Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

That's one hell of a mistake Coyote. That's our national security she compromised on that unsecure server. That's classified information she deleted from that unsecure server.

Sometimes "Sorry" or "I made a mistake" won't cut it. Everything that Comey told us in his presser indicated she broke the law. The fact was made worse by the fact she got away with it. You can admit you made a mistake, but it doesn't repair the damage already done.

So, if we are going to make suggestions about the character of a presidential candidate based on their actions in the past, then this isn't "a whole 'nother issue", it is perfectly relevant to this discussion.

I'm not going to defend it, but given we have a choice of two rather flawed candidates - Clinton scares me a lot less than Trump.

And that is a sad thing in and of itself. That one "scares me a lot less" than the other.

Angels and ministers of grace defend us....

Hillary shouldn't "scare" you. You don't have to be best friends with your president. she just has to get the job done....

Donald is a basket case. It isn't funny anymore. True story.

And that is perhaps the saddest thing I've seen someone post. It is also perhaps the worst defense any Hillary supporter has offered up for their candidate. First, you justify why I should vote for Hillary with "you don't have to be best friends with your president."

To be blunt, you should be best friends with your president. Amicability should be a key trait in any presidential hopeful. However I won't be voting for someone who is too inept to handle documents and materiel pertaining to national security, and who has little to no regard for the laws that govern the rest of us.

Second, you justified why I should vote for Hillary simply on the premise that "Donald is a nutcase." What politician isn't?! There are people on this board so emotionally unstable that they would make Trump look like a Vulcan fresh off his Kolinahr.

You'll have to do better than that. your opinion.

voting for an incompetent racist fascist is inexcusable.


So be it!
:lol: Sounds to me as if you are the one with the messiah complex. You know darn well the things she has done over all the years.

She's such a nice the gullible.

Here is the real Hillary....oops...I mean Queen Hillary

Dare ya to read it.

The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton

The next president of the United States ?
“Where is the G*damn f**king flag! I want the G*damn f**king flag up every morning at f**king sunrise.”
-From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.244 – Hillary to staff at the Arkansas Governor’s mansion on Labor Day 1991.

F**k off! It’s enough I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
-From the book American Evita, by Christopher Anderson, p.90 – Hillary to her State Trooper body guards after one of them greeted her with “Good Morning”

Here’s the screenshot I took of the passage, using‘s “Look Inside” feature (high-lighted words are the words I used to search for the quotation):

“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king ass over here and grab those bags!”
From the book The First Partner: Hillary Rodham Clinton, by Joyce Milton p.259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.

I found the passage as described on page 259 of The First Partner, on

“Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k back away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!?”
-From the book Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrich, p.139- Hillary screaming at her Secret Service detail.

“Where’s the miserable c**k sucker!”
-From the book The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She’ll Go to Become President, by Edward Klein, p. 15- Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer.

Screenshot of the passage from p. 15 of The Truth About Hillary on

“You f**king idiot”
From the book Crossfire, p.84 – Hillary to a State Trooper who was driving her to an event.

“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!”
From the book Dereliction of Duty, by Robert Patterson, p.71-72 – Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.

“Come on Bill, put your d**k up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
From the book Inside the White House, by Ronald Kessler, p.243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking with an attractive female.

This ill-tempered, violent, loud mouth, hateful and abusive woman wants to be your next president and have total control as commander and chief of our Military , the very Military for which she has shown incredible disdain throughout her public life. Surely the people of the United States can easily do better than this.

– Ed Schriber Col. USMC (Ret.)
“Semper Fidelis”

Both Jewish-born former Clinton consultant Dick Morris and Arkansas Clinton guard Larry Patterson have told of Hillary saying shockingly anti-Jewish things. (More here)

Lotsa words there. Someday someone might care enough to read them.

Meanwhile, your messiah makes fun of the physically disabled....

I figured you didn't have the guts to read it, even if handed to you on a silver platter. Too bad, you could have at least scanned over it. The truth is right before your eyes.

Well, let me ask you this.

Does it change the fact that she has the best resume of any person seeking the office? No.
Does it change the fact that she is often on the lists of most admired women in the nation/world? No.
Does it change the fact that she is going to win the election? No.

Zero reason to believe a bunch of cherry picked quotes over 30 years in public policy forum represents a true picture. Meanwhile, your messiah has been in public policy for about 12 months and claims he knows more about ISIS than the Generals.

There, I handed it to you on a silver platter. Obviously your boy is full of shit.

Now are you going to vote for Hillary? Of course not.

I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I'm just going to point out here that Hillary used the Khans as bait to lure Trump into "attacking" them. I think it is rather classless for her to take advantage of a family who lost their son in combat as a way to bait her political rival. And the only reason he was up there was because of his religion. What about all the Christian mothers and fathers who lost their sons and/or daughters in combat? Moreover, what about the families of the cops who were murdered this year? My assertion probably sounds like a conspiracy theory to you I gather, but it isn't. Why else would they be there?

What is the chance that Hillary actually cares about the Khan's son? What is the chance that she cares period? What is the chance she's actually doing it to promote the "Trump is hateful" slogan?

That might be the most ignorant post you've ever made, but I must say I can't claim to have read every one of your posts.

I think one important point to consider that, if Trump can be SO EASILY "baited"...what does that say about him as President?

That he wouldn't put up with much crap??? And frankly that is what I want!

Lotsa words there. Someday someone might care enough to read them.

Meanwhile, your messiah makes fun of the physically disabled....

I figured you didn't have the guts to read it, even if handed to you on a silver platter. Too bad, you could have at least scanned over it. The truth is right before your eyes.

Well, let me ask you this.

Does it change the fact that she has the best resume of any person seeking the office? No.
Does it change the fact that she is often on the lists of most admired women in the nation/world? No.
Does it change the fact that she is going to win the election? No.

Zero reason to believe a bunch of cherry picked quotes over 30 years in public policy forum represents a true picture. Meanwhile, your messiah has been in public policy for about 12 months and claims he knows more about ISIS than the Generals.

There, I handed it to you on a silver platter. Obviously your boy is full of shit.

Now are you going to vote for Hillary? Of course not.

I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.

Some call them quotes. More correctly, they are facts.

In terms of Presidential preparedness, having met most of the foreign leaders, visiting near 100 nations on the globe, knowing protocol, budgets, customs, etc... is invaluable. Having relationships in the Senate; having a husband who is remembered fondly and trusted by most of the government who served with him... The experience accumulation of 30 years of public service in varying capacities in different branches of our government...all leads to the best resume.

Any argument to the contrary is moronic. That you're making the argument; well, makes you sound moronic.

Again, is the record spotless? No. Is any one's record who spent 30 years of public service/30 years in the crosshairs of the GOP? No.

When you consider her resume alone, she is the obvious choice. When you hold it up against the small fraction of a man the GOP has nominated...the choice is even more clear.

"I know more about ISIS than the Generals". Donald Trump.
I figured you didn't have the guts to read it, even if handed to you on a silver platter. Too bad, you could have at least scanned over it. The truth is right before your eyes.

Well, let me ask you this.

Does it change the fact that she has the best resume of any person seeking the office? No.
Does it change the fact that she is often on the lists of most admired women in the nation/world? No.
Does it change the fact that she is going to win the election? No.

Zero reason to believe a bunch of cherry picked quotes over 30 years in public policy forum represents a true picture. Meanwhile, your messiah has been in public policy for about 12 months and claims he knows more about ISIS than the Generals.

There, I handed it to you on a silver platter. Obviously your boy is full of shit.

Now are you going to vote for Hillary? Of course not.

I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.

Some call them quotes. More correctly, they are facts.

In terms of Presidential preparedness, having met most of the foreign leaders, visiting near 100 nations on the globe, knowing protocol, budgets, customs, etc... is invaluable. Having relationships in the Senate; having a husband who is remembered fondly and trusted by most of the government who served with him... The experience accumulation of 30 years of public service in varying capacities in different branches of our government...all leads to the best resume.

Any argument to the contrary is moronic. That you're making the argument; well, makes you sound moronic.

Again, is the record spotless? No. Is any one's record who spent 30 years of public service/30 years in the crosshairs of the GOP? No.

When you consider her resume alone, she is the obvious choice. When you hold it up against the small fraction of a man the GOP has nominated...the choice is even more clear.

"I know more about ISIS than the Generals". Donald Trump.

Anyone can call names...even me. But, I refuse to lower myself to your level other than to say you are the one making yourself look that way.
Move on.
Well, let me ask you this.

Does it change the fact that she has the best resume of any person seeking the office? No.
Does it change the fact that she is often on the lists of most admired women in the nation/world? No.
Does it change the fact that she is going to win the election? No.

Zero reason to believe a bunch of cherry picked quotes over 30 years in public policy forum represents a true picture. Meanwhile, your messiah has been in public policy for about 12 months and claims he knows more about ISIS than the Generals.

There, I handed it to you on a silver platter. Obviously your boy is full of shit.

Now are you going to vote for Hillary? Of course not.

I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.

Some call them quotes. More correctly, they are facts.

In terms of Presidential preparedness, having met most of the foreign leaders, visiting near 100 nations on the globe, knowing protocol, budgets, customs, etc... is invaluable. Having relationships in the Senate; having a husband who is remembered fondly and trusted by most of the government who served with him... The experience accumulation of 30 years of public service in varying capacities in different branches of our government...all leads to the best resume.

Any argument to the contrary is moronic. That you're making the argument; well, makes you sound moronic.

Again, is the record spotless? No. Is any one's record who spent 30 years of public service/30 years in the crosshairs of the GOP? No.

When you consider her resume alone, she is the obvious choice. When you hold it up against the small fraction of a man the GOP has nominated...the choice is even more clear.

"I know more about ISIS than the Generals". Donald Trump.

Anyone can call names...even me. But, I refuse to lower myself to your level other than to say you are the one making yourself look that way.
Move on.

You're choosing to sound like a moron doesn't concern me.
I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.

Some call them quotes. More correctly, they are facts.

In terms of Presidential preparedness, having met most of the foreign leaders, visiting near 100 nations on the globe, knowing protocol, budgets, customs, etc... is invaluable. Having relationships in the Senate; having a husband who is remembered fondly and trusted by most of the government who served with him... The experience accumulation of 30 years of public service in varying capacities in different branches of our government...all leads to the best resume.

Any argument to the contrary is moronic. That you're making the argument; well, makes you sound moronic.

Again, is the record spotless? No. Is any one's record who spent 30 years of public service/30 years in the crosshairs of the GOP? No.

When you consider her resume alone, she is the obvious choice. When you hold it up against the small fraction of a man the GOP has nominated...the choice is even more clear.

"I know more about ISIS than the Generals". Donald Trump.

Anyone can call names...even me. But, I refuse to lower myself to your level other than to say you are the one making yourself look that way.
Move on.

You're choosing to sound like a moron doesn't concern me.

And the fact that you can't shut up doesn't concern me. Matter of fact I am LMAO @ U.
I figured you didn't have the guts to read it, even if handed to you on a silver platter. Too bad, you could have at least scanned over it. The truth is right before your eyes.

Well, let me ask you this.

Does it change the fact that she has the best resume of any person seeking the office? No.
Does it change the fact that she is often on the lists of most admired women in the nation/world? No.
Does it change the fact that she is going to win the election? No.

Zero reason to believe a bunch of cherry picked quotes over 30 years in public policy forum represents a true picture. Meanwhile, your messiah has been in public policy for about 12 months and claims he knows more about ISIS than the Generals.

There, I handed it to you on a silver platter. Obviously your boy is full of shit.

Now are you going to vote for Hillary? Of course not.

I will believe the ones in the know, the ones that know her, the ones that worked for and with her, any day before I believe your quotes. The only one we can agree on here is her winning the election. That doesn't make her any less slime though.

Funny...I quoted nobody.

But don't let the truth spoil a good self-deception.

DUH I was referring to your OWN quotes. I consider what you said a quote. It is to me, because to reply to you, I QUOTE you. But thanks for playing Candy.

Some call them quotes. More correctly, they are facts.

In terms of Presidential preparedness, having met most of the foreign leaders, visiting near 100 nations on the globe, knowing protocol, budgets, customs, etc... is invaluable. Having relationships in the Senate; having a husband who is remembered fondly and trusted by most of the government who served with him... The experience accumulation of 30 years of public service in varying capacities in different branches of our government...all leads to the best resume.

Any argument to the contrary is moronic. That you're making the argument; well, makes you sound moronic.

Again, is the record spotless? No. Is any one's record who spent 30 years of public service/30 years in the crosshairs of the GOP? No.

When you consider her resume alone, she is the obvious choice. When you hold it up against the small fraction of a man the GOP has nominated...the choice is even more clear.

"I know more about ISIS than the Generals". Donald Trump.

Ok Candy, what is her greatest accomplishment?
She spend 30 years in national public life, Trump has worked with senators for that long and longer.
Trump has visited many foreign nations as well.
He's been an executive, so he knows budgets, how to lead, how to get things done.
unlike Clinton who will be like another Obama, does not try to work with anyone and signs a bunch of executive orders.
Clinton signed NAFTA, welfare reform, and a crime bill, he's 3 biggest accomplishments...which of those did you agree with?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
  • Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?
    Townhall ^ | July 31, 2016 | Matt Vespa
    Earlier this week, Trump said something inappropriate about Gold Star mother Ghazala Khan. Her son, Army Captain Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq back in 2004, but was silent when she and her husband, Khizr, briefly spoke at the Democratic National Convention. Khizr torched Trump in his address, which prompted the unseemly response from the Republican nominee. Khizr said that Trump knows nothing of sacrifice, lacks empathy, and is ignorant of the U.S. Constitution. Okay—so Trump’s remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, was terrible. Yet, let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized...
  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
This isn't true. There was no suicide bomber. Khan made a mistake. It was a suspicious car. The unit took cover. Khan went ten steps and the car exploded. No lives were saved by those ten steps. If Khan had taken cover with everyone else, the car would have exploded and Khan would still be alive.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

Do unto others, Kahn picked the fight with a line of total bullshit. The Kahn family has been in the US at least 36 years, nothing Trump has said or does will effect them.
An OPEN LETTER to Mr. Khan

Dear Mr. Khan,

For the past few days I have been subjected to an unrelenting, full court press from the media portraying you as a sympathetic, grief-stricken father compelled to speak out against Donald Trump.

The speech you gave at the DNC runs around six minutes. Throughout the first 2 ½ minutes you describe yourself as a patriotic American Muslim with undivided loyalty to your country. You point out that you are blessed to have been able to raise your three sons in a nation where they are free to be themselves and follow their dreams.

You then talk about your son Humayun who was killed in action in 2004, his dreams of becoming a military lawyer, and how he put those dreams aside the day he sacrificed himself to save his fellow soldiers.

Beyond that point your speech sounded more like an indictment than a testimonial. An indictment that invites a response. I know I speak for millions of Americans who, like me are tired of watching Hillary Clinton and others use emotionally-charged issues to manipulate voters.

Your speech was a series of false allegations and misinformation. I’ve broken down your speech as follows:

“If it was up to Donald Trump, he (Humayun) never would have been in America.”

Here you charge that Donald Trump has proposed government policies that would have prevented you and your family from coming to America or serving in the armed forces. Mr. Khan, you know that is not the case. This is clearly an attempt to misconstrue Donald Trump’s stated position in regard to immigration and refugees and portray him in a negative light.

“Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims.”

This is another misrepresentation of the facts. Donald Trump has called for strong action to address Radical Islamic Terrorism and prevent ISIS from infiltrating the refugee flow to enter our country. He has never made a single disparaging remark toward Muslims. Quite to the contrary, Mr. Trump has stated on numerous occasions that he has the highest regard for Muslims and has many Muslim friends and employees.

He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership.

Apparently if someone disagrees with a person, you feel they disrespect that person. By that standard the case could be made that you disrespect Donald Trump. That being the case, your charges against him would reflect bias. Not something that you, as a lawyer, would want to bring into a court of law.

He vows to build walls and ban us from this country.

For decades our Congress has promised to build a wall to secure our southern border and stem the tide of illegal immigration. Donald Trump has vowed to do precisely that. I am unclear what you mean when you say “ban us from this country”. A wall on the southern border would only ban those who come into this country illegally. Donald Trump has said countless times that he wants immigrants to come into this country, but only if they come in legally. Something you should appreciate as a legal immigrant to the United States.

Donald Trump, you are asking Americans to trust you with their future. Let me ask you, have you even read the United States constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy.

You are quick to condemn Donald Trump but seem to have total confidence in Hillary Clinton as a Presidential candidate. Have you ever read Clinton Cash or Crisis of Character? I will gladly lend you my copy(s). I guarantee you will find them both to be eye opening experiences.

In this document look for the words liberty and equal protection of law.

You might review the report issued recently by FBI Director Jim Comey on Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Per Director Comey, she lied to Congress repeatedly, destroyed 30,000 emails, and was grossly negligent in handling top secret government information. Under equal protection of law, Hillary Clinton would not be running for President of the United States, she would be serving 20 years in prison.

Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery. Go and look at the graves of brave patriots who died defending the United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities.

This statement is nothing short of slanderous. Donald Trump has shown himself to be a friend to our Veterans and military and has championed their cause donating time, effort, and money to improve their benefits. He has also pledged to strengthen our military and provide for our veterans. Obama and Hillary have both neglected our Veterans and pushed for the sequester reducing our military forces to their lowest levels since WWII.

Just a thought, Mr. Khan, perhaps you should go and look at the graves of Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens. Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty, the four Americans Hillary abandoned in Benghazi, the four Americans Hillary left to die.

You have sacrificed nothing and no one.

Mr. Khan, I think I find this statement to be most troubling of all. Donald Trump is a man who by all accounts has it all. He is educated, successful, wealthy, charismatic, intelligent, and famous. He could easily step away from this election and let the country founder. But his love of country and family are so strong that he chose to combat a corrupt system of government, a system under which your candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill have thrived and prospered for over 30 years.

Donald Trump is on the front lines of this political war, fighting to restore honor, decency, and accountability to a broken system. In doing so he has changed the way he and his entire family will live, not just for now but for the rest of their lives. He has taken on the establishment, both the politically elite and the media, by himself. Throughout this campaign he has walked tall, refused to compromise his principles, and fought against the ruling class on behalf of the American people. And for his trouble he receives nothing but scorn from nearly everyone in the establishment. He has sacrificed his personal life, time with his family including his 10-year-old son, Barron, and his reputation as a businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He’s devoted himself full-time to this campaign and is using his own money, over $50 million dollars, money he’s taking from his children and grandchildren to try and save this country.

Hillary is the one who has sacrificed nothing. She’s become a millionaire by selling out the U.S., she sucks in cash from Wall Street, Lobbyists, foreign governments, and anyone else willing to pony up for influence. Not only does all this dirty money fund her campaign, it pads her personal bank account. The Clinton’s net worth is up to $200 million, that from “dead broke” when they left the White House in 2001.

But living off other people’s money isn’t new to the Clintons, they’ve been on the public dole for most of their adult lives. Neither has worked in the private sector creating jobs or building businesses. Quite to the contrary. Hillary likes to brag about destroying jobs for coal miners, or acquiescing to the demands of the Teachers Unions instead of putting the needs of students first. For them power and legacy are all that matters.

We cannot solve our problems by building walls toward division. We are stronger together.

Platitudes sound nice but are meaningless in a world filled with chaos.

And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our President.

Hillary Clinton wants to expand upon Barrack Obama’s failed domestic policies and globalist push. They are more concerned with the rest of the world who are lining their pockets than Americans. In fact, Americans are last on their list of priorities.

In conclusion I ask every patriot American, all Muslim immigrants, and all immigrants to not take this election lightly.

This is a historic election and I request to honor the sacrifice of my son and on election day take the time to get out and vote. And vote for the healer, vote for the strongest, most qualified candidate, Hillary Clinton, not the divider.

Mr. Kahn, with all due respect, I must say that having watched your speech it is very hard for me to understand why you would exploit your son’s death and heroism for political capital. There are no facts to back up your charges against Donald Trump, just innuendo. You levy one outrageous charge after another asserting that you are trying to spare the nation the painful experience of electing the wrong person in November. Your speech was approximately six minutes in length. Of that time, you devoted 2:30 speaking of your love of country, family and your courageous son, and the rest of the time attacking Donald Trump and proselytizing for Hillary Clinton.

In a subsequent interview with CNN you assert terrorism has “nothing to do with Islam”. Tell that to the families of the victims of the massacre at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernadino. Tell that to the families of the victims of the massacre at the Pulse Night Club in Florida. Tell that to the parishioners of Rev. Francois Murad, an 86-year-old Catholic priest who was beheaded by ISIS during a Mass at a Normandy church. Tell that to the tens of thousands of nameless, faceless victims from all faiths, genders, and ethnicities who have suffered at the hands of Islamic terrorists carrying out indescribable atrocities in the name of Jihad.

Your son gave his life to save his fellow soldiers. He died at the hands of jihadists who impose sharia law upon the masses, a radical ideology that oppresses women, sanctions the murder of homosexuals, and calls for death to anyone who insults their prophet or opposes their religion. He died fighting for freedom, his fellow man, and his country. Who and what are you fighting for?


John Douglas
Who is John Douglas?
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I'm just going to point out here that Hillary used the Khans as bait to lure Trump into "attacking" them. I think it is rather classless for her to take advantage of a family who lost their son in combat as a way to bait her political rival. And the only reason he was up there was because of his religion. What about all the Christian mothers and fathers who lost their sons and/or daughters in combat? Moreover, what about the families of the cops who were murdered this year? My assertion probably sounds like a conspiracy theory to you I gather, but it isn't. Why else would they be there?

What is the chance that Hillary actually cares about the Khan's son? What is the chance that she cares period? What is the chance she's actually doing it to promote the "Trump is hateful" slogan?

That might be the most ignorant post you've ever made, but I must say I can't claim to have read every one of your posts.

I think one important point to consider that, if Trump can be SO EASILY "baited"...what does that say about him as President?

That he wouldn't put up with much crap??? And frankly that is what I want!

I don't think the problem is one of "not putting up with crap" - it's one of lack of impulse control and a thin skin and poor judgement on when it's appropriate to refrain and when it's appropriate to "not put up with crap". IMO, the Kahns are not the people to attack. Hillary handled Patricia Smith's attack far better, and more sympathetically than Trump. Same with Bush towards Cindy Sheehan. These people have a right to their grief and anger, whether well placed or misplaced. Trump can't seem to make distinctions and that is troubling imo.

Compare to what Bush said, regarding Cindy Sheehan:

" 'I grieve for every death,' Bush said as Cindy Sheehan remained camped out about 5 miles away. For six days she has been demanding Bush meet with her about her son, Casey Austin Sheehan, an Army specialist killed in combat in Baghdad in April 2004.

" 'It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place,' Bush said.

But he added, 'Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy.' "
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  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
This isn't true. There was no suicide bomber. Khan made a mistake. It was a suspicious car. The unit took cover. Khan went ten steps and the car exploded. No lives were saved by those ten steps. If Khan had taken cover with everyone else, the car would have exploded and Khan would still be alive.

OMG, it's the Max Cleland it-was-his-fault attack. Unbelievable.
  • Where Was Hillary Clinton When Captain Khan Gave His Life in Iraq?
    PJ Media ^ | July 31, 2016 | Claudia Rosett
    What to make of the furor touched off by the speech at the Democratic National Convention of Khizr Khan? Khan spoke about his son, an American war hero, Army Captain Humayun Khan, a Muslim, who gave his life 12 years ago in Iraq to save his soldiers from a suicide bomber.But Khan, the grieving father, did not stop there. In a windup to endorsing Hillary Clinton as "the healer," waving a copy of the American Constitution, Khan attacked Donald Trump, asking if he has even read the U.S. Constitution, and saying "You have sacrificed nothing and no one." Father of...
This isn't true. There was no suicide bomber. Khan made a mistake. It was a suspicious car. The unit took cover. Khan went ten steps and the car exploded. No lives were saved by those ten steps. If Khan had taken cover with everyone else, the car would have exploded and Khan would still be alive.

OMG, it's the Max Cleland it-was-his-fault attack. Unbelievable.

Assholes come with antlers! Who knew?

The subversives really can't handle the truth.
Oh...stay classy Trump, you thin skinned buffoon...

Trump Responds To Slain Soldier's Father, Who Appeals To GOP Leaders

In an interview with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd Friday night, Trump didn't zero in on Khan's accusations but rather on his wife, Ghazala Khan, who stood beside her husband silently. His response to Dowd was brief.

"I'd like to hear his wife say something," Trump said.

Trump expanded on that sentiment in an interview with ABC News Saturday.

"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," Trump said. "Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say, you tell me."

In an interview on MSNBC the previous night, Ghazala Khan explained why she chose to remain silent on stage.

"I cannot see my son's picture. I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are," she said. "That's why when I saw the picture on my back, I couldn't take it and I controlled myself at that time. So, it is very hard."

Her husband added that she served as his "coach" while writing the speech and said she gave him the strength to speak on stage.

"Forty years of marriage has brought us in a position where we are strength for one another," Khan said. "Her being there was the strength so I could hold my composure. I am much weaker than she is in such matters."

I'm just going to point out here that Hillary used the Khans as bait to lure Trump into "attacking" them. I think it is rather classless for her to take advantage of a family who lost their son in combat as a way to bait her political rival. And the only reason he was up there was because of his religion. What about all the Christian mothers and fathers who lost their sons and/or daughters in combat? Moreover, what about the families of the cops who were murdered this year? My assertion probably sounds like a conspiracy theory to you I gather, but it isn't. Why else would they be there?

What is the chance that Hillary actually cares about the Khan's son? What is the chance that she cares period? What is the chance she's actually doing it to promote the "Trump is hateful" slogan?

That might be the most ignorant post you've ever made, but I must say I can't claim to have read every one of your posts.

I think one important point to consider that, if Trump can be SO EASILY "baited"...what does that say about him as President?

That he wouldn't put up with much crap??? And frankly that is what I want!

I don't think the problem is one of "not putting up with crap" - it's one of lack of impulse control and a thin skin and poor judgement on when it's appropriate to refrain and when it's appropriate to "not put up with crap". IMO, the Kahns are not the people to attack. Hillary handled Patricia Smith's attack far better, and more sympathetically than Trump. Same with Bush towards Cindy Sheehan. These people have a right to their grief and anger, whether well placed or misplaced. Trump can't seem to make distinctions and that is troubling imo.

Compare to what Bush said, regarding Cindy Sheehan:

" 'I grieve for every death,' Bush said as Cindy Sheehan remained camped out about 5 miles away. For six days she has been demanding Bush meet with her about her son, Casey Austin Sheehan, an Army specialist killed in combat in Baghdad in April 2004.

" 'It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place,' Bush said.

But he added, 'Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy.' "

Thing is...the Kahns were the first to attack. Is that okay? To be used by the DNC at their convention to attack Trump? It was a no win for him. That is the only reason they were there.
I'm just going to point out here that Hillary used the Khans as bait to lure Trump into "attacking" them. I think it is rather classless for her to take advantage of a family who lost their son in combat as a way to bait her political rival. And the only reason he was up there was because of his religion. What about all the Christian mothers and fathers who lost their sons and/or daughters in combat? Moreover, what about the families of the cops who were murdered this year? My assertion probably sounds like a conspiracy theory to you I gather, but it isn't. Why else would they be there?

What is the chance that Hillary actually cares about the Khan's son? What is the chance that she cares period? What is the chance she's actually doing it to promote the "Trump is hateful" slogan?

That might be the most ignorant post you've ever made, but I must say I can't claim to have read every one of your posts.

I think one important point to consider that, if Trump can be SO EASILY "baited"...what does that say about him as President?

That he wouldn't put up with much crap??? And frankly that is what I want!

I don't think the problem is one of "not putting up with crap" - it's one of lack of impulse control and a thin skin and poor judgement on when it's appropriate to refrain and when it's appropriate to "not put up with crap". IMO, the Kahns are not the people to attack. Hillary handled Patricia Smith's attack far better, and more sympathetically than Trump. Same with Bush towards Cindy Sheehan. These people have a right to their grief and anger, whether well placed or misplaced. Trump can't seem to make distinctions and that is troubling imo.

Compare to what Bush said, regarding Cindy Sheehan:

" 'I grieve for every death,' Bush said as Cindy Sheehan remained camped out about 5 miles away. For six days she has been demanding Bush meet with her about her son, Casey Austin Sheehan, an Army specialist killed in combat in Baghdad in April 2004.

" 'It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place,' Bush said.

But he added, 'Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy.' "

Thing is...the Kahns were the first to attack. Is that okay? To be used by the DNC at their convention to attack Trump? It was a no win for him. That is the only reason they were there.

There would have been no line of attack had Trump not created it with his anti-Muslim bullshit.
I'm just going to point out here that Hillary used the Khans as bait to lure Trump into "attacking" them. I think it is rather classless for her to take advantage of a family who lost their son in combat as a way to bait her political rival. And the only reason he was up there was because of his religion. What about all the Christian mothers and fathers who lost their sons and/or daughters in combat? Moreover, what about the families of the cops who were murdered this year? My assertion probably sounds like a conspiracy theory to you I gather, but it isn't. Why else would they be there?

What is the chance that Hillary actually cares about the Khan's son? What is the chance that she cares period? What is the chance she's actually doing it to promote the "Trump is hateful" slogan?

That might be the most ignorant post you've ever made, but I must say I can't claim to have read every one of your posts.

I think one important point to consider that, if Trump can be SO EASILY "baited"...what does that say about him as President?

That he wouldn't put up with much crap??? And frankly that is what I want!

I don't think the problem is one of "not putting up with crap" - it's one of lack of impulse control and a thin skin and poor judgement on when it's appropriate to refrain and when it's appropriate to "not put up with crap". IMO, the Kahns are not the people to attack. Hillary handled Patricia Smith's attack far better, and more sympathetically than Trump. Same with Bush towards Cindy Sheehan. These people have a right to their grief and anger, whether well placed or misplaced. Trump can't seem to make distinctions and that is troubling imo.

Compare to what Bush said, regarding Cindy Sheehan:

" 'I grieve for every death,' Bush said as Cindy Sheehan remained camped out about 5 miles away. For six days she has been demanding Bush meet with her about her son, Casey Austin Sheehan, an Army specialist killed in combat in Baghdad in April 2004.

" 'It breaks my heart to think about a family weeping over the loss of a loved one. I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place,' Bush said.

But he added, 'Pulling the troops out would send a terrible signal to the enemy.' "

Thing is...the Kahns were the first to attack. Is that okay? To be used by the DNC at their convention to attack Trump? It was a no win for him. That is the only reason they were there.

Patricia also was used to attack Hillary - and it was quite vicious. Cindy Sheehan became a political pawn used against Bush. Patricia, Cindy, and Khizyr all lost children - two in military service, the other in diplomatic service, all in the service to their country.

They have a right to feel angry, to grieve, to lash out - frankly, they've earned that priveledge by the sacrifice's their children made for our country even if the anger and criticism stings. Bush and Clinton handled it with kindness, and were still able to defend themselves without attacking the character of the grieving parents. Trump went right to heart of the matter - in his mind - he attacked them as Muslims.
What Trump said about Khizr Khan's son was unacceptable. Attacking the grieving mother still mourning the death of her soldier son is out of bounds. But I did hear Khan saying in an interview today that "we must stop fighting each other."

Whoa. Stop. Sir, you got on that stage and chose to provoke Donald Trump. You started this fight. You. Not only that, you let Hillary Clinton exploit your grief, you let her expose you to enemy fire. You let her take advantage of you.

What Hillary did might be even more despicable than what Trump said. She exploited the grief of parents who lost their son in combat. Whether it be Pat Smith or the Khans, both parties have done it. That still doesn't make it right.

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