trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
They can't unevenly apply their TOS and not expect some blowback from the government which protects them.
Actually, they can.

‘Blowback’ from government is called violating the First Amendment right to freedom speech, freedom of association, and freedom of the press.

If you believe that social media are unevenly applying their TOS, you’re at liberty to not join, or delete your account, or call for a boycott.

That you and others on the authoritarian right seek to violate the First Amendment comes as no surprise, of course.
So a corporation like Ford, Coca Cola etc could fire any employee simply because he/she voted for Biden? How long to you think it would take the Feds to get involved in that?
Show me the law that makes it illegal.
didn't say they did. Just the opposite. Just like how the socialists forced obedience in nazi germany that's what the left is doing in this country. These business will do the gov't bidding in order to protect themselves. You know that. I know you aren't that stupid.
Nazis!!!! Also, they're colluding with the aliens from Alpha Centauri. That's when they got the mind control lasers.
Nope......Biden's commie administration is colluding with the media and Big Tech to brainwash voters.
The more they get their way the more they will overreach and the more people will be screaming "FUCK JOE BIDEN" at sporting events.
Maybe Der Fuerer might try to lock down sporting events again to punish us for having free-will. They have arrested us for protesting.....just ask all of the political prisoners they still have in jail for Jan 6th.
For some reason you think you know more about the lawsuit than the person who filed it, and his attorneys.

You have nothing but your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
I know more about the lawsuit than you do. Trump’s lawyers in their lawsuit argue that Twitter is a state actor.

You didn’t know that because you’re a moron.
Actually, they can.

‘Blowback’ from government is called violating the First Amendment right to freedom speech, freedom of association, and freedom of the press.

If you believe that social media are unevenly applying their TOS, you’re at liberty to not join, or delete your account, or call for a boycott.

That you and others on the authoritarian right seek to violate the First Amendment comes as no surprise, of course.
They have the ability to do it....and they shouldn't do it.....but nobody's stopping them right now.
You leftists really don't give a shit about what is right and what is wrong as long as you get what you want.
Twitter is a Goliath. That hood rat Mark Zuckerberg and his buddies can't throw people off the bus for political disagreements. Especially since a Twitter ban equates to a permanent ban on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and all the other major social media corporations headquartered in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Bay Area, California.
"hood rat"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, if they want protection from being sued, which they currently have. They can't unevenly apply their TOS and not expect some blowback from the government which protects them. If they want to ban people because they don't like them that is fine, just remove their protection. Problem solved.
Who is going to remove their protection?

Not courts. Courts can’t rewrite laws, right?
Twitter grants the Taliban unfettered access yet they think Trump's ideas are dangerous?
The left doesn't give a shit about the Taliban on Twitter yet are all in a tizzy because Trump
wants access to publicly regulated air waves.

I didn't realize hipster/multi billionaire Jack Dorsey owned and regulated public airwaves.
I thought the public had access to them.

Spare your indignant foul air, leftists....yes Dorsey owns Twitter but Twitter does not get to ignore
the right to free speech.

When driving down public roadways you are constrained by laws of the roads.
And when on the public accessible airwaves the right to free speech should not be abridged
by leftist oligarchs.
I know more about the lawsuit than you do. Trump’s lawyers in their lawsuit argue that Twitter is a state actor.

You didn’t know that because you’re a moron.
Who said they are arguing only one point?

I quoted Trump, and his attorneys describing what they are arguing in the lawsuit. You are just a single digit IQ moron on the innerwebs.
The left doesn't give a shit about the Taliban on Twitter yet are all in a tizzy because Trump
wants access to publicly regulated air waves.

I didn't realize hipster/multi billionaire Jack Dorsey owned and regulated public airwaves.
I thought the public had access to them.

Spare your indignant foul air, leftists....yes Dorsey owns Twitter but Twitter does not get to ignore
the right to free speech.

When driving down public roadways you are constrained by laws of the roads.
And when on the public accessible airwaves the right to free speech should not be abridged
by leftist oligarchs.
You do have access to the public airwaves - the internet in this case. What you do not have access to is Facebook and Twitters PRIVATELY OWNED database. You can speak in the public square all you want, you do not have a right to use my poster board to do so.
It seems that you are a law prof. I always have a q? Given FB is gov't contractor, has sec 23 (??) protection and using public or gov't goods, does FB need to follow the free speech rules?
This is another example of rightwing hypocrisy.

If private social media are to be designated as government actors subject to First Amendment free speech doctrine, the so too would private religious organizations functioning in a government capacity be subject to First Amendment Establishment Clause doctrine, where private religious organizations wouldn’t be allowed to refuse to provide services based on religious objections.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
This is another example of rightwing hypocrisy.

If private social media are to be designated as government actors subject to First Amendment free speech doctrine, the so too would private religious organizations functioning in a government capacity be subject to First Amendment Establishment Clause doctrine, where private religious organizations wouldn’t be allowed to refuse to provide services based on religious objections.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.
When do private religious organizations ever function in a government capacity?

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