Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

And one can find evidence of these "many" Muslims who don't want to assimilate and want to impose Sharia law :dunno:

It's amazing what a propagandist like yourself cannot find when you are so very determined not to look.

Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad

From the CSP poll.

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.” When that question was put to the broader U.S. population, the overwhelming majority held that shariah should not displace the U.S. Constitution (86% to 2%).

More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.

These notions were powerfully rejected by the broader population according to the Center’s earlier national survey. It found by a margin of 92%-2% that Muslims should be subject to the same courts as other citizens, rather than have their own courts and tribunals here in the U.S.

Worrying indeed, and similar findings to several European polls.
Hey, I didn't know you were accepted to 'Stamford'? You coulda played for Chelsea FC! Who knew. Lol.

Are you really so ignorant you can't tell the difference between well done polls and discredited polls or is it just that you are so keen to promote your anti-Muslim hatred? Try Pew - they are credible, non-partisan and have an excellent reputation. Even Dogcrap uses Pew (except when he wants to lie about American Muslims). If you have an ounce of integrity in you, look it up I'm not going to hold my breath though, because integrity isn't your strong suit. Pew's results are completely different than CPS'.
us ignorant hillbillies .

Hey -- we have finally found some common ground.

I knew we would, eventually!

You're an ignorant hillbilly? Who'd have thought. I should have known being accepted to a prestigious institution of learning doesn't necessarily mean graduating from it. :) In the meantime, why don't you put all that education to work and use some decent polls for a change (one's you've used before, in fact, when you want to illustrate world wide Muslim opinions)....or....are you afraid they contradict your claims about American Muslims?
us ignorant hillbillies .

Hey -- we have finally found some common ground.

I knew we would, eventually!

You're an ignorant hillbilly? Who'd have thought. I should have known being accepted to a prestigious institution of learning doesn't necessarily mean graduating from it. :) In the meantime, why don't you put all that education to work and use some decent polls for a change (one's you've used before, in fact, when you want to illustrate world wide Muslim opinions)....or....are you afraid they contradict your claims about American Muslims?
Aren't you past due for your daily conference call with the brotherhood? It must be getting awfully late in Cairo by now.
Are you really so ignorant you can't tell the difference between well done polls and discredited polls she references a Muslim propaganda site created by a group of Islamic Georgetown students invested in selling the "Islamophobia" narrative .
And John L Esposito???
Supporter of Hamas and Wahabbi Islam.
John L. Esposito: Apologist for Wahhabi Islam

Not to mention Ahmed Rehab

That's some fine company Coyote keeps, isn't it?
Are you really so ignorant you can't tell the difference between well done polls and discredited polls she references a Muslim propaganda site created by a group of Islamic Georgetown students invested in selling the "Islamophobia" narrative .
And John L Esposito???
Supporter of Hamas and Wahabbi Islam.
John L. Esposito: Apologist for Wahhabi Islam

Not to mention Ahmed Rehab

That's some fine company Coyote keeps, isn't it?
They support Wahabbi Islam, Hamas and fundraising organisations for Hamas, to name just a few tiny issues. Should have known!
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I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
They support Wahabbi Islam, Hamas and fund raising organisations for Hamas, to name just a few tiny issues. Should have known!

Oh, yes.

We should have known the second Coyote promoted them.

She is noting, if not consistent in that regard.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Lol.

It's an OUTRAGE! It is the most despicable comment in the history of the world!! He should be jailed for it!!!

For a Dhimmi to dare to criticize the notion that women are chattel demands the harshest possible punishment in Coyote's world. He should have known his place like Coyote knows her place and understood that Muslims are superior in all ways and so cannot be criticized.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Lol.

It's an OUTRAGE! It is the most despicable comment in the history of the world!! He should be jailed for it!!!

For a Dhimmi to dare to criticize the notion that women are chattel demands the harshest possible punishment in Coyote's world. He should have known his place like Coyote knows her place and understood that Muslims are superior in all ways and so cannot be criticized.

Mrs. Khan is chattel? Is that what you are saying? That her husband thinks she's chattel soley because he's Muslim? Can you find a descredited poll somewhere to indicate that is what American Muslims believe? It's funny how you whip out and praise the accuracy of PEW when you are posting about Muslim attitudes towards homosexuals or apostacy around the world, but suddenly - when it comes to American Muslims, PEW doesn't cut it. Either you're completely dishonest, and incapable of admitting you effed up and chose a crap source because it fed your confirmation bias or, you've made your own bigotry glaringly obvious through your choices. The Khan's, to you, are uniquely unworthy of respect for the sole reason that they are Muslim. That is truly pathetic.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?
Mrs. Khan is chattel? Is that what you are saying? That her husband thinks she's chattel soley because he's Muslim? Can you find a descredited poll somewhere to indicate that is what American Muslims believe? It's funny how you whip out and praise the accuracy of PEW when you are posting about Muslim attitudes towards homosexuals or apostacy around the world, but suddenly - when it comes to American Muslims, PEW doesn't cut it. Either you're completely dishonest, and incapable of admitting you effed up and chose a crap source because it fed your confirmation bias or, you've made your own bigotry glaringly obvious through your choices. The Khan's, to you, are uniquely unworthy of respect for the sole reason that they are Muslim. That is truly pathetic.

Well, let's see here, filth.

Chapter 1: Beliefs About Sharia

Only a paltry 8% of Pakistanis do not believe Sharia is God's very law.

Since women's second-class status is codified into Sharia law, that means only 8% think they aren't.

Or how about here in regards to "a women should obey her husband" -- 88% of Pakistanis said Yes.
Chapter 4: Women In Society

...But do feel free to reference more websites by those with connections to terrorism, now, k?

That is your purpose here and it must be a full time job for you considering the number of hours per day you devote to it.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

Oh yes, vicious, vicious attack!!

And frankly. Khan is ignorant. Any group can be banned from entry into the U.S. for any reason.
Oh yes, vicious, vicious attack!!


Coyote is working for team Islamist, so ANYTHING would constitute an attack as long as it serves her agenda of making Islam inviolate.
She cites known Hamas and Wahabbi Islamist supporters, refers to Muslim Brotherhood radical extremists as merely 'scholars' and trashes Breitbart because it's 'RW'. Could anyone be more hypocritical and transparent? Lol. It's too funny.
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