trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Twitter can’t possibly police ever post. There’s just too much content. It’s impossible. Asking them to would fundamentally change the platform.

Then they can stop policing it. Does T-mobile police the content of the messages people send? They may start if the NAZI Dimes get their way.
Grow up. Trump was reading a chart of common "disinfectants" and suggesting injecting one of them into people.

BTW: For your "antibiotic" argument to be true, that antibiotic would have be work in less than a minute. Which of course if completely impossible. Hence Trump could NOT have meant antibiotic, when describing injecting a disinfectant that works in a minute.
Take your own advice. Trump never suggested injecting bleach. Debunked long ago.
Grow up. Trump was reading a chart of common "disinfectants" and suggesting injecting one of them into people.

BTW: For your "antibiotic" argument to be true, that antibiotic would have be work in less than a minute. Which of course if completely impossible. Hence Trump could NOT have meant antibiotic, when describing injecting a disinfectant that works in a minute.
Where did he use the word "inject?"
The difference is that you're defending somebody abusing the court system, where if Soros tried doing the same, democrats wouldn't be defending it.
Anyone may use our court system. Find one post where I say Democrats should not be allowed to do so
as soon as you ban one person, going by what you want, you are now responsible for anything ever posted on your forum. I ban you for vulgarity and someone else comes along and post child porn on my site and I am now liable if we go your route.
Nope I just said vulgarity, violence and pornography. Stating Fauci is a fraud and vaccines dont work should not be something you should be banned for IMO. Child porn falls under pornography.
Even that is still subjective and dependent upon the views of the ones doing the policing, which you are against.

Someone might think saying shit is vulgarity while someone else might think that saying fuck is just fine.

In the end nothing has changed
They may spell out what that is. The FCC defines vulgarity. And people should be able to set filters to block out vulgarity with **** if they so choose. Problem solved.
Twitter controls the content, dumbass. They're acting as an editor.

You can't possibly be this dumb.

But you can, and editor decides ahead of time waht is published, not after the fact.

Do you think that twitter, FB and every forum like this should approve each and every tweet/post before anyone else can see it
Twitter can’t possibly police ever post. There’s just too much content. It’s impossible. Asking them to would fundamentally change the platform.
Twitter can set their software to police vulgarity, porn and violence very easily. It would actually be easier than what they do now as now they do police every post. So you're wrong again, leftist.
Twitter controls the content, dumbass. They're acting as an editor.

You can't possibly be this dumb.
That doesn't make them the creator of the content. No more than the CIA, who edits books written by people with access to classified material. The CIA would not become the creator of the book.

Just think for a moment.
WOW. Next you'll claim that the airlines as common carriers, have no right to kick unruly passengers from their aircraft.
They certainly don't have a right to kick off passengers simply because they said something the airline doesn't agree with. Travel is a right, in this country, and airports are built with built money. Your belief that airlines can do whatever they like couldn't be any more idiotic.
That doesn't make them the creator of the content. No more than the CIA, who edits books written by people with access to classified material. The CIA would not become the creator of the book.

Just think for a moment.
I already explained this to you.

If I say Tom Brady is a cheater and Twitter blocks every single post that states otherwise then Twitter for all intents and purposes is calling Tom Brady a cheater in my view. I may be wrong and the courts should decide.
That doesn't make them the creator of the content. No more than the CIA, who edits books written by people with access to classified material. The CIA would not become the creator of the book.

Just think for a moment.
Yes it does, moron. The courts have ruled as such numerous times.
They certainly don't have a right to kick off passengers simply because they said something the airline doesn't agree with. Travel is a right, in this country, and airports are built with built money. Your belief that airlines can do whatever they like couldn't be any more idiotic.
Correct. If I get on the plane and get naked they can kick me off. I get on the plane wearing a MAGA hat they cannot.
Nope I just said vulgarity, violence and pornography.

All 3 of which are 100% in the eye of the beholder. Shit, most people think that Trump broke the violence rule, so I guess Twitter is safe under your view.

They may spell out what that is. The FCC defines vulgarity

Here is the FCC definition: It must appeal to an average person's prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a "patently offensive" way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

That is about as clear as mud.

And people should be able to set filters to block out vulgarity with **** if they so choose. Problem solved.

How about this, if you do not like that way a platform is controlling it content, you move to a different one. Problem solved and we do not even need the courts, just for people to be adults.
It's not subjective, it's not even a reasonable argument. It's no different than holding a trucker responsible for the products he's carrying being defective. All he does is carry content.
That isn't all twitter does, you fucking NAZI moron. They edit the content.
All 3 of which are 100% in the eye of the beholder. Shit, most people think that Trump broke the violence rule, so I guess Twitter is safe under your view.

Here is the FCC definition: It must appeal to an average person's prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a "patently offensive" way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.

That is about as clear as mud.

How about this, if you do not like that way a platform is controlling it content, you move to a different one. Problem solved and we do not even need the courts, just for people to be adults.
By "most people," you mean idiot NAZI progs.
It would actually be easier than what they do now as now they do police every post.

No they do not. They have those filters in place and then they investigate tweets reported by other people. They do not police each and every one.
Take your own advice. Trump never suggested injecting bleach. Debunked long ago.
Trump suggested injecting a disinfectant, which people interpreted to include bleach, lysol, and alcohol.

Which lead the makers of those products to add product warnings because of what Trump said, telling people "Do not inject this product"

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