Trump at rally: i told King Salman that Saudi Arabia wouldnt last 2 weeks without US support

Trump is correct. The Iranian/Russian coalition against Sunnis would overrun Saudi in a heartbeat.

And, their oil reserved are depleted, and they're desperate for solid investments for their Sovereign Funds, which leaves America as the final hope, since every other economy and currency is tanking or too corrupt to be trusted, with exceptions like Singapore too small to absorb that much of their money. they have maybe a 10 year window to be out of oil dependency.
I think he’s saying he won’t be bowing and kissing their ass like obama did.

Obama, as a Muslim, was practicing 'taqiyah', wherein Allah says it's okay for Muslims to lie when it suits them; he then turned around and gave Iran nuclear weapons and missile tech, along with some Billions of untraceable dollars to help his best friends the Mullahs out. I'm sure some of that will be kicked back, unless they just welched on the idiot.
the Saudi people like to invest in their country!

lol they have hundred of billions invested in the U.S., and a lot of it in refineries and other parts of the oil industry, along with banks and the like. Their Soveriegn Fund alone is around 700 billion, no way to invest all that in their little country, and then there is all the other prices and their private wealth, and other funds as well. U.S. companies in turn have around $210 billion + invested there, and they want more.
Does that mean he won’t do the sword dance anymore?

I think he’s saying he won’t be bowing and kissing their ass like obama did.

He does not kiss their ass, he just fondles their balls...

Trump grabs glowing Saudi orb, sparks jokes, memes

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The man's Spot On again. We've propped up that tyrannical evil regime for many years. We should be ashamed of it. It's Saudi Arabia's Wahhabi Islamic teachings that created the world's most horrific Terrorist Orgs. We should seriously reassess our close ties with such an evil nation. I've said that for years.

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