trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
I would have to wonder if the same thing could be applied to OANN or Newsmax? On general principle I would suggest that they shouldn't be subject to a private citizen's ability to take it to the courts.

Except in a case in which there are established laws being broken by the media outlet. Nobody's right to suggest 'inciting violence' should be curtailed. Likewise Trump's right shouldn't be questioned in my opinion.

That which should be questioned is the court dictating to the media outlets, social or otherwise.
You own the opposite position on that.

But in any case the fkng spammers have taken over here and you're started to go off with them.
If Newsmax states that Hunter Biden is a cannibal then Hunter Biden may definitely sue Newsmax. If you on Twitter say that Hunter Biden is a cannibal, Twitter is immune.
Sure, just like the other 1000s of crazy lawsuits we read about.

Like the lady that sued Jelly Belly for using "evaporated cane juice" instead of the word "sugar" on their food label


the guy that sued Jr Mints for too much empty space in their boxes.

It would be good if there was a system to keep this dumb shit out of the system.
EXACTLY! I used Tom Brady vs. the NFL as another example. We don't get to decide what is or isn't frivolous.

So long as the plaintiff is willing to pay the legal and court fees, who am I to say what is and isn't frivolous. colfax_m cannot seem to grasp that simple concept. Then again he is a brainwashed leftist.
Let me it to you simply.

The clerk of each district court shall require the parties instituting any civil action, suit or proceeding in such court, whether by original process, removal or otherwise, to pay a filing fee of $350

Trump could easily file hundreds of lawsuits, and thousands of motions, thus clogging the court for months or years with frivolous lawsuits, that delay justice for people with proper causes of action.
If Newsmax states that Hunter Biden is a cannibal then Hunter Biden may definitely sue Newsmax. If you on Twitter say that Hunter Biden is a cannibal, Twitter is immune.

As it should be since Twitter did not say it. If come into your house and break the law, should you be held liable?
so, if Trump wins, do you think I have a shot at suing the forums that have banned me for damages?
He isn't suing for damages. He is suing to get his platform back. Sure, you may sure for whatever reasons and rewards you like.
As it should be since Twitter did not say it. If come into your house and break the law, should you be held liable?
Immune except if I say vaccines don't work they do ban me but if I say they do they won't. So to me now they are pushing a narrative that makes them a publisher for all intents and purposes. I could be 100% wrong and would like the courts to opine and will live with their decisions.
Awwww, the poor thing who ran his big mouth on Twitter, violated their TOS now comes up with another deranged conspiracy theory & sues. That's a shame.

If your boy had to use his own money to pay lawyers to file shit like this he'd think twice. Instead he's got a $100 million dollar slush fund at his disposal thanks to his grift, donated by suckers like you, too stupid to know any better.

Trump needs to reach up really high to get out from under the rock he lives under.
When Twatter bans idiots who spewed the totally debunked “Russian collusion” crap then come talk to us. Until then, Trump has every right to sue Twatter (which has admitted to working with the government to ban conservatives and also had to admit they intentionally buried the NY Post’s story on Hunter Biden by lying about how the Post’s information was obtained). But you love seeing Death to America and left wing bullshit posted with no repercussions.
Let me it to you simply.

The clerk of each district court shall require the parties instituting any civil action, suit or proceeding in such court, whether by original process, removal or otherwise, to pay a filing fee of $350

Trump could easily file hundreds of lawsuits, and thousands of motions, thus clogging the court for months or years with frivolous lawsuits, that delay justice for people with proper causes of action.
Yep as could George Soros. Correct? So change the system if you don't like it.
Court may certainly keep the legislative branch in check. Oooops I guess you don't know how our Gov't works. So again, if the courts have no say here they throw the case out. What is your issue with this?
Your not talking about keeping legislatures in check, you’re talking about courts rewriting legislation.

You probably don’t realize this because I don’t think you really understand the issue. This is just a bunch of slogans and pablum.
How can you say it’s not being government run when they have direct access to control the content? This was covered by various media sources recently.

This will also weigh in:
They don’t have direct access to control content. All content moderation decisions are made solely by the private enterprises. Government can recommend material for review, but then again so can everyone else.
Immune except if I say vaccines don't work they do ban me but if I say they do they won't.

Yes, they have a policy of what is allowed to be said. But they do not approve each tweet ahead of time that is why they are immune.

So to me now they are pushing a narrative that makes them a publisher for all intents and purposes. I could be 100% wrong and would like the courts to opine and will live with their decisions.

What you are asking for is the end of these types of forums. It Twitter can be held liable, then so will each of these sites. That means that these sites will have to approve each and every post before it can be seen by others.

Have you ever been on a forum like that? I have been on one, and it was the worst experience and it died a quick death once they made that rule.
Your not talking about keeping legislatures in check, you’re talking about courts rewriting legislation.

You probably don’t realize this because I don’t think you really understand the issue. This is just a bunch of slogans and pablum.
Nope. I am talking about keeping them in check like our courts do all the time. They need to interpret the law not change it. Sorry, leftist. And we agreed. You don't think. Please feel free to stop repeating that.
If Newsmax states that Hunter Biden is a cannibal then Hunter Biden may definitely sue Newsmax. If you on Twitter say that Hunter Biden is a cannibal, Twitter is immune.
If KFC serves you a fried rat with your 10 piece meal, you can sue KFC.
If KFC hired UBER to deliver that 10 piece meal, with the fried rat in it. You can't sue the UBER driver.

The difference between those that create content, and those that just deliver it.
If Newsmax states that Hunter Biden is a cannibal then Hunter Biden may definitely sue Newsmax. If you on Twitter say that Hunter Biden is a cannibal, Twitter is immune.
One problem is that Twitter isn’t saying that Hunter Biden isn’t a cannibal. Someone else is.
Yes, they have a policy of what is allowed to be said. But they do not approve each tweet ahead of time that is why they are immune.

What you are asking for is the end of these types of forums. It Twitter can be held liable, then so will each of these sites. That means that these sites will have to approve each and every post before it can be seen by others.

Have you ever been on a forum like that? I have been on one, and it was the worst experience and it died a quick death once they made that rule.
Or the forums won't ban people unless they post explicit content like violence, vulgarity and pornography? To me it is pretty simple. Don't ban anyone unless they they post what I just stated they should not post. People always have the right to block posters they disagree with.

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