trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Show me where I said it was illegal, Clown. I said it would get the Feds involved.

Learn to read.
How can the feds get involved if it’s not illegal?

Dope. Talking in circles isn’t going to hide your ignorance.
Actually, they can.

‘Blowback’ from government is called violating the First Amendment right to freedom speech, freedom of association, and freedom of the press.

If you believe that social media are unevenly applying their TOS, you’re at liberty to not join, or delete your account, or call for a boycott.

That you and others on the authoritarian right seek to violate the First Amendment comes as no surprise, of course.
The remedy to racist segregation and Jim Crow laws was not to simply boycott the Alabama state government, for example. The remedy was having the federal government step in and smash racist segregationist laws and practices.

Just like they should smash down the Big Tech Oligarchs who rule the public airwaves like little tin
dictators revoking the right to free speech for some while welcoming others, like the Taliban,
who are the scourge of the planet at this point.

You love to claim the remedy for pirating the air waves is simply to not do business with those
anti-Constitutional pirates but that's self serving bullshit!

The remedy for pirating the public air waves is for the government to step in and remove the
strangle hold the pirates, like Jack Dorsey, have while petty friends of tyrants, like you, cheer.
They can't be sued because they don't modify content. Twitter does.
Again it's irrelevant, but they do modify content. A mod changed the headline of this very thread. So you're claim isn't true. Maybe that doesn't matter.
They can't be sued because they don't modify content. Twitter does.

Twitter does because they can be sued.

T-mobile does not modify content as they do not see it and it is not seen by the whole world.

you are comparing apples to hand grenades.
It is always worth a chuckle when conservatives lie about liberals and property rights.

Liberals are advocates of private property rights,


The right’s hypocrisy is also nothing new – conservatives are great ‘advocates’ of private property rights when seeking to discriminate against gay patrons, and opponents of private property rights when it comes to vaccine mandates and social media.
What could be more hypocritical than a NAZI prog who claims to support property rights?
You do have access to the public airwaves - the internet in this case. What you do not have access to is Facebook and Twitters PRIVATELY OWNED database. You can speak in the public square all you want, you do not have a right to use my poster board to do so.
Failed premise...failed conclusion.

The public airwaves are just that...public.

Facebook and Twitter are still bound by the laws of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, if I'm not mistaken.
Their businesses and how they are run are not independent of our laws as Big Tech does not
own the public airwaves.

It's analogous to our roadways, which are publicly owned and governed by rules of the road.
A Twitter clown car doesn't get to drive as they please because they own their own car.
Get a clue.
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This is why stupidity is clearly a prerequisite for being conservative.
How do you know one of your patrons is a ‘liberal’ – you’ve likely sold scores of guns and ammunition to ‘liberals’ in complete ignorance.
You know y what they post. Take you, for instance. Your posts are how we know you're a fucking NAZI.
So why do advocate for Twitter's power to silence political dissent?
Twitter has no ‘power,’ no ‘authority’ – that’s the sole purview of the state.

That’s why the doctrine of free speech applies only to government, to check government excess and overreach.

“But Twitter and other social media have the power and authority influence public debate and discourse.”

And that power is checked and regulated by private citizens in the context of private society.

No one is claiming that Twitter can function with complete impunity; social media are subject to regulation by the people.

Unfortunately, you and others on the right have undermined that power by foolishly demonizing and vilifying the power of the people to regulate social media by contriving lies about ‘political correctness’ and ‘cancel culture.’
Failed premise...failed conclusion.

The public airwaves are just that...public.

Facebook and Twitter are still bound by the laws of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, if I'm not mistaken.
They certainly are.

The constitution does not, ill repeat, give the government power over how those 2 companies regulate their PRIVATE SERVERS.

Again, you posting content is not on 'the public' airwaves. It is, quite literally, on servers that Facebook owns or rents. You want the government to force FB and Twitter to dispense with that property as the government chooses rather than as the actual owners choose. That is counter to the constitution and it is counter to property rights.

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