Trump asked Comey for his loyalty.

He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
Yes, he did, at least twice so far. It's just a google click away. Type in "Comey calls trump a liar". Lots of links.
Comey seems like a nutcase. Might be interesting to test his note taking ability though out of curiousity!
You see the world thru biased eyes. Comey looks and acts highly professional. Anyone can tell he's as honest as one can be. How does it feel Snooter that your president is a liar?

What the hell you talking about Comey lied to Congress just a month ago about the number of emails.
Can you demonstrate this, or only Assert it?

Are you fucking stupid, or just lying?

+{Update, May 9, 2017:On Tuesday, the FBI sent a letter to Congress correcting inaccurate congressional testimony by Director James Comey, six days after he mischaracterized what the FBI discovered on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The bureau addressed the matter in a two-page letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee from its congressional liaison, explaining that it was “intended to supplement” Comey’s testimony, by providing “the full context of what was reviewed and found on the laptop.”}

James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

You're a Nazi, so I assume you are just lying.

Talk about a lying bum .

In it, the FBI acknowledged that only a “small number” of more than 49,000 “potentially relevant” emails found on Weiner’s laptop had been forwarded from Clinton deputy Huma Abedin to Weiner, her husband, not hundreds or thousands as Comey had stated. The FBI said just two of those messages contained classified information
Suggesting that the hysteria generated thereby was all in vain?

Didn't you play Useful Idiot to it?
Comey also "believed" that when Trump "hoped" for a certain outcome of an investigation, that Trump was directing him to make sure the outcome was in Trumps favor.

Good luck Dimocrats proving that "hoping" is the same as "ordering".

Comey is trying his damnedest to spin nothing into something.

Iceweasel is correct, Trump should have fired this clown on day one, he proved himself incompetent over the Clinton fiasco
{“This had not been my practice in the past,” he continued. “I spoke alone with President Obama twice in person (and never on the phone) — once in 2015 to discuss law enforcement policy issues and a second time, briefly, for him to say goodbye in late 2016. In neither of those circumstances did I memorialize the discussions. I can recall nine one-on-one conversations with President Trump in four months — three in person and six on the phone.”})

Comey didn't have to worry about being fired when he talked to Obama, in fact, Obama went out of his way to keep Comey (with full senate approval) on the job.

Comey was afraid for his job under Trump

Right, you Nazis were 100% behind him. :thup:

Jan. 13, 2017: Two months after Clinton lost to Trump, Democrats blasted Comey after a briefing on the agency’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the election.

One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”}
Comey seems like a nutcase. Might be interesting to test his note taking ability though out of curiousity!
You see the world thru biased eyes. Comey looks and acts highly professional. Anyone can tell he's as honest as one can be. How does it feel Snooter that your president is a liar?

What the hell you talking about Comey lied to Congress just a month ago about the number of emails.
Can you demonstrate this, or only Assert it?

What are you playing stupid now, it's only been a month.

James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate


If it's not about Trump, liberals don't care. Obama surveillance, leaking top secret info, back channels to Iran, no big deal. But Trumps friends cousin uses Russian dressing and they go crazy.

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That is quite alarming

ANY president that requests a meeting without whitehouse council present is whats really alarming.


Obama met with Comey sans council on many occasions.

I know, that's different.

Great point!

Comey's notes may be worthless. His alleged contemporaneous notes would have evidentiary value only if they were in fact contemporaneous. It is incumbent upon Comey to prove the notes were made when he said they were and not after he was fired. Absent proof that the notes were made prior to his firing, they prove nothing. Anyone who watched a few episodes of Judge Judy should know that.

I want to know who saw his notes and when, or in the alternative who he spoke to at that time and said the same thing as the notes depict. Without that, the notes are nothing more than a self-serving attempt to add credibility to his sworn testimony; a cheap trick by a cunning and desperate man.
Comey seems like a nutcase. Might be interesting to test his note taking ability though out of curiousity!
You see the world thru biased eyes. Comey looks and acts highly professional. Anyone can tell he's as honest as one can be. How does it feel Snooter that your president is a liar?

What the hell you talking about Comey lied to Congress just a month ago about the number of emails.
Can you demonstrate this, or only Assert it?

Are you fucking stupid, or just lying?

+{Update, May 9, 2017:On Tuesday, the FBI sent a letter to Congress correcting inaccurate congressional testimony by Director James Comey, six days after he mischaracterized what the FBI discovered on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The bureau addressed the matter in a two-page letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee from its congressional liaison, explaining that it was “intended to supplement” Comey’s testimony, by providing “the full context of what was reviewed and found on the laptop.”}

James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

You're a Nazi, so I assume you are just lying.
You are getting rather hysterical over what is unambiguously described as an "Inaccuracy".....

Comey lied to Congress, requiring the FBI to walk it back. Because you are a hack you pretended it didn't happen and wasn't front page news.
It is incumbent upon Comey to prove the notes were made when he said they were and not after he was fired. Absent proof that the notes were made prior to his firing, they prove nothing. Anyone who watched a few episodes of Judge Judy should know that..

Stop watching judge judy, and read the federal rules of evidence.
You see the world thru biased eyes. Comey looks and acts highly professional. Anyone can tell he's as honest as one can be. How does it feel Snooter that your president is a liar?

What the hell you talking about Comey lied to Congress just a month ago about the number of emails.
Can you demonstrate this, or only Assert it?

Are you fucking stupid, or just lying?

+{Update, May 9, 2017:On Tuesday, the FBI sent a letter to Congress correcting inaccurate congressional testimony by Director James Comey, six days after he mischaracterized what the FBI discovered on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The bureau addressed the matter in a two-page letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee from its congressional liaison, explaining that it was “intended to supplement” Comey’s testimony, by providing “the full context of what was reviewed and found on the laptop.”}

James Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

You're a Nazi, so I assume you are just lying.
You are getting rather hysterical over what is unambiguously described as an "Inaccuracy".....

Comey lied to Congress, requiring the FBI to walk it back. Because you are a hack you pretended it didn't happen and wasn't front page news.
If he "lied to Congress" there would be consequences....

can you list any?
I think he made it pretty clear that he didn't trust Trump's temperament or honesty and felt he needed some CYA documents.

and i still don't understand how writing something down means you wrote down the truth.

guess people believe what they want and if these "notes" you like, they're true. if you don't, they're false. in the end, they're just notes that bear no merit as they can't be proven to be true.
He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
He testified to no such thing. Now that the the long awaited Comey testimony has fallen apart the left is back to manufacturing fake news.
Yes, he did, at least twice so far. It's just a google click away. Type in "Comey calls trump a liar". Lots of links.
I imaging the links are flying as each word comes from his mouth but quote where he actually says that. If you can. Unless you're a liar.

I'm pretty sure Comey is positioning himself as the Dem candidate for president next time around. What a political animal.
No the president is not like the captain of a ship. The president is only commander and chief of the military, not civilian employees
That is the dumbest thing I've ever read. The president is the captain and commander of the ship called the United States Of America. Dummy. And in that ship are the heads of different departments. They are HIS lieutenants and he has every right on earth to ask for their loyalty if you think Obama didn't do that very same thing you are indeed the young fool you appear to be.
What a dumbfuck you are, eh? So the president is captain of the Congress then, is he? How about the captain of the Judiciary?

Moron... the captain of a ship is in charge of the entire ship.... the president of the U.S. is the captain of the Executive branch.
And the the Justice Department falls under the Executive Branch. The FBI is in the DoJ.

I don't see how asking for loyalty is even a problem.

Usually that goes without saying, but Comey was a holdover from the Obama Administration and apparently, looking at the backstabbing Comey has done, Trump's concerns proved to be justified. Comey seems to have a particular prejudice against Trump. I'd like to know why.

Of course you don't. Comey had an oath to follow the constitution not the president. Comey had shown no prejudice against Trump. There is a problem here and we are going to find out if Trump is part of it
One of them was Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Georgia, who at the time said, “My confidence in the FBI director’s ability to lead this agency has been shaken.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Los Angeles, put it more bluntly: “The FBI director has no credibility.”}

Neither were committee chairmen. So their opinions have little weight.


You Nazis all love Comey, or so you claim...

On Oct. 31, 2016, ThinkProgress justice editor Ian Millhiser wrote a post making “the case for firing James Comey”:

We also know that Comey violated longstanding Justice Department protocol when he decided to disclose the very few facts that he actually did disclose in his letter to the Republican chairs. And we know that he wrote the letter over the explicit objections of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.Taken together, these actions constitute a fireable offense.}

That is from the site that is the mouth of your Fuhrer.
Comey lied to Congress, requiring the FBI to walk it back. .

You;re right. When Comey said the Clinton investigation was back oin again 14 days before the election, it was a lie,. The laptop had no new emails, and only a few, and not the thousands of forwarded emails Comey claimed.
That is quite alarming

ANY president that requests a meeting without whitehouse council present is whats really alarming.


Obama met with Comey sans council on many occasions.

I know, that's different.

Great point!

Comey's notes may be worthless. His alleged contemporaneous notes would have evidentiary value only if they were in fact contemporaneous. It is incumbent upon Comey to prove the notes were made when he said they were and not after he was fired. Absent proof that the notes were made prior to his firing, they prove nothing. Anyone who watched a few episodes of Judge Judy should know that.

I want to know who saw his notes and when, or in the alternative who he spoke to at that time and said the same thing as the notes depict. Without that, the notes are nothing more than a self-serving attempt to add credibility to his sworn testimony; a cheap trick by a cunning and desperate man.
Except for the fact that the existence of such notes was known to a number of people at the time they were written.

Dream another dream, that dream is over.

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