Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Asperger's Syndrome's_Syndrome

Asperger-monsters are the most self-centred, selfish pieces of shit on the planet. Devoid of empathy, social reasoning, social context, or self-awareness, they are sociopaths in another name, who live to collect and catalogue items like barcodes, bottletops, and plastic crap by any means possible including murder.
Common symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome include failing at social interaction and empathy, failing at communication, failing at getting a job, failing at life, failing at hygiene, becoming obsessed with animu or video games, and breaking out into fits of Stress™ when their strict routines are broken or when they're asked to stop being lazy, self-serving leeches living off the government and their parents, and it is almost certainly a choice.

Such losers believe that having Asperger's Syndrome excuses all forms of social retardation, attention whoring and shitty self-absorbed bullshit, while also allowing them to lay claim to its supposed symptom of "higher than average levels of intelligence".

For these reasons, Asperger's Syndrome has greatly outstripped ADHD as the chic diagnosis of choice for pretty much every group of retards on the internet. It is no wonder then that all people with Asperger's Syndrome are fugly.

Interestingly, the effects of longterm neglect in early childhood is nearly identical to Asperger's Syndrome, which itself can be fairly compared to psycopathy and sociopathy. This proves to be a good argument for drastic measures, as evidenced here. Be sure to thank the nearest Aspie for drawing Sonic the Hedgehog porn rather than killing and eating neurotypicals.

Asperger's Syndrome remains the most compelling argument for eugenics ever established
Aren't you the hero of the day. Damn!
And what makes her special? Thought everyone was the SAME-) That means they get glorification, AND they get lambasted. Or, would you rather SEGREGATE them, you racist, you-)

Q. What makes her so special

A. She's the person of the year. Feel free to attack her, if only makes you into a bully and a jerk - just like trump.

Did it ever occur to you that the real bully is the stupid little bitch herself?

At 16 years of age she has no knowledge of anything worldly or any idea how the entire planet would be fed minus the assistance of hydrocarbon combustion engines. So she sallies forth with an empty head and a big mouth to criticize the community of people charged with running countries and feeding their hungry. Did you notice that she doesn't look very hungry? But when she stands on the world stage and wags a finger at her betters
she looks very much like a bully.

Sorry she is so evil looking to you. Many kids worldwide think differently and especially about their futures. Maybe you won't be around, but they will.
I remember when Jimmy(the Peanutbrain) Carter warned all of US that oil was going to be gone in 10 years and that was 1977. Guess what? That fucker lied, and every other liberals lie all the time. We got tired of your dishonesty and tell you to pound dirt.
Boo hoo hoo
Exactly...Little girls shouldn't be playing with the big boys.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
After Obama's Nobel, these things don't mean much.We all know that for three years running, Trump has been Man of the Year.

Trump isn't much of a man. He's more pig than man.
Bwaaaaaghhhhhhhaaaaaaa…..And yet his first lady, is 1000x less piggish than the 1st tranny was in the last admin. You are just pissed that you couldnt be like her..

Next time I will not vote for Carter again.......

Is that mean .... Trump did not attacked a 16 yo girl?
No. Trump didn't attack her because he didn't attack her.

You know that is true, otherwise you'd be busy right now typing what he said over and over

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

I agree that Trump was out of line by mocking Greta.

As for Barron, he's not a public figure, like Greta, who has injected herself into public policy discussions.
Nobody attacked Barron for having an anger issue, or for anything else. It doesn't matter that he's private or public.

Yes, it does matter.

Imagine if Rush Limbaugh used the same comments that the left uses when attacking Donald Trump by using his son Barron and did this against Obama daughters?

You and the left would be screaming!

So cut the nonsense and stop being like Trump!
Thus is absurdity well-mocked. When will they dress her up like Jesus as they did Obama?
CHILDREN’S CRUSADE: Trump Jr. blasts Time for choosing Greta Thunberg as Person of the Year.

It’s Disgusting What the Climate Panic Brigade Is Doing to Greta Thunberg.

The Swedish teenager is not some science prodigy who graduated young from an Ivy League school with an advanced agree in physics or anything like that. Rather, the daughter (and granddaughter) of famous actors and opera singers suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and selective mutism. I’m no medical professional, but these things might have been brought on when (according to public sources), starting at the age of eight, Thunberg was subjected to such a barrage of climate panic that she eventually became depressed and lethargic, and also developed an eating disorder.​

Now Thunberg is paraded around the globe as the voice of sanity on climate change.​

How dare they.
The desperate far-left Progressives here know this to be the truth but continue living in their little bubble of ignorance and denial.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP
November 19, 2016
The most accurate poll that surveyed likely voters was the Investor’s Business Daily poll, a poll that has one of the finest records for calling races in recent political history. It was one of the only polls that called the race for Trump in the final days of the election, giving him 45 percent of the vote compared to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Although the end result showed that Clinton would win the race, the overall numbers are very close to the results, as long as you just count the popular vote. Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points in the poll, nearly the same number as she led Trump in the overall popular vote.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

Rasmussen Reports Calls It Right - Rasmussen Reports[emoji2400]

Election 2016: White House Watch Trends - Rasmussen Reports[emoji2400]

Aw shut up Dude.
We are not desperate. It’s the other way around posting these unknown media or bullshit polls. That makes you desperate.
The only idiots that read these links are your own groups of retards.
The desperate far-left Progressives here know this to be the truth but continue living in their little bubble of ignorance and denial.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP
November 19, 2016
The most accurate poll that surveyed likely voters was the Investor’s Business Daily poll, a poll that has one of the finest records for calling races in recent political history. It was one of the only polls that called the race for Trump in the final days of the election, giving him 45 percent of the vote compared to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Although the end result showed that Clinton would win the race, the overall numbers are very close to the results, as long as you just count the popular vote. Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points in the poll, nearly the same number as she led Trump in the overall popular vote.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

Rasmussen Reports Calls It Right - Rasmussen Reports[emoji2400]

Election 2016: White House Watch Trends - Rasmussen Reports[emoji2400]

Aw shut up Dude.
We are not desperate. It’s the other way around posting these unknown media or bullshit polls. That makes you desperate.
The only idiots that read these links are your own groups of retards.

Well, you read my links.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

As I just pointed out on the dup thread, idiot, Greta is a public figure and has CHOSEN herself as such, Barron Trump has NOT. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE, moron. And Trump didn't attack the poor Greta kid who apparently is too retarded to know the day of week yet we are supposed to take her opinion on anything seriously, he is attacking the idea of Time making her "person of the year." Ever notice how all these institutions award "recognitions" only to far left leaning people? She is just one more leftard ploy to exploit children to advance their agendas. Makes about as much sense as giving Obumma a Nobel Peace Prize for being Black--- --- a guy who two years later massacred a million people. :21: Some "peace."

How pissed off were you when Chelsea Clinton was mocked by Limbaugh?

When was that? Got a link? What was said? Was she 10 years old? Isn't she running a business planning to run for office?
I'm still waiting to see how Trump attacked the little wench.

So far (not coincidentally) Nobody has posted a Trump attack on Greta.
There WAS no attack on her by our president. The liberal lunatics on here LOVE to make crap up in their feeble efforts to make Trump look bad. They fail EVERY time.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

I agree that Trump was out of line by mocking Greta.

As for Barron, he's not a public figure, like Greta, who has injected herself into public policy discussions.

No, if a 16 year old starts to fear monger and tell me how to live... it is time to bring in the guns. She deserves all the mockery that we can get. The left has chosen the retard as a leading figure, so let's act accordingly.

In fact, I propose we dedicate this thread to the mockery of this retarded individual. I will start with a good question.


I think that's over the line. She's 16, were supposed to be adults. We are supposed to be able to discern things a bit different when it comes to children, and to be able to understand, and be bigger people.

She made a speech, she may have even ridiculed people for their lifestyles and contributing to global warming, but you can choose to ignore her and look the other way, and she cannot tell you how to live your life.

Let's be reasonable here...
She said NEVER FORGET :imsorry3:
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

I agree that Trump was out of line by mocking Greta.

As for Barron, he's not a public figure, like Greta, who has injected herself into public policy discussions.

No, if a 16 year old starts to fear monger and tell me how to live... it is time to bring in the guns. She deserves all the mockery that we can get. The left has chosen the retard as a leading figure, so let's act accordingly.

In fact, I propose we dedicate this thread to the mockery of this retarded individual. I will start with a good question.


I think that's over the line. She's 16, were supposed to be adults. We are supposed to be able to discern things a bit different when it comes to children, and to be able to understand, and be bigger people.

She made a speech, she may have even ridiculed people for their lifestyles and contributing to global warming, but you can choose to ignore her and look the other way, and she cannot tell you how to live your life.

Let's be reasonable here...
She said NEVER FORGET :imsorry3:

If the leftists do not want to be adults do not blame me. I am going to engage them at the level they choose to be - if it's at the level of retarded children then that's where. And obviously they will get their retard asses kicked as if it was an UK election.

Will Greta help Trump make the right decision when it comes to immigration?

Why on earth did she become Time's person of the year? i'm sure there are plenty of young entrepreneurs which they could of chosen? So-called "activists" are dime a dozen.

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