Trump Begins Throttling California

Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.
California already does manage 94% of all the forest in the state. Some 70% of it federal forests. The drought over the years has made them very flammable. PG&E has caused the majority of the fires and is entering bankruptcy.
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.
Like what kind of forest management? Like watering the trees the ten months there is no rain out of the year?

Like fire cuts and controlled burns.

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
Do they rake forests in your neck of the world, billy? Is your State red? If not, take care not to piss 'Da Man' off. His ego needs constant feeding and he will turn on you like a sidewinder if you don't stroke him ardently.

They might. We don't have fires every other day like California.
Do you live by a desert and an ocean?

If you live by an ocean, and can't find enough water to fight fires around you; Idk what to say about that.

If you spend billions on a train to nowhere, and none on firefighting planes and forestry management, DERP!
I live in a forest and there is no control burns and the kindling is not allowed to be collected. Yet the difference is the climate. Can you change the climate in California?

Given that you didn't even know what constituted forest management, I'm a bit dubious about accepting your assertions as to what your state does and doesn't do at face value. Maybe the difference actually IS that your state is managing its forest land responsibly, and you just have no fucking clue what's going on . . . as usual.

If you want to make definitive statements about "It's the climate! The fires are all about the climate!" then I'd like you to explain to us, Smokey Bear, EXACTLY why it is that California, of all areas in the world, is rendered utterly incapable of preventing wildfires strictly because of its climate.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

This isn't how government works. Trump can't do this, and if he does he will be sued, and he will lose.

This is stupidity almost beyond belief but it is Donald Trump. Just when you think he can't get any dumber, he finds a way to go lower.

The real stupidity almost beyond belief is your dumb ass trying to tell us how the government does and doesn't work, and making a complete hash of it.

However, since I find your pathetic attempts to pretend to be knowledgeable and a real person so entertaining, please do explain to us what fuzzyheaded idea you have about how the government works, and what basis this apocryphal "suing the President" you imagine is going to be on.
Let the whole state burn to a crisp!
At least then the little S.A. girls and boys working in the SF bathhouses might have a chance to get away!
Notwithstanding the moron can't spell "forest" correctly, Trump once again shows he considers people disposable. FEMA is for the benefit of the individual and no the state. Trump just can't help showing his true colors.

Until Ca drops being a sanctuary state to illegal aliens, they don't deserve any aid . Comply with the law, receive aid.

Can't really argue. If you don't want to act like part of the family when it comes to the rules, don't suddenly try to be part of the family when it comes time to pass out the money.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
Playing political games with people's lives.

And you applaud him for it.

Republicans are scumbags.

Yeah, and trotting out "People's lives!" every time the consequences of your leftist positions come due isn't playing political games at all.
I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.
Again...most of California's forests are FEDERALLY owned and managed.

And THOSE are primarily the areas that burned

You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Jerry Brown usually looks like that. And you'll excuse me if, unlike you, I don't come from a pissant country that has to admire the likes of Norway.

Meanwhile, the US Forest Service has put the blame squarely on forest mismanagement. You'll excuse me if I'm not a Canadian, and therefore consider them to be a somewhat more knowledgeable source than the President of fucking Norway.
well , i hear that the middle are leaving both 'kalifornia' and 'new york' state .

You may want to to take a look at this link where Americans are moving IN and moving OUT.
California is not even in this list.

Which States are Americans Moving To? –

Top Inbound States
So, which 12 states are experiencing an influx of new citizens? Here’s the list with each state’s respective percentage of moves into the state.

Oregon (64 percent)
Idaho (63 percent)
North Carolina (61 percent)
Alaska (60 percent)
North Dakota (59 percent)
Florida (58.4 percent)
Tennessee (58.1 percent)
Maine (58 percent)
Alabama (57.1 percent)
Texas (57 percent)
Rhode Island (56 percent)
Washington (55 percent)

Top Outbound States
So, we know were Americans are moving to, but which states are they moving away from? Out of the 18 total outbound states, here are the top five that experienced the highest percentage of outbound moves:

Hawaii (62 percent)
New York (61.8 percent)
Illinois (61.7 percent)
South Dakota (60 percent)
Wyoming (59.5 percent)
Did you look at the map?

So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

Another ill informed post by a Trumpster, who woulda thunk that?
California added $105 million (on top of $200 million approved last year) for wildfire prevention.
California budget, shutdown impact, Trump's FEMA threat| CALmatters
California contributes more money to the Federal government than any other state. How much California sends and they receive, is $15 billion less.
And again, Trump plays with people's lives. It's another example of punishing US citizens, just like all the 800,000 federal employees and those who are suffering from Trump's tariff war. But to Trump, it's only about Trump.
What a despicable human being.
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
Biggest economy in the us biggest population, most innovative, most Californians are from other a successful immigrant myself I knew California is the best before moving here. Unless you like the Alabama's, Mississippi, south Dakota and most of red shitholes.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.
Who are you lying to ?
I live here and is the best state one can be at is not for the lazy nor the racists that I agree.
And I wish it true that industries are leaving so we dont have too much traffic and housing market slows down.....stop lying dude.
Good.....fuck California. Most Americans see that state as a glioblastoma anyway!
This only means we need to tear down the fense along the CA border and put it up to keep CA from. entering the rest of the states. Their new governor should just secede from the US, declare war against us, and get their asses kicked. Then apply for foreign aide from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Califoenia accounts for more than 12% of the GDP, it feeds you, it gives you technology, entertainment and scores of other things...without California and some other blue areas the US will look like Afghanistan on steroids.
I just have a question for the so called right wingers.
Did you know that California is the biggest economy of the US?
Did you know it gives to the federal government more than it takes ?
Did you know that lot of things that you use on daily basis from technology, internet, apps, food, entertainment...comes from California?

Since I joined this forum i saw hundreds of topics anti California, none about any red state...that speaks volumes.

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