Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.
Her tireless efforts to equate the heinous treatment of - and ultimate fate of Jews in Nazi Germany - with measures to combat Islamic extremism and terrorism is utterly despicable. Particularly since she is so OUTRAGED that Trump simply wondered why Khans wife would stand on stage mute. Utterly gross.
Oh yes, vicious, vicious attack!!


Coyote is working for team Islamist, so ANYTHING would constitute an attack as long as it serves her agenda of making Islam inviolate.
She cites known Hamas and Wahabbi Islamist supporters, refers to Muslim Brotherhood radical extremists as merely 'scholars' and trashe Breitbart because it's 'RW'. Could anyone be more hypocritical and transparent? Lol. It's too funny.

What is even funnier is how none of the leftists here can even see it.

They will comment on the resplendence of the Emperor's clothes until their face turns blue.

Sheesh, it takes a really special sort of stupid not to see the agenda involved.
Her tireless efforts to equate the heinous treatment of - and ultimate fate of Jews in Nazi Germany - with measures to combat Islamic extremism and terrorism is utterly despicable. Particularly since she is so OUTRAGED that Trump simply wondered why Khans wife would stand on stage mute. Utterly gross.

Oh, and did you notice her response after the Orlando Massacre? Oddly, she wasn't around for several hours, which is almost unheard of for her -- probably getting instructions on how to respond -- and when she did return, she came back with both barrels blazing attacking Christians.

What filth. What utter, complete filth.
I agree. OUTRAGED enough to actually start a thread about poor Mr Khan because Donald had the temerity to pose a question, but endless spinning for virtually every Islamic terrorist ATTACK - actual attacks with murdered babies, toddlers, teens and adults - spewed all over the board. Unbelievable. Now it seems The angelic Mr Khan has some unsavoury connections and endorses views that are anathema to American values, and so the excuses intensify. All whilst quoting Hamas and Wahabbi supporting Islamists as credible sources for the nonsense it regurgitates ad infinitum.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.
Her tireless efforts to equate the heinous treatment of - and ultimate fate of Jews in Nazi Germany - with measures to combat Islamic extremism and terrorism is utterly despicable. Particularly since she is so OUTRAGED that Trump simply wondered why Khans wife would stand on stage mute. Utterly gross.
Drumpf does a lot of "simply wondering" out loud....
Oh dear. More taqiyya. Bizarre.

by BREITBART TV2 Aug 2016944

Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.”

That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution. ...

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart

Oh dear. More taqiyya. Bizarre.

by BREITBART TV2 Aug 2016944

Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.”

That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution. ...

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart


He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing

Oh really? Then why did he write a book review praising it? This fraud is not only a fraud but a stupid one, he doesn't realize all this is Internet history?
Oh dear. More taqiyya. Bizarre.

by BREITBART TV2 Aug 2016944

Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.”

That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution. ...

Khizr Khan: 'There Is No Such Thing' as Sharia Law - Breitbart


Blog: Khizr Khan’s writings discovered subordinating US Constitution to sharia law
Are you really so ignorant you can't tell the difference between well done polls and discredited polls she references a Muslim propaganda site created by a group of Islamic Georgetown students invested in selling the "Islamophobia" narrative .

Center for Security Policy: Center for Security Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The CSP's views have caused it and Gaffney, the Center's founder and president, to be criticized for propagating conspiracy theories by The Washington Post,[13] Salon,[14] CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen,[9] Grover Norquist,[15] Jonathan Kay,[4] Georgetown University's Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim–Christian Understanding,[16] Center for American Progress,[17] Media Matters for America,[18] the Southern Poverty Law Center,[19] The Intercept,[20] the Anti-Defamation League,[21] and the Institute for Southern Studies,[22] among others.

Terri A. Johnson, executive director of the Center for New Community, and J. Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), have characterized the CSP as "an extremist think tank".[23] The SPLC further criticizes CSP's "investigative reports", saying that they are designed "to reinforce [Frank] Gaffney's delusions".[19]

One of the CSPgs "Occasional Papers" accused Huma Abedin, then Hillary Clinton's aide, of being an undercover spy for the Muslim Brotherhood.[19] On June 13, 2012, Republican members of Congress Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland, sent a letter to the State Department Inspector General including accusations against Abedin cited to the CSP. The letter and the CSP's accusation were widely denounced as a smear, and achieved "near-universal condemnation", including from several prominent Republicans such as John McCain, John Boehner, Scott Brown, and Marco Rubio.[4][22][24] In a separate report, the group declared that Susan Rice, Richard Haass, and Dennis Ross, were being secretly controlled by a covert "Iran lobby".[19]

The University of Southern California's Annenberg Center for Communication has described the organization as "a far-right think tank whose president, Frank Gaffney, was banned from the CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] ... because its organizers believed him to be a 'crazy bigot'".[25] The Center for Democratic Values at Queens College, City University of New York has said the Center is among the "key players in the Sharīʿah cottage industry", what it describes as a "conspiracy theory" that claims the existence of "secretive power elite groups that conspire to replace sovereign nation-states in order to eventually rule the world".[26]

Gaffney's leadership of the organization has also prompted criticism of the group in the context of specific accusations made by Gaffney, including that the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency "appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star with the Obama campaign logo" and is part of a "worrying pattern of official U.S. submission to Islam".[10]

In December 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", citing a Pew Research Center poll and another poll conducted by CSP in June 2015. A CSP online opt-in poll asked 600 Muslim Americans about their willingness to either engage in violent attacks against the United States, which 25% supported, and support for sharia law, which 51% supported. Philip Bump of The Washington Post questioned the poll's methodology, accuracy and its characterization. Bump noted that an opt-in online poll is unlikely to be reflective of Muslim-Americans as a whole, and pointed to research indicating that the poll's structure encouraged people to select the options endorsing violence.

Are you going to make the case that this too is some kind of Islamist site as well? Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

PEW Research Center: Pew Research Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So...why did you choose CSP over PEW?

A disreputable source and a discredited poll you would rather use than a reputable source like PEW that is good enough for your other anti-Muslim spews but some how doesn't paint American Muslims as evil enough to suit you?
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.
I wonder if Coyote's Islamist friends call their site "the bridge" because they are trying to bridge the transition of this country from a democratic republic to an Islamic theocracy?

The millions of dollars they receive from Wahabbists in Saudi Arabia certainly points in that direction.
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books
Yep. Millions from Saudi to sanitise and spread Wahhabi Islam throughout America. And she's IRATE that Trump had the AUDACITY to question why Khans wife stood mute on a world stage. Some very strange priorities here, Lol.

When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books

Which shows what about how "most Muslims" were aligned with the Nazi's? Nor does it answer the question of why you seem to support Nazi initiatives (or at least don't seem upset by them) such as special registries and id's. As I said: Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people...Nazi.

On D-Day: Remembering the Muslim Troops who Fought the Axis
Holocaust | The Nazis, the Holocaust and Muslims
When a candidate proposes a database registry and id cards for people of a certain religion, then the first thing that comes to mind is what happened the last time someone did the 1930's. And here, in another had the audacity to AGREE with that sentiment. Strange priorities indeed and worth noting.

Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books

Which shows what about how "most Muslims" were aligned with the Nazi's? Nor does it answer the question of why you seem to support Nazi initiatives (or at least don't seem upset by them) such as special registries and id's. As I said: Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people...Nazi.

On D-Day: Remembering the Muslim Troops who Fought the Axis
Holocaust | The Nazis, the Holocaust and Muslims
I don't support such initiatives. I do support a sensible moratorium on Isaac immigration from certain countries, however.

I just think it is laughable how you Islamist antisemites like to call other people the nazis.
Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books

Which shows what about how "most Muslims" were aligned with the Nazi's? Nor does it answer the question of why you seem to support Nazi initiatives (or at least don't seem upset by them) such as special registries and id's. As I said: Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people...Nazi.

On D-Day: Remembering the Muslim Troops who Fought the Axis
Holocaust | The Nazis, the Holocaust and Muslims
I don't support such initiatives. I do support a sensible moratorium on Isaac immigration from certain countries, however.

I just think it is laughable how you Islamist antisemites like to call other people the nazis.
Neither do I, but that won't stop the mendacious troll from lying about it :)
Btw, as you probably know, Muslims were among the first to force Jews and infidels to wear colour coded insignia.
Coyote Khan is a hard line sharia freak. Trump going after him is a good thing.

No, he isn't. Not at all. That's the problem with all this. It's , conspiracy theory, and deliberate disinformation. There are plenty of "hardline sharia freaks" around the world if one want's to attack them. The attacks against Kahn have been largely debunked, but that doesn't matter to Trump supporters.
Oh look ... Tilly just changed her "agree" to "informative" - what a dishonest twat you are, since you don't even have the backbone to stand by your ratings and statements.

Nazi's were the last ones that proposed what Trump has proposed, and we all know where those measures led. What made you change your mind Tilly? Do you agree with ID cards and registries for Muslims?

Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books

Which shows what about how "most Muslims" were aligned with the Nazi's? Nor does it answer the question of why you seem to support Nazi initiatives (or at least don't seem upset by them) such as special registries and id's. As I said: Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people...Nazi.

On D-Day: Remembering the Muslim Troops who Fought the Axis
Holocaust | The Nazis, the Holocaust and Muslims
I don't support such initiatives. I do support a sensible moratorium on Isaac immigration from certain countries, however.

I just think it is laughable how you Islamist antisemites like to call other people the nazis.

I think it's laughable how you are so much MORE incensed you are at a reminder of what those policies could lead to than you are then you are at those policies and those who support it. Don't like being called "nazi"? Don't lob the "Islamist antisemite" label. So predictable. If you truly cared about Jewish people, as opposed to patronizing them - I would think you would be calling out Trump supporters and Trump for the suggestion we should have special id cards and registries for certain groups of people.

And I'm still curious. Why did you reject Pew as a source (a source that is good enough when it talks about Muslims around the world and their views on sharia, apostacy, terrorism, and homosexuals) yet when it came to what American Muslims felt, you chose instead to go with a discredited poll from a disreputable hate site that paints them in a much worse light and completely contradicts what Pew presented?

The only conclusions that makes sense are:

that you hate Muslims so much you can't admit anything positive about them even if they are American citizens, therefore the only way you can make your point is to search for a poll that matches your bias.

or - maybe it was the first one you came across that fit your bias and you didn't bother to check the source?

Talk about a complete lack of integrity and honesty....because you'll admit you screwed up mea culpa's from the highly educated Dogma.
Last edited:
Nazis did not place into effect or propose registries for Muslims. Most Muslims were aligned with them, there, filth.

The ID cards and registries pertained to the same group you persecute so relentlessly -- Jews.

Nazi's put into effect and proposed identification systems for Jews. "Most Muslims" were not aligned with the Nazi's. If you're going to use hate sites for historical sources (and polls), try to do a little research first.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hitler and fascist ideology were controversial in the Arab world, just as they were in Europe, with both supporters and opponents.

The fact that you and Tilly skip right over the real point: forcing people of certain ethnic or religious groups to carry special id's, and register in a database, speaks volumes in regards to your priorities. Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people.

Here you go, Islamist. Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11 (9780914386391): Matthias Küntzel: Books

Which shows what about how "most Muslims" were aligned with the Nazi's? Nor does it answer the question of why you seem to support Nazi initiatives (or at least don't seem upset by them) such as special registries and id's. As I said: Anyone who cared about the Jewish people, as you claim to, ought to be incensed that someone could be calling for similar measures on another people...Nazi.

On D-Day: Remembering the Muslim Troops who Fought the Axis
Holocaust | The Nazis, the Holocaust and Muslims
I don't support such initiatives. I do support a sensible moratorium on Isaac immigration from certain countries, however.

I just think it is laughable how you Islamist antisemites like to call other people the nazis.
Neither do I, but that won't stop the mendacious troll from lying about it :)
Btw, as you probably know, Muslims were among the first to force Jews and infidels to wear colour coded insignia.

Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's. Early medievil Catholic Europe also instituted special identifying measures for Jews and Muslims as well. Who started what first hardly matters when you consider what happened and what it can lead to.

I think it's laughable how you run around calling others "Islamists" and "trolls" and misrepresenting their positions and then whine about it when you get called "troll" and "Nazi".

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