trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Wrong because Twitter can say Azog is a gay cannibal and now people will think that about me because Twitter at the same time may ban those who post otherwise

Twitter does not say things, this is where you are going wrong. That is like blaming this site for my post right now, it is not the site saying it, it is me.
Grow up. Trump was reading a chart of common "disinfectants" and suggesting injecting one of them into people.

BTW: For your "antibiotic" argument to be true, that antibiotic would have be work in less than a minute. Which of course if completely impossible. Hence Trump could NOT have meant antibiotic, when describing injecting a disinfectant that works in a minute.
Yeah.....sure....right.....Bull Shit.

Clearly what Trump said or didn't say isn't what got this TDS nonsense where it is today.
The over the top belly-aching by the leftist media at sources like CNN and MSNBC is all you seem to remember.

It was rarely what Trump said that triggers you snowflakes.
It's screaming by folks that did their best to discredit him that you remember the most. Trump would make a statement and the leftists and Democrats would point out what you're supposed to be angry about.

If Trump says "Blue"......the talking-heads start screaming 'HOW DARE HE USE THAT RACIST WORD.....BLUE!!!!!! It only proves Trump's a traitor and a racist!@!!!!
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Like when they removed a passenger because he asked the stewardess if he could "blow up the plane".
That's a threat of violence, moron. They would also arrest you if you threatened to blow up my house.

God, are you ever a fucking moron.
There's hardly anything "trivial" about enforcing the First Amendment.

Have you ever actually read the First Amendment?

If so, show me the words in it that apply to private compaines.

Thanks, I will be waiting.
Yep. It was hyperbole. Like me saying, wouldn't it be cool if we could teleport. Doesn't mean I believe people will be able to teleport. But you knew that and decided to troll anyway. Dumb leftist.
You aren't the president of the united states. People take (or used to before Trump) every word the president said as seriously as a heart attack.

Which is why previously presidents had the sense to choose their words wisely.
You aren't the president of the united states. People take (or used to before Trump) every word the president said as seriously as a heart attack.

Which is why previously presidents had the sense to choose their words wisely.
So a president is not allowed to have a sense of humor? You really need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.
You aren't the president of the united states. People take (or used to before Trump) every word the president said as seriously as a heart attack.

Which is why previously presidents had the sense to choose their words wisely.
You mean like when Biden told every loser in the world that they won't be deported no matter what?
What is wrong with the concept of "if you do not like how they do things, then do not give them your business"
Because they have monopoly on the industry.

Do you believe your cellular provider should be allowed to censor your messages?
Then they can stop policing it. Does T-mobile police the content of the messages people send? They may start if the NAZI Dimes get their way.
Police all content or police nothing? False dilemma with no logic.
Twitter can set their software to police vulgarity, porn and violence very easily. It would actually be easier than what they do now as now they do police every post. So you're wrong again, leftist.
Nonsense. Automated systems can’t pick up everything. How do you write software that picks up calling Biden a cannibal? You don’t.

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