Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

Coyote Khan is a hard line sharia freak. Trump going after him is a good thing.

No, he isn't. Not at all. That's the problem with all this. It's , conspiracy theory, and deliberate disinformation. There are plenty of "hardline sharia freaks" around the world if one want's to attack them. The attacks against Kahn have been largely debunked, but that doesn't matter to Trump supporters.

I respect you Coyote. But I have to respectfully disagree. I know a hardliner when I see them. Khan exemplifies everything I hate about hardline Islamists that wear a suit and tie instead of black robes throwing gays off of buildings.

Now nothing about Khan has been debunked. Going to town now (takes an hour one way) but I'll pop back in when I get back so I can see if you tell me the myths about Khan and how they have been debunked.

Looking forward to seeing what you post. Because I am loaded for bear about Khan. Mr. Sharia to the Max Khan.
Coyote Khan is a hard line sharia freak. Trump going after him is a good thing.

No, he isn't. Not at all. That's the problem with all this. It's , conspiracy theory, and deliberate disinformation. There are plenty of "hardline sharia freaks" around the world if one want's to attack them. The attacks against Kahn have been largely debunked, but that doesn't matter to Trump supporters.

I respect you Coyote. But I have to respectfully disagree. I know a hardliner when I see them. Khan exemplifies everything I hate about hardline Islamists that wear a suit and tie instead of black robes throwing gays off of buildings.

Now nothing about Khan has been debunked. Going to town now (takes an hour one way) but I'll pop back in when I get back so I can see if you tell me the myths about Khan and how they have been debunked.

Looking forward to seeing what you post. Because I am loaded for bear about Khan. Mr. Sharia to the Max Khan.

He's a patriot, a man who loves his adopted country and it's constitution, and a man who immigrated from a country where those freedoms are non-existent. He had to courage to stand up to Trump's rhetoric and as a result, is now the target of a dedicated smear campaign.

"We're in the political process of the greatest democracy on the planet Earth," Khan said on PBS NewsHour, adding that criticism of a presidential candidate's policies is "part of the political process."

"I'm exercising my rights for freedom of speech," Khan said.

Khan added that he pulled out a copy of the Constitution from his pocket during his convention speech, in part, to "show [Trump] that we are all equal under the eyes of our creator and this country."

In fact, Khan said, he keeps a stack of pocket-sized Constitutions at his home to give to guests and to strike up conversation.

Many claims against him came from Shoebat, a conspiracy theorist and well known Islamophobe,

It’s also the product of the fevered imagination of Theodore “Shoebat,” the pseudonymous conspiracy theorist and Islamophobe who has made a career of spreading nonsense. That is, when he’s not calling himself a “proud fascist.” His dad and fellow conspiracy-monger, Walid, isn’t much better. He swears that Zika is a punishment from God, and likens homosexuality to cannibalism.

Trump and his team have long leaned heavily on conspiracy theorists and online bullshit artists for many of their most memorable moments. Trump suggested that Ted Cruz’s father was part of the plot to kill JFK. (Wrong.) He claimed that large numbers of American Muslims openly cheered fall of the Twin Towers, when no evidence for such celebrations exist. And then there’s the whole birther thing.

But suggesting that the father of a fallen U.S. soldier is secretly an enemy of America—that’s new. Thank Walid and Ted Shoebat for that.

...The deeply incriminating information about Khizr Khan apparently stems from an academic article he wrote about Islamic Law. Because Khan cited a Muslim Brotherhood leader as an important source for his article, the Shoebats accused him of being the organization’s acolyte in a blog post published on Sunday.

“Khan wrote [the paper] in the eighties while he was in Saudi Arabia, the motherland of Wahhabism. This would never be possible unless Khan clearly had the support of the Saudi Wahhabist religious institution,” the Shoebats concluded.

In Egypt, the Brotherhood’s birthplace, however, it often competes with Wahhabist parties in elections.

Khan runs a law office that provides immigration services. Thus, “Most likely Khan was working to bring Muslims into the county,” the Shoebats conclude.

They fail to mention that Khan, the proud father of a servicemember who died a hero, boasts proudly about providing pro bono legal services for U.S. military families, right there on his homepage.

...and Shoebats claims have been debunked by Snopes and other sources: Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

I listened to his interview, he was very well spoken, very emotional...a good man who doesn't deserve to be ripped to shreds like this.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.

I have never said I admired anybody for electrocuting Dogs, you lying excrement.

You, on the other hand, have spent thousands of posts proving beyond any doubt that you are an antisemitic supporter of Islamism.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion. But I do believe in the basic rights this country stands for, including freedom of religion - for all. And the right of our people to worship whatever faith they want. I have no respect for someone who deliberately chooses descredited polls from hate sites in an effort to demonize American citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is people like you who pave the way for fascism.

Badges, registries, redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion, broad brushing an entire group of people (to the point where you have to dig deep into your filth to find supporting material) is not the act of a "liberal". If people like you had your way, people like the Khans would never have been allowed into the US.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool .

Ah -- so you are simply a mercenary, then, I see.

So how much are you being paid by the Brotherhood for your relentless support of their agenda?
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool .

Ah -- so you are simply a mercenary, then, I see.

So how much are you being paid by the Brotherhood for your relentless support of their agenda?

First off, please remember to include some topical material in your posts, as per the rules of Politics. You have a habit of forgetting this.

Secondly, why do select discredited polls from disreputable sources when Pew offers a perfectly good and reputable poll on what American Muslims think? Is it because you hate muslims so much you'll go to any length to demonize them, even to the point of providing false information? What does that say about your integrity?

Maybe it's people like you that should read our Constitution. An immigrant (OMG HE"S MUSLIM) like Khan seems to have a better grasp on it than a native born American "liberal" like you.
Coyote Khan is a hard line sharia freak. Trump going after him is a good thing.

No, he isn't. Not at all. That's the problem with all this. It's , conspiracy theory, and deliberate disinformation. There are plenty of "hardline sharia freaks" around the world if one want's to attack them. The attacks against Kahn have been largely debunked, but that doesn't matter to Trump supporters.

I respect you Coyote. But I have to respectfully disagree. I know a hardliner when I see them. Khan exemplifies everything I hate about hardline Islamists that wear a suit and tie instead of black robes throwing gays off of buildings.

Now nothing about Khan has been debunked. Going to town now (takes an hour one way) but I'll pop back in when I get back so I can see if you tell me the myths about Khan and how they have been debunked.

Looking forward to seeing what you post. Because I am loaded for bear about Khan. Mr. Sharia to the Max Khan.

He's a patriot, a man who loves his adopted country and it's constitution, and a man who immigrated from a country where those freedoms are non-existent. He had to courage to stand up to Trump's rhetoric and as a result, is now the target of a dedicated smear campaign.

"We're in the political process of the greatest democracy on the planet Earth," Khan said on PBS NewsHour, adding that criticism of a presidential candidate's policies is "part of the political process."

"I'm exercising my rights for freedom of speech," Khan said.

Khan added that he pulled out a copy of the Constitution from his pocket during his convention speech, in part, to "show [Trump] that we are all equal under the eyes of our creator and this country."

In fact, Khan said, he keeps a stack of pocket-sized Constitutions at his home to give to guests and to strike up conversation.

Many claims against him came from Shoebat, a conspiracy theorist and well known Islamophobe,

It’s also the product of the fevered imagination of Theodore “Shoebat,” the pseudonymous conspiracy theorist and Islamophobe who has made a career of spreading nonsense. That is, when he’s not calling himself a “proud fascist.” His dad and fellow conspiracy-monger, Walid, isn’t much better. He swears that Zika is a punishment from God, and likens homosexuality to cannibalism.

Trump and his team have long leaned heavily on conspiracy theorists and online bullshit artists for many of their most memorable moments. Trump suggested that Ted Cruz’s father was part of the plot to kill JFK. (Wrong.) He claimed that large numbers of American Muslims openly cheered fall of the Twin Towers, when no evidence for such celebrations exist. And then there’s the whole birther thing.

But suggesting that the father of a fallen U.S. soldier is secretly an enemy of America—that’s new. Thank Walid and Ted Shoebat for that.

...The deeply incriminating information about Khizr Khan apparently stems from an academic article he wrote about Islamic Law. Because Khan cited a Muslim Brotherhood leader as an important source for his article, the Shoebats accused him of being the organization’s acolyte in a blog post published on Sunday.

“Khan wrote [the paper] in the eighties while he was in Saudi Arabia, the motherland of Wahhabism. This would never be possible unless Khan clearly had the support of the Saudi Wahhabist religious institution,” the Shoebats concluded.

In Egypt, the Brotherhood’s birthplace, however, it often competes with Wahhabist parties in elections.

Khan runs a law office that provides immigration services. Thus, “Most likely Khan was working to bring Muslims into the county,” the Shoebats conclude.

They fail to mention that Khan, the proud father of a servicemember who died a hero, boasts proudly about providing pro bono legal services for U.S. military families, right there on his homepage.

...and Shoebats claims have been debunked by Snopes and other sources: Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

I listened to his interview, he was very well spoken, very emotional...a good man who doesn't deserve to be ripped to shreds like this.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

I know his writings.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool .

Ah -- so you are simply a mercenary, then, I see.

So how much are you being paid by the Brotherhood for your relentless support of their agenda?

I'm starting to wonder. And I dont beleive in shit like this.
Coyote Khan is a hard line sharia freak. Trump going after him is a good thing.

No, he isn't. Not at all. That's the problem with all this. It's , conspiracy theory, and deliberate disinformation. There are plenty of "hardline sharia freaks" around the world if one want's to attack them. The attacks against Kahn have been largely debunked, but that doesn't matter to Trump supporters.

I respect you Coyote. But I have to respectfully disagree. I know a hardliner when I see them. Khan exemplifies everything I hate about hardline Islamists that wear a suit and tie instead of black robes throwing gays off of buildings.

Now nothing about Khan has been debunked. Going to town now (takes an hour one way) but I'll pop back in when I get back so I can see if you tell me the myths about Khan and how they have been debunked.

Looking forward to seeing what you post. Because I am loaded for bear about Khan. Mr. Sharia to the Max Khan.

He's a patriot, a man who loves his adopted country and it's constitution, and a man who immigrated from a country where those freedoms are non-existent. He had to courage to stand up to Trump's rhetoric and as a result, is now the target of a dedicated smear campaign.

"We're in the political process of the greatest democracy on the planet Earth," Khan said on PBS NewsHour, adding that criticism of a presidential candidate's policies is "part of the political process."

"I'm exercising my rights for freedom of speech," Khan said.

Khan added that he pulled out a copy of the Constitution from his pocket during his convention speech, in part, to "show [Trump] that we are all equal under the eyes of our creator and this country."

In fact, Khan said, he keeps a stack of pocket-sized Constitutions at his home to give to guests and to strike up conversation.

Many claims against him came from Shoebat, a conspiracy theorist and well known Islamophobe,

It’s also the product of the fevered imagination of Theodore “Shoebat,” the pseudonymous conspiracy theorist and Islamophobe who has made a career of spreading nonsense. That is, when he’s not calling himself a “proud fascist.” His dad and fellow conspiracy-monger, Walid, isn’t much better. He swears that Zika is a punishment from God, and likens homosexuality to cannibalism.

Trump and his team have long leaned heavily on conspiracy theorists and online bullshit artists for many of their most memorable moments. Trump suggested that Ted Cruz’s father was part of the plot to kill JFK. (Wrong.) He claimed that large numbers of American Muslims openly cheered fall of the Twin Towers, when no evidence for such celebrations exist. And then there’s the whole birther thing.

But suggesting that the father of a fallen U.S. soldier is secretly an enemy of America—that’s new. Thank Walid and Ted Shoebat for that.

...The deeply incriminating information about Khizr Khan apparently stems from an academic article he wrote about Islamic Law. Because Khan cited a Muslim Brotherhood leader as an important source for his article, the Shoebats accused him of being the organization’s acolyte in a blog post published on Sunday.

“Khan wrote [the paper] in the eighties while he was in Saudi Arabia, the motherland of Wahhabism. This would never be possible unless Khan clearly had the support of the Saudi Wahhabist religious institution,” the Shoebats concluded.

In Egypt, the Brotherhood’s birthplace, however, it often competes with Wahhabist parties in elections.

Khan runs a law office that provides immigration services. Thus, “Most likely Khan was working to bring Muslims into the county,” the Shoebats conclude.

They fail to mention that Khan, the proud father of a servicemember who died a hero, boasts proudly about providing pro bono legal services for U.S. military families, right there on his homepage.

...and Shoebats claims have been debunked by Snopes and other sources: Khizr Khan Is a Muslim Brotherhood Agent?

I listened to his interview, he was very well spoken, very emotional...a good man who doesn't deserve to be ripped to shreds like this.

Khizr Khan Smeared As A Terrorist For Speaking Out Against Donald Trump

Mine are not from shoebat.

And you damn well know it. This is why I gave you some time.

I've been at this for some time now. I've placed a nice game with you up till now till you clearly have put yourself into the hands of the son of a bitches that are straight from Sunni hell coyote.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

Okey dokey. Check out the part that says shes A FUCKING MODERATOR.
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion. But I do believe in the basic rights this country stands for, including freedom of religion - for all. And the right of our people to worship whatever faith they want. I have no respect for someone who deliberately chooses descredited polls from hate sites in an effort to demonize American citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is people like you who pave the way for fascism.

Badges, registries, redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion, broad brushing an entire group of people (to the point where you have to dig deep into your filth to find supporting material) is not the act of a "liberal". If people like you had your way, people like the Khans would never have been allowed into the US.

"redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion,"

Islam isn't a religion, it's a full spectrum political philosophy that contains a religious component.

Islam isn't compatible with Western Civilisation, including not being compatible with the established Western values systems of liberal democracies, that Leftists and Liberals seem to have this bizarre love affair with Islam and Islamists is exceptionally incomprehensible to the majority of people.

Islam is still the same as it was in the 7th Century, it hasn't adapted or modernised in any way, unlike Christianity and Judaism which have both adapted and modernised, which is why they can exist in Western Civilisation and Islam cannot and never could.
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.

I have never said I admired anybody for electrocuting Dogs, you lying excrement.

You, on the other hand, have spent thousands of posts proving beyond any doubt that you are an antisemitic supporter of Islamism.

Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion. But I do believe in the basic rights this country stands for, including freedom of religion - for all. And the right of our people to worship whatever faith they want. I have no respect for someone who deliberately chooses descredited polls from hate sites in an effort to demonize American citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is people like you who pave the way for fascism.

Badges, registries, redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion, broad brushing an entire group of people (to the point where you have to dig deep into your filth to find supporting material) is not the act of a "liberal". If people like you had your way, people like the Khans would never have been allowed into the US.

"I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion."

Maybe you should concentrate on stressing this more then, because at times you're appearing like a cheerleader for all forms of Islam, even Wahhabism, which I'm sure this is not how you want to appear is it?
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.

I have never said I admired anybody for electrocuting Dogs, you lying excrement.

You, on the other hand, have spent thousands of posts proving beyond any doubt that you are an antisemitic supporter of Islamism.

Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."
Well, it's a little less vulgar than being called Dogshit/Dogcrap which is how Coyote refers to Dogmaphobe. And she does keep lying about posters, including Dogmaphobe and myself. So, I think youre on to a loser there, Lucy.
Topical material - I still don't view Mr Trumps commentary as any kind of 'attack'. Stand up on a stage and denigrate somebody, expect something in return, even though it was just barely something in this case.
Last edited:
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

Okey dokey. Check out the part that says shes A FUCKING MODERATOR.
We aren't obliged to respect people just because they are moderators. And respect has to be earned. I don't respect liars no matter what.
Topical material: I'm glad Mr Trump referred to the son as a hero, shows that he appreciated the sacrifice the SON MADE.
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.

I have never said I admired anybody for electrocuting Dogs, you lying excrement.

You, on the other hand, have spent thousands of posts proving beyond any doubt that you are an antisemitic supporter of Islamism.

Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."
Well, it's a little less vulgar than being called Dogshit/Dogcrap which is how Coyote refers to Dogmaphobe. And she does keep lying about posters, including Dogmaphobe and myself. So, I think youre on to a loser there, Lucy.
Topical material - I still don't view Mr Trumps commentary as any kind of 'attack'. Stand up on a stage and denigrate somebody, expect something in return, even though it was just barely something in this case.

Well I don't use such terms myself, so I think it's all a bit distasteful.

The Donald's comments weren't an attack on Mr and Mrs Khan, I stated this the other day. The reaction to what he commented has been completely hysterical and would have been a storm in a teacup non-story, were it not for the MSM Propagandists running with it 24/7 and then the Dittoheads and the Hillarybots just parroting what the MSM Propagandists were babbling.

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