Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

That young woman said: "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction".

Lol, she is a loony.

Loony huh!

If we don’t do anything what made you think we are better than any body? People are dying.

Pollution kills 1.8 million Chinese, study says

Contaminated air and water killed more than nine million people globally in 2015, mostly in poor countries, report says

Then why doesn't she go and protest in China? huh??? why????

I can tell you why....because she is a little greedy globalist dominated hypocrite

Greed is bad?
Your post in response to Charwin....

"Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today."
Post 156 by the way.

My post in response to your assessment of Charmins post.
Post 157.

"Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment."

Not sure where the confusion is.
You're not sure of anything, dumbass.

I was agreeing with you ya fucken idiot!!!!

Thank You!
I'm sure it was just a miscommunication.
That young woman said: "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction".

Lol, she is a loony.

Loony huh!

If we don’t do anything what made you think we are better than any body? People are dying.

Pollution kills 1.8 million Chinese, study says

Contaminated air and water killed more than nine million people globally in 2015, mostly in poor countries, report says

Then why doesn't she go and protest in China? huh??? why????

I can tell you why....because she is a little greedy globalist dominated hypocrite

Greed is bad?

She should go and protest in China!!!

She is a hypocrite.
I don't give a SHIT about what happens in Paris. I live in America, and it's a damn sight better place to live than the MUSLIM INVADED TOILET PARIS.

What made you think is going to happen in Paris?
What is America got anything to do with Paris? I know Muslims here and I can assure you that they are heavily informed than ignorant like you.
I think your google translate isn't working very well. I don't get what you're even talking about.

But I have an idea... why don't you go walk down one of your NO GO ZONES in Paris that are full of muslims... say you're a Christian... see if you don't get your ASS KICKED, if not KILLED.

You brain washed, ultra politically correct moron.

Why don’t you google Paris Accord and climate change? Before making any comments.....

If I walk in Chicago ghetto areas at night will I make it the next day?
Why? Because I don't give a FUCK about it... that's why.

You talk about Paris muslim area but you have Chicago ghetto as one of the most dangerous place in America.

You don’t know what you are talking about?
You don’t even understand what you are saying.
Why even bother to post?

I’m even scared to talk to you about photosynthesis. I’m sure that is very tough for you to understand.
Yeah... I can see you're scared... I would be too if I had to live a shit hole like Paris.


Get a clue. You people in Europe gave up your guns, then you gave up your free speech, then you gave your freedom of thought. You have NO room to preach to ANYONE else on earth about not knowing what they're talking about. You people are CONTROLLED PAWNS.
Your post in response to Charwin....

"Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today."
Post 156 by the way.

My post in response to your assessment of Charmins post.
Post 157.

"Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment."

Not sure where the confusion is.
You're not sure of anything, dumbass.

I was agreeing with you ya fucken idiot!!!!
Sorry brother... my mistake.
Your post in response to Charwin....

"Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today."
Post 156 by the way.

My post in response to your assessment of Charmins post.
Post 157.

"Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment."

Not sure where the confusion is.
You're not sure of anything, dumbass.

I was agreeing with you ya fucken idiot!!!!
Sorry brother... my mistake.

No happens.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

As I just pointed out on the dup thread, idiot, Greta is a public figure and has CHOSEN herself as such, Barron Trump has NOT. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE, moron. And Trump didn't attack the poor Greta kid who apparently is too retarded to know the day of week yet we are supposed to take her opinion on anything seriously, he is attacking the idea of Time making her "person of the year." Ever notice how all these institutions award "recognitions" only to far left leaning people? She is just one more leftard ploy to exploit children to advance their agendas. Makes about as much sense as giving Obumma a Nobel Peace Prize for being Black--- --- a guy who two years later massacred a million people. :21: Some "peace."

How pissed off were you when Chelsea Clinton was mocked by Limbaugh?
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

And what makes her special? Thought everyone was the SAME-) That means they get glorification, AND they get lambasted. Or, would you rather SEGREGATE them, you racist, you-)

Q. What makes her so special

A. She's the person of the year. Feel free to attack her, if only makes you into a bully and a jerk - just like trump.

Did it ever occur to you that the real bully is the stupid little bitch herself?

At 16 years of age she has no knowledge of anything worldly or any idea how the entire planet would be fed minus the assistance of hydrocarbon combustion engines. So she sallies forth with an empty head and a big mouth to criticize the community of people charged with running countries and feeding their hungry. Did you notice that she doesn't look very hungry? But when she stands on the world stage and wags a finger at her betters
she looks very much like a bully.

Can angry lefties understand the difference between attacking the son of the President of the United States and criticism of an unbalanced foreign teenager whom Time has turned into a pop-celebrity?
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Fake news. Is your paradise still burning?

Prove it...... why you think it’s fake news?
You faggots don't accept proof and you never do.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Fake news. Is your paradise still burning?

Prove it...... why you think it’s fake news?
You faggots don't accept proof and you never do.

Ya gotta love this doozy.....

" the whole world belongs to Paris" :auiqs.jpg:

Those cheese eating surrender monkeys dont hold shit in the real world.

As they say...the trees along the Champs Elysées were there so the Germans could march in the shade.
Huh, I thought there was something wrong with her. Didn't know what. Not too many females are on the syndrome, so I wonder if that's really it.

I expect she is being manipulated by her family to do all this, for the attention and money, like child actors and actresses are. There is no way she could have a sensible opinion of her own at that age, or be allowed to roam the world if her family weren't pushing. I think it's sad and don't follow the story.
The desperate far-left Progressives here know this to be the truth but continue living in their little bubble of ignorance and denial.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP
November 19, 2016
The most accurate poll that surveyed likely voters was the Investor’s Business Daily poll, a poll that has one of the finest records for calling races in recent political history. It was one of the only polls that called the race for Trump in the final days of the election, giving him 45 percent of the vote compared to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

The second most accurate poll according to the report was the national Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Although the end result showed that Clinton would win the race, the overall numbers are very close to the results, as long as you just count the popular vote. Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points in the poll, nearly the same number as she led Trump in the overall popular vote.

These Pollsters Got The Election Right, According To RCP

Rasmussen Reports Calls It Right - Rasmussen Reports®

Election 2016: White House Watch Trends - Rasmussen Reports®
"So ridiculous," Trump said on Twitter. "Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!"

That's not an attack, snowflakes.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
The brain dead , idiot, who spews such lies, like man made global warming, should be given the what for, telling US who have been around a lot longer than she has, what her idiotic communist opinions are. I have seen mini ice age, heat so hot that tires melted to the asphalt, both occurring in the 1970s'. If she doesnt want to be attacked for being a left winger, then she needs to shut her trap and stay in a Catholic school, and learn what is really going on.
"So ridiculous," Trump said on Twitter. "Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!"

That's not an attack, snowflakes.

It's a shame liberals are willing to take advantage of a mentally ill child for their political agenda.
Note to OP:

It was obvious you were lying when you didn't show what he actually said.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

And what makes her special? Thought everyone was the SAME-) That means they get glorification, AND they get lambasted. Or, would you rather SEGREGATE them, you racist, you-)

Q. What makes her so special

A. She's the person of the year. Feel free to attack her, if only makes you into a bully and a jerk - just like trump.

Did it ever occur to you that the real bully is the stupid little bitch herself?

At 16 years of age she has no knowledge of anything worldly or any idea how the entire planet would be fed minus the assistance of hydrocarbon combustion engines. So she sallies forth with an empty head and a big mouth to criticize the community of people charged with running countries and feeding their hungry. Did you notice that she doesn't look very hungry? But when she stands on the world stage and wags a finger at her betters
she looks very much like a bully.

Sorry she is so evil looking to you. Many kids worldwide think differently and especially about their futures. Maybe you won't be around, but they will.
That young woman said: "we are in the beginning of a mass extinction".

Lol, she is a loony.

Loony huh!

If we don’t do anything what made you think we are better than any body? People are dying.

Pollution kills 1.8 million Chinese, study says

Contaminated air and water killed more than nine million people globally in 2015, mostly in poor countries, report says

Then why doesn't she go and protest in China? huh??? why????

I can tell you why....because she is a little greedy globalist dominated hypocrite

She spoke at UN. Where the leaders of the world was present except our moron. Dumb shit.

How can she be greedy or hypocrite? Are you talking about POTUS?

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