Trump attacks another US corporartion

Are you kidding, most of his statist followers are calling for the Govt to interfere with Google and FB.

There is no problem these people do not think the government is the solution to.

There is a thread about this very topic on the front page of this forum

I can't keep it all straight anymore, the left used to be pro government and government solutions and the right was anti-government pro-business, now it is the left is pro-business and anti-government and the right is now pro-government and anti-business?

I think business is a better answer than the greedy government. Trump is off base with this.
Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

Trump needs to grow a spine. Whine whine whine.

Dem's need to win an election. Lose lose lose.

Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

Trump needs to grow a spine. Whine whine whine.
and whining about whiners is so much better.
It is no secret - revealed years ago - that companies / people who PAY Google have their companies / their web sites come up in the top few searches in their searched categories.

Google is a business, just like CNN. CNN is biased...they are biased as hell. Anyone who says they aren't is a huge freakin' liar. (Don't get defensive - CNN is Pro-Liberal just like Breitbart is Pro-Conservative) They push a narrative, an agenda.....

Google also has their own ideology and pushes a narrative and ideology, just as CNN does and just as Twitter does...and has admitted to.

Is it 'fair'? Maybe not.

Is it LIFE? Yeah, deal with it.

When and only when there is a monopoly, when there is no one /nothing else to turn to, when one ideology controls the access to information is when the govt should step in. As far as I know there are other search engines and sources out there....
For years Google has been abusing its position and has come under heavy criticism both at home and abroad. Here are just a few examples of Google's monopolistic abuse:

"Jon von Tetzchner claims that Google has grown into a monopoly that’s making life hell for his development team by using “anti-competitive practices” and making “unreasonable demands” for inclusion in its ad network."

Google hit the headlines last year when the European Commission fined the tech giant €2.42 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules
How Google is eroding consumers’ freedom to choose

The European Commission ordered Google to pay a $5 billion antitrust fine for exploiting its dominant market position in search engines, mobile operating systems and app stores for Android.
EU fines Google a record $5 billion for Android antitrust violations - Ghostery

A “60 Minutes” segment devoted to assertions that Alphabet Inc.’s Google wields a destructive monopoly in online search hammered home the notion of the company’s dominance during a time of heightened public concern with technology giants, while not surfacing new allegations.
'60 Minutes' examines Google's 'illegal' search-engine dominance

Google has a long track record of running roughshod over competition, manipulating products and search results to boost its own bottom line, and strip-mining the creative economy by shortchanging artists like us while earning billions off our music and illegal uploads.”
Google 'abuses' highlighted in the wake of record anti-trust fine

Fking Google is a monopoly and people everywhere want their abusive tactics to stop.


Waaaaa....big government come and save us!!

Sent from my iPhone using

No dipshit the title of this thread is "Trump attacks another US corporation", which is followed posts and claims that Trump is a loon for doing so. I pointed out that the criticism isn't new with US companies like Apple doing the same thing and similar attacks against Google being launched abroad. Too complicated for you?

Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

Trump needs to grow a spine. Whine whine whine.
and whining about whiners is so much better.
I don't know if I should be 'flattered' yet or not that someone decided to start-up a new ID on 'Wednesday' inspired be me.... :p lol

Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

I remember when Trump said that there was more than one group to blame for the violence in Charlottesville....and the liberals and snowflakes attacked him.....until the leader of Antifa admitted they showed up intent on instigating violence and that they had started it....

(That's about the time they were proven to have taken money from Russia to spread racial division and violence...)

Then Trump began pointing out that liberal socialists have begun using social media to censor, shadow-ban, and even silence opposing voices, messages, and ideology...and liberals and snowflakes began to bash Trump again....only to have it proven that he was right...again.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Twitter Employees Admit To Censoring Conservatives, Banning Them For Political Reasons

‘Twitter purge’ of conservative accounts prompts backlash, lawsuits

...and now snowfllakes are trying to deny the obvious...again....

James O'Keefe??? The guy has been proven over and over again to be a fraud!
Nice try Sparky. Actually, I'm kidding. Your effort, was a poor attempt.
Oh,and by the way,,"snowflake" is so yesterday. You must be one of the very last people in the world, who are still using "snowflake" as part of your daily dialog. Of course, that's what you are,,"so yesterday."
Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

Trump needs to grow a spine. Whine whine whine.
What do you idiots do 24/7?



  • upload_2018-8-28_13-41-4.png
    1.8 KB · Views: 14
Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.
Google is not American
Poor Trump. His incredibly fragile ego searched for stories about himself on the internet. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And he didn't like what he found. "They are telling the truth about me! WE MUST STOP THIS!!!"
For years Google has been abusing its position and has come under heavy criticism both at home and abroad. Here are just a few examples of Google's monopolistic abuse:

"Jon von Tetzchner claims that Google has grown into a monopoly that’s making life hell for his development team by using “anti-competitive practices” and making “unreasonable demands” for inclusion in its ad network."

Google hit the headlines last year when the European Commission fined the tech giant €2.42 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules
How Google is eroding consumers’ freedom to choose

The European Commission ordered Google to pay a $5 billion antitrust fine for exploiting its dominant market position in search engines, mobile operating systems and app stores for Android.
EU fines Google a record $5 billion for Android antitrust violations - Ghostery

A “60 Minutes” segment devoted to assertions that Alphabet Inc.’s Google wields a destructive monopoly in online search hammered home the notion of the company’s dominance during a time of heightened public concern with technology giants, while not surfacing new allegations.
'60 Minutes' examines Google's 'illegal' search-engine dominance

Google has a long track record of running roughshod over competition, manipulating products and search results to boost its own bottom line, and strip-mining the creative economy by shortchanging artists like us while earning billions off our music and illegal uploads.”
Google 'abuses' highlighted in the wake of record anti-trust fine

Fking Google is a monopoly and people everywhere want their abusive tactics to stop.


Waaaaa....big government come and save us!!

Sent from my iPhone using

No dipshit the title of this thread is "Trump attacks another US corporation", which is followed posts and claims that Trump is a loon for doing so. I pointed out that the criticism isn't new with US companies like Apple doing the same thing and similar attacks against Google being launched abroad. Too complicated for you?

And the thread premise is Trump lying yet again.
Poor Traitor Trump. His widdle feewings are hurt that the stories which gobble his tiny cock kiss his tiny hands aren't rising to the top. And now he wants Big Government to do something about it.
Are you kidding, most of his statist followers are calling for the Govt to interfere with Google and FB.

There is no problem these people do not think the government is the solution to.

There is a thread about this very topic on the front page of this forum

I can't keep it all straight anymore, the left used to be pro government and government solutions and the right was anti-government pro-business, now it is the left is pro-business and anti-government and the right is now pro-government and anti-business?

I think business is a better answer than the greedy government. Trump is off base with this.

Just this?
For years Google has been abusing its position and has come under heavy criticism both at home and abroad. Here are just a few examples of Google's monopolistic abuse:

"Jon von Tetzchner claims that Google has grown into a monopoly that’s making life hell for his development team by using “anti-competitive practices” and making “unreasonable demands” for inclusion in its ad network."

Google hit the headlines last year when the European Commission fined the tech giant €2.42 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules
How Google is eroding consumers’ freedom to choose

The European Commission ordered Google to pay a $5 billion antitrust fine for exploiting its dominant market position in search engines, mobile operating systems and app stores for Android.
EU fines Google a record $5 billion for Android antitrust violations - Ghostery

A “60 Minutes” segment devoted to assertions that Alphabet Inc.’s Google wields a destructive monopoly in online search hammered home the notion of the company’s dominance during a time of heightened public concern with technology giants, while not surfacing new allegations.
'60 Minutes' examines Google's 'illegal' search-engine dominance

Google has a long track record of running roughshod over competition, manipulating products and search results to boost its own bottom line, and strip-mining the creative economy by shortchanging artists like us while earning billions off our music and illegal uploads.”
Google 'abuses' highlighted in the wake of record anti-trust fine

Fking Google is a monopoly and people everywhere want their abusive tactics to stop.


Waaaaa....big government come and save us!!

Sent from my iPhone using

No dipshit the title of this thread is "Trump attacks another US corporation", which is followed posts and claims that Trump is a loon for doing so. I pointed out that the criticism isn't new with US companies like Apple doing the same thing and similar attacks against Google being launched abroad. Too complicated for you?

And the thread premise is Trump lying yet again.

Trump criticized Google as others have but Trump is lying? You are just too fking funny.

Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

I typed "Inouye half mast" to spot check and this is what I got, a whole page of anti Trump trash for a search on a senator's death during the Obama Presidency.

inouye half mast - Google Search

I typed the same thing in another engine and got this

inouye half mast at DuckDuckGo
Trump lied & said Google cheats on their search engine.

When will something be done about the President using his office to manipulate the market? Trying to harm US corporations has been a favorite of Trump.

It's not google's fault that searches for "orange moron" brings up Trump posts.

I typed "Inouye half mast" to spot check and this is what I got, a whole page of anti Trump trash for a search on a senator's death during the Obama Presidency.

inouye half mast - Google Search

I typed the same thing in another engine and got this

inouye half mast at DuckDuckGo
That's because Trump not lowering the flag to half mast for McCain was compared to how long the flag was lowered to half mast the last time a Senator died (Inouye), you fucking retard.

Trump disrespected McCain and deserves to be called out for it.

When you act like a dick, and get called out for being a dick, and then complain for being called out for being a dick, then you are a double dick.

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