Trump Begins Throttling California

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

The fire started on federal land. The state has no say in land management. The National Forest Service and US BLM run the Plumas National Park. They saw no reason to do any clearing so they are the ones who are wrong. The courts will likely stop Trump.

They must have seen Governor Brown's immigration speech and felt not clearing the dead weight meant the trees.
Idiot conservatives have no idea of the meaning of the term "sanctuary cities". They think it's places where illegal immigrants can commit crimes with impunity. Not places where they can REPORT crimes committed against them with no fear of deportation.

They are criminals by their very presence.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

When his supporters applaud it they give meaning to the term “basket of deplorables”.

Say....did Trump punish Texas for Houston’s horrific flooding? Didn’t think so...
Donald Dumbass also forgot that approximately 60% of all forests are on federally owned lands.
Which fires killed dozens of people?
Oh ya, State and local controlled lands.


Trump blames California for wildfires, but many of the worst have been on federal land

Even the Camp Fire, which has become the most destructive fire in the state's history, started either on or very close to the national forest before spreading to private property to the west.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

How puerile and silly. That's not why he's doing it, and you know it.
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.

I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.

This probably one of the top 5 funniest I ever read here in this site.

Most of the burned areas or forest are under federal controlled areas. This is like an adult soiling your diaper then blame your neighbor.

Since you are so smart. How do you suppose to manage a forest? Deforestation?

This is like........... There are millions of Americans affected by the snow, storms and floodings on the east coast ....... Maybe they should better in managing those water and snow..... See how dumb that is?

Bullet train has not even started. So what in the world are you talking about Claudette?

California's fire answers: Logging, brush clearance and growth controls

19 trees per acre in 1911 versus 260 trees per acre 100 years later. And logging cut by 2/3rds since 1975 because of environmentalists.

Houston, you have a logging problem.

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

How puerile and silly. That's not why he's doing it, and you know it.
It is political spite because California has defied him and led the way in opposing his agenda on multiple fronts? You know it. If it were for any other reason then he would have punished Texas for Houston’s flooding (multiple devastating floods) since poor urban planning and development played a role.

Trump is known for spite.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

How puerile and silly. That's not why he's doing it, and you know it.
It is political spite because California has defied him and led the way in opposing his agenda on multiple fronts? You know it. If it were for any other reason then he would have punished Texas for Houston’s flooding (multiple devastating floods) since poor urban planning and development played a role.

Trump is known for spite.

No, it's not. He is forwarding what he from the beginning intended.
I live in a forest and there is no control burns and the kindling is not allowed to be collected. Yet the difference is the climate. Can you change the climate in California?
I think so. Average temperatures are rising, so I'm told.
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.
Like what kind of forest management? Like watering the trees the ten months there is no rain out of the year?

Operation Cool Burn

I've assisted in these; only been in big bushfires in places where it didn't happen for "Greenie" reasons. Those places had their forests basically wiped out for a generation.

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

When his supporters applaud it they give meaning to the term “basket of deplorables”.

Say....did Trump punish Texas for Houston’s horrific flooding? Didn’t think so...

Should he have? Seems to me that building on a floodplain is a human stupidity; unless designs take the flooding into account of course.


Here's an economic reality for the rest of the country to swallow.

Without California you would all starve.

Without California's tax base, industries, wealth, educated professionals created in the UC schools, you would become a third world country overnight.

Shit, almost forgot the Port of L.A. Cut of access to that and the U.S. goes dark.

New York and Texas are like The Flash and Batman... without Superman (CA) the JLA is toast.

Just say thank you, bitches.

The U.S. needs Ca more than CA needs the U.S.

Georgia gets it. Why do you think they allow Hollywood to shoot all their movies in the Peach state for free?

This is some funny shit. I hear people with less than 60 in IQ actually believe it. That's below full retard.

I always find it laughable when someone who blindly supports Trump calls other people "retarded". It's like Stevie Wonder saying he pays no attention to Ray Charles because the Ray is blind as a bat.

When did he say that?

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

The fire started on federal land. The state has no say in land management. The National Forest Service and US BLM run the Plumas National Park. They saw no reason to do any clearing so they are the ones who are wrong. The courts will likely stop Trump.

You have a link to that? Who is responsible for the MANAGEMENT of forests in Cal?

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

The fire started on federal land. The state has no say in land management. The National Forest Service and US BLM run the Plumas National Park. They saw no reason to do any clearing so they are the ones who are wrong. The courts will likely stop Trump.

You have a link to that? Who is responsible for the MANAGEMENT of forests in Cal?

There must be more raking!
The way to strong arm California is to start looking for illegal aliens in their marijuana shops. And if the feds just happen to notice people buying and selling dope. Bust everyone.

California is already addicted to marijuana taxes. And I think the voters will give up their illegal aliens before they give up their legal pot.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

The fire started on federal land. The state has no say in land management. The National Forest Service and US BLM run the Plumas National Park. They saw no reason to do any clearing so they are the ones who are wrong. The courts will likely stop Trump.

You have a link to that? Who is responsible for the MANAGEMENT of forests in Cal?

There must be more raking!

Hmmm: true. You got a rake??



This is an interesting suppression was

Timeline: California’s intense tree mortality follows a culture of fire suppression driven by logging interests

1890s: Loggers have already started to complain that the Sierra Nevada could be significantly more productive for timber harvesting if wildfire were suppressed.


So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

When his supporters applaud it they give meaning to the term “basket of deplorables”.

Say....did Trump punish Texas for Houston’s horrific flooding? Didn’t think so...

Should he have? Seems to me that building on a floodplain is a human stupidity; unless designs take the flooding into account of course.



It isn’t a flood plain problem...Houston's Flood Is a Design Problem - The Atlantic

:lol:Love the picture!
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

When his supporters applaud it they give meaning to the term “basket of deplorables”.

Say....did Trump punish Texas for Houston’s horrific flooding? Didn’t think so...
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
When a president uses emergency disaster aid for partisan political purposes to punish innocent people, there is only one word for it: deplorable.

When his supporters applaud it they give meaning to the term “basket of deplorables”.

Say....did Trump punish Texas for Houston’s horrific flooding? Didn’t think so...
what did Houston do to make the flooding worse? Anything? What are the partisan politics involved in telling California to get some sane forestry management programs?

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