acknowledging his fear of the president's mendacity — made for a dramatic morning of public testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. There have been only a few similar moments in history where a sitting president was damaged so heavily by congressional testimony from a respected public servant.
I found it interesting that the trumpettes had to put out ads today to try to discredit the Former Directer of the FBI.

Shit he discredited himself long he's just coming off as a butt hurt vindictive clown

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