Trump attacks CNN reporter over his false voter fraud claims

Trump makes a totally false claim and then demands evidence his bullshit isn't true.


Our country just elected someone even dumber than George W. Bush. :lol:
Trump has more evidence that CA is letting illegals vote than Jill Stein has. She claims that evil Russian hackers changed the outcome in 3 states.

When it comes to Trump's claim, the evidence is on the registration form and the illegal practices of sanctuary cities. All an illegal has to do is submit a form and check yes on a block attesting to being a citizen. If sanctuary cities are supplying social security numbers or if Hillary campaign is tapped in on stolen social security numbers supplied to them by the Obama Administration, or if election officials fail to reject any registrations because they don't mind breaking the law, millions of illegals can vote.

Fyi, every single federal government employee's personal information was hacked last year, so that information is out there. Some illegal could have used my SSN to fill out a registration. Don't give me that shit that it's not happening because somebody already tried stealing my refund the last time I filed.
Good on Trump. To hell with the Communist/Clinton News Network. Most are over their fake news. I hope Trump keeps on rippin em.

He might start shutting down news outlets he doesn't like. You would be okay with that, wouldn't you?

Nah, he won't be like your Dear Leader Hussein. He isn't afraid to take on fake news outlets like CNN. He doesn't have to shut anything down.
Paul, have you any reputable support for these "millions" of illegal votes or are you just spewing your usual shit of Trump?

If our Government actually enforced voting laws, there would be plenty of evidence supporting the claim. Illegal Voters would be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. But we know local and federal Government will not track those people down.

Our Government either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's both. I have no doubt millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But it will never be proven. Our Government will not hold them accountable. It is what it is.
Good on Trump. To hell with the Communist/Clinton News Network. Most are over their fake news. I hope Trump keeps on rippin em.

He might start shutting down news outlets he doesn't like. You would be okay with that, wouldn't you?

Nah, he won't be like your Dear Leader Hussein. He isn't afraid to take on fake news outlets like CNN. He doesn't have to shut anything down.
Paul, have you any reputable support for these "millions" of illegal votes or are you just spewing your usual shit of Trump?

If our Government actually enforced voting laws, there would be plenty of evidence supporting the claim. Illegal Voters would be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. But we know local and federal Government will not track those people down.

Our Government either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's both. I have no doubt millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But it will never be proven. Our Government will not hold them accountable. It is what it is.
So you have nothing beyond your usual mouth shitting for Trump. Thank you, asshole.
Good on Trump. To hell with the Communist/Clinton News Network. Most are over their fake news. I hope Trump keeps on rippin em.

He might start shutting down news outlets he doesn't like. You would be okay with that, wouldn't you?

Nah, he won't be like your Dear Leader Hussein. He isn't afraid to take on fake news outlets like CNN. He doesn't have to shut anything down.
Paul, have you any reputable support for these "millions" of illegal votes or are you just spewing your usual shit of Trump?

If our Government actually enforced voting laws, there would be plenty of evidence supporting the claim. Illegal Voters would be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. But we know local and federal Government will not track those people down.

Our Government either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's both. I have no doubt millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But it will never be proven. Our Government will not hold them accountable. It is what it is.
So you have nothing beyond your usual mouth shitting for Trump. Thank you, asshole.

Let me know when our Government actually begins enforcing voting laws. Let me know when the thousands of arrests and prosecutions begin.

It ain't gonna happen, kid. That's why Obama told Illegals to get out and vote. He assured them there would be no 'repercussions.' And he was absolutely correct. Our Government will never enforce voter laws on a mass scale. Period, end of story.
Question: I'm not sure how the process works, does the Supreme Court have to approve the Electoral College's vote? If it has no role, can it stop him from becoming president in some other way?

Read it.

Why you want to subvert the process?
There is a president-elect who wants to subvert democracy, I wanted to ask if there is any kind of safeguard.
And I said- it behooves you to know civics in addition to you wanting to subvert the process, which you had no problem with until your candidate lost :eusa_think:

You must not know much about the way the gov't is devised by the Framers kid. Google- checks and balances. Many, MANY Repubs are status quo/on-the-take so they're not going to rubber stamp everything Trump puts out

You're welcome
O.k., I got it, the results are sent to Congress and the results are announced, and that's it.

That still doesn't answer my second question.

That is the theory behind the EC. But that was proven not to be the case when an inexperienced, rabble rousing, Alinsky-ite Socialist named Barry O'Bama was elected
Good on Trump. To hell with the Communist/Clinton News Network. Most are over their fake news. I hope Trump keeps on rippin em.

He might start shutting down news outlets he doesn't like. You would be okay with that, wouldn't you?

Nah, he won't be like your Dear Leader Hussein. He isn't afraid to take on fake news outlets like CNN. He doesn't have to shut anything down.
Paul, have you any reputable support for these "millions" of illegal votes or are you just spewing your usual shit of Trump?

If our Government actually enforced voting laws, there would be plenty of evidence supporting the claim. Illegal Voters would be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. But we know local and federal Government will not track those people down.

Our Government either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's both. I have no doubt millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But it will never be proven. Our Government will not hold them accountable. It is what it is.
So you have nothing beyond your usual mouth shitting for Trump. Thank you, asshole.
Hasn't been a great month for libs.
When you point a finger at us rubes you have 3 pointing back at yourself.
Good on Trump. To hell with the Communist/Clinton News Network. Most are over their fake news. I hope Trump keeps on rippin em.

He might start shutting down news outlets he doesn't like. You would be okay with that, wouldn't you?

Nah, he won't be like your Dear Leader Hussein. He isn't afraid to take on fake news outlets like CNN. He doesn't have to shut anything down.
Paul, have you any reputable support for these "millions" of illegal votes or are you just spewing your usual shit of Trump?

If our Government actually enforced voting laws, there would be plenty of evidence supporting the claim. Illegal Voters would be tracked down, arrested, and prosecuted. But we know local and federal Government will not track those people down.

Our Government either doesn't have the will, or doesn't have the resources. I'm guessing it's both. I have no doubt millions of Illegals and Felons voted in this recent Election. But it will never be proven. Our Government will not hold them accountable. It is what it is.
So you have nothing beyond your usual mouth shitting for Trump. Thank you, asshole.
well sure, implement voter id initiatives and let's find out.
I do agree with His Holiness Trump on one issue. Due to demographic changes, he may be the last Repub president for generations. Between demographic changes and what he is about to do to this country, the GOP will be voted out of power very soon.
You are going to kill yourself when he easily wins again, aren't you?
That is the theory behind the EC. But that was proven not to be the case when an inexperienced, rabble rousing, Alinsky-ite Socialist named Barry O'Bama was elected
oh great. Another Hannity- talking- point watching, n00b :eusa_doh: :anj_stfu:
I do agree with His Holiness Trump on one issue. Due to demographic changes, he may be the last Repub president for generations. Between demographic changes and what he is about to do to this country, the GOP will be voted out of power very soon.
You are going to kill yourself when he easily wins again, aren't you?

If Putin lets him run again. Putee might hack Donald unless he allows Russia to recapture east Europe.
You are trying to define fake news to fit your agenda. Fake news does not refer to spin, exaggeration, commentaries and stories with embellishments. Fake news is exactly what it says, fake. It is stories completely made up with no evidence or backup data. Completely false and stories that are simply made up.
The story about three million illegal voters casting votes in support of Clinton was totally made up nonsense by INFO Wars Alex Jones. Not a shred of evidence to back up the lie. That is what makes it fake news and a total lie. It is a news report made up by someone and published as a real news story when it is nothing more than a made up fake news story.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
You continue to misrepresent the meaning of fake news like a zombie bot. You are a cult follower, plain and simple. You are what the dumbed down public looks like.
HIs Holiness Trump needs to go read the First Amendment and also read the USSC opinions on burning the flag.hlic

When he starts shutting down news outlets that publish unflattering news about him, then MAYBE you cultist will listen to reason.

W was a recovering alcoholic. Now we have a 12 year old in the body of a 70 year old. It will be interesting to see just how many things his impulsiveness screws up.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News

Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
You continue to misrepresent the meaning of fake news like a zombie bot. You are a cult follower, plain and simple. You are what the dumbed down public looks like.
Projection.....BIG TIME. Nothing but your opinion without any proof to substantiate it. Prove it or STFU.

Unlike you, I have an open mind. Yours is based off of rubbish the corrupt media claims is objective reporting which they haven't done much of for the last 20 friggen years.
Mainstream Media....CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News
You are trying to define fake news to fit your agenda. Fake news does not refer to spin, exaggeration, commentaries and stories with embellishments. Fake news is exactly what it says, fake. It is stories completely made up with no evidence or backup data. Completely false and stories that are simply made up.
The story about three million illegal voters casting votes in support of Clinton was totally made up nonsense by INFO Wars Alex Jones. Not a shred of evidence to back up the lie. That is what makes it fake news and a total lie. It is a news report made up by someone and published as a real news story when it is nothing more than a made up fake news story.
CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, The View, SNL, The Daily Show = Fake News


So, you have a 9+:1 ratio and complain about FOX? FOX has a higher percentage of Liberals employed there, as contributors, and as guests in a panel at any given time than any of the others.

"In addition to (Greta) Van Susteren and (Sheppad) Smith, Fox News also has a stable of liberal contributors that they frequently call on to provide the type of balance that is missing from its competitors." - Don Irvine on September 30, 2015

And after viewing many of the others it has become apparent to me that FOX attempts to give enough information from both side of the isle to let me decide what to think, unlike MSNBC that tries to tell me what to think. I do try to watch the others, but I can only tolerate their left wing fawning and slobbering for a short time. The one I can take the longest is CNN, but even then, they lean a pretty far Left in "commentary" pieces.
HIs Holiness Trump needs to go read the First Amendment and also read the USSC opinions on burning the flag.hlic

When he starts shutting down news outlets that publish unflattering news about him, then MAYBE you cultist will listen to reason.

W was a recovering alcoholic. Now we have a 12 year old in the body of a 70 year old. It will be interesting to see just how many things his impulsiveness screws up.
Now Hillary is the alcoholic......
Fox is almost as guilty as CNN. However, I think we're talking about levels of dishonest reporting as opposed to the misreporting or outright censorship of news.
Yeah, they're completely dishonest, because they double-check stories. Shame on them, only official state propaganda should be allowed!
In an effort to get the scoop Fox often misreports then issues a retraction or update.

Many of the MSM sources simply censor news they don't like. Now they call alternative stories they don't like "Fake News" hopes that people won't pay attention.
You continue to misrepresent the meaning of fake news like a zombie bot. You are a cult follower, plain and simple. You are what the dumbed down public looks like.
Projection.....BIG TIME. Nothing but your opinion without any proof to substantiate it. Prove it or STFU.

Unlike you, I have an open mind. Yours is based off of rubbish the corrupt media claims is objective reporting which they haven't done much of for the last 20 friggen years.
I am not defending the media. I am criticizing you for not being able or willing to use defined words and terms the way they are supposed to be used. The right wing has a habit of making up their own definitions and or changing definitions to fit their agenda. That is what you are doing. It allows you to change the narrative and focus of an issue. There is not a shred of evidence to indicate the massive voter fraud of three million illegal votes made by Trump. It is a fake story with no foundation or merit put out by Alex Jones. Jones is well known for publishing lies and fake news.
HIs Holiness Trump needs to go read the First Amendment and also read the USSC opinions on burning the flag.hlic

When he starts shutting down news outlets that publish unflattering news about him, then MAYBE you cultist will listen to reason.

W was a recovering alcoholic. Now we have a 12 year old in the body of a 70 year old. It will be interesting to see just how many things his impulsiveness screws up.
The flag that was burned on Veteran's day was on a pole on school property, that is illegal.

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