Trump Borders on Treason

Trump didn't so much as Russia to hack Hillary, he's under the assumption that they already have and has asked them if they have the emails to release them to the media.

He isn't asking them to do so, he assumes they already have.

Of course, as anyone with a brain assumes,.

Hillary's illegal mail server had ZERO security on it. They didn't need to "hack," just download here mail as plain text, including classified and top secret documents.

And you want HER to be president? :eek:

No way should she be allowed access to any classified or secret information, she has already proven that she will not handle it properly.

After examining the server, the FBI said that there was nothing illegal that went on with her server, just that she was a bit careless.

And, I handled classified material from 1982 until 2002 as part of my duties as a PN. All documents that were considered classified were clearly marked at the top and bottom of the page with large stamps. If it came in on the radio traffic, there were boxes printed at the top and bottom of the message that stated the classification.

(C) When the emails in question were shown on the news, the classification markings were nothing like I've ever seen. Just a "c" in parens at the beginning of a paragraph. If this post were an email, this paragraph would be considered classified just because of the "c" at the beginning.

While she may have been a bit careless, even the FBI said that there was no wrongdoing.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Another idiot taking the bait. Russia can't hack Hillary's servers idiot. They are offline and in the possession of the FBI. Russia probably did hack them while Hillary was using them but they can't hack them now. They are unplugged and most probably locked away in an evidence room. Get a life. You can't hack into a server that is powered down and the hard drive is removed.

You beat me to it. Spot on!
Sorry but you can't shift what Hillary did to Trump.

Speaking out against hilly or obummy isn't treason. They aren't the country.

Yeah, what a great American you are. Encouraging one of your traditional enemies to undermine your own country. Wow, just when you think Trump and his supporters couldn't be any more stupid...

If the Russians already have Hillary's e-mails, why not publish them. The sure can't get them now unless they have a mole in the FBI.
Trump didn't so much as Russia to hack Hillary, he's under the assumption that they already have and has asked them if they have the emails to release them to the media.

He isn't asking them to do so, he assumes they already have.

Of course, as anyone with a brain assumes,.

Hillary's illegal mail server had ZERO security on it. They didn't need to "hack," just download here mail as plain text, including classified and top secret documents.

And you want HER to be president? :eek:

No way should she be allowed access to any classified or secret information, she has already proven that she will not handle it properly.

After examining the server, the FBI said that there was nothing illegal that went on with her server, just that she was a bit careless.

And, I handled classified material from 1982 until 2002 as part of my duties as a PN. All documents that were considered classified were clearly marked at the top and bottom of the page with large stamps. If it came in on the radio traffic, there were boxes printed at the top and bottom of the message that stated the classification.

(C) When the emails in question were shown on the news, the classification markings were nothing like I've ever seen. Just a "c" in parens at the beginning of a paragraph. If this post were an email, this paragraph would be considered classified just because of the "c" at the beginning.

While she may have been a bit careless, even the FBI said that there was no wrongdoing.

The FBI concluded that she lied a few dozen times. I was Air Force and you were Navy and you know that we would be in the brig if we did what Hillary did with her private server.
Trump saying that Russia should share hiLIARy's emails with the rest of us is Treason.

But hiLIARy having a private, unsecure email server in violation of the Espionage Act which the Russians hacked to get her emails isn't?

Only in HopenChange UpIsDown, RightIsLeft, there is noTruth there Land.
After examining the server, the FBI said that there was nothing illegal that went on with her server, just that she was a bit careless.


Now you know that isn't even close to true adn bears virtually no relation to what Comey actually said.

If one of you democrats ever told the truth about anything,, would you burst into flames or something? ;dunno:

And, I handled classified material from 1982 until 2002 as part of my duties as a PN. All documents that were considered classified were clearly marked at the top and bottom of the page with large stamps. If it came in on the radio traffic, there were boxes printed at the top and bottom of the message that stated the classification.

As were the ones Clinton mishandled. When she claimed otherwise, she was committing perjury.

(C) When the emails in question were shown on the news, the classification markings were nothing like I've ever seen. Just a "c" in parens at the beginning of a paragraph. If this post were an email, this paragraph would be considered classified just because of the "c" at the beginning.

While she may have been a bit careless, even the FBI said that there was no wrongdoing.

These were emails, not folders from WWII.

The cables published by WikiLeaks — 23,035 in all — are all from her first year as secretary of state and are all marked “(C)” for “confidential” — a designation for classified information. The cables were originally provided to WikiLeaks by Pfc. Bradley Manning in 2010. Mrs. Clinton held that office for another three years, meaning that she could have seen as many as nearly 100,000 such classified documents in the form of cables — proving, as Assange asserts, that “she was intimately familiar” with the “(C)” designation.

FBI Director James Comey may have attempted to sell the line that Clinton did not intend to break the law, but considering the size and scope of her mishandling of sensitive intelligence, it is more than a little hard to swallow what Comey was dishing out. Considering that the Justice Department has prosecuted people for far smaller infractions, it will be interesting to see if — now that it can be easily demonstrated that Clinton knew she was breaking the law — Comey will continue to oppose her indictment.

Assange — with an obvious nod toward the irony involved — pointed out in an interview with ITV last month that the Obama administration has prosecuted a number of whistleblowers in recent years. WikiLeaks — which Assange started and continues to run while in exile — relies on whistleblowers, so his bias is easily understood.}

23,035 Cables Prove That Clinton Knew E-mails Were Marked Classified When She Sent and Received Them

Hillary might be above the law that governs the rest of us, but there is no question she broke that law.

I do find it amusing the DNC hacks in the media and on this forum accuse Trump of doing what Clinton actually did.

The Alinsky method.
Trump saying that Russia should share hiLIARy's emails with the rest of us is Treason.

But hiLIARy having a private, unsecure email server in violation of the Espionage Act which the Russians hacked to get her emails isn't?

Only in HopenChange UpIsDown, RightIsLeft, there is noTruth there Land.

The democrats are gutter scum, the lowest form of vermin on the planet.

What Trump in fact said was;

By the way, they hacked — they probably have her 33,000 e-mails. I hope they do. They probably have her 33,000 e-mails that she lost and deleted because you’d see some beauties there. So let’s see.}

Every time these filthy democrat lie, just remind them of what he in fact said.

Obvious mocking on his part, due to Hillary's string of felonies.
Comey would have done something but Billy Clinton cornered AG Loretta Lynch at her plane. He assured her she would remain as AG if Hillary won the election. Lynch elected not to pursue the matter further.

See. Democrats in action.
How Hillary story changes over time:

Nothing classified. - Leak proves it wrong
Nothing really classified. - Leak proves it wrong
Nothing classified at the time. - Leak proves it wrong
Others did exact the same thing. - Leak
Others did mostly the same thing. - Leak
Others did much worse. - Leak
Nothing marked classified. - Leak
Nothing not personal deleted. - Leak
Nothing turned over already. - Leak
No intention to deceive. - Leak
No evidence hacked. - Guccifer paraded on NBC.
Yeah, but he's so thick, he doesn't realise that and he encouraged Russia to do so.

To do WHAT? :lmao:

You fucktards get so excited when the hate sites tell you that you can "get" the object they've trained you to hate...

Listen up stupid, Hillary no longer has an illegal email server which she illegally stores top secret documents on with no security at all.

You grasp that sparky? There is nothing to hack.

You fucking retards are a crack up - so incredibly stupid.

What sort of person does that? A fucking moron. And you support that? I reiterate, when Ryan and Pence are running for cover, you've fucked up.

Oh, this is big, Trump is done.... :eusa_whistle:

Even as the faux scandals you fucktards cook up, this is laughably stupid.

BUT do keep reminding America that Hillary kept top secret documents on an unsecured, illegal server and was deemed "above the law" and "too big to prosecute" by the FBI.

We are a nation of laws that don't apply to Hillary!

Faux scandals??? LOL, this is from the idiots rabbiting on ad infinitum about Benghazi.

I know there is nothing to hack. That is not the point. Trumplethinskin is so thick he doesn't realise that and STILL asked your friend and mine, Putin, to release the information if he had it.

Christ and you call me dumb. You're at a whole new level of dumbfuckery.
Trump didn't so much as Russia to hack Hillary, he's under the assumption that they already have and has asked them if they have the emails to release them to the media.

He isn't asking them to do so, he assumes they already have.

Of course, as anyone with a brain assumes,.

Hillary's illegal mail server had ZERO security on it. They didn't need to "hack," just download here mail as plain text, including classified and top secret documents.

And you want HER to be president? :eek:

No way should she be allowed access to any classified or secret information, she has already proven that she will not handle it properly.

After examining the server, the FBI said that there was nothing illegal that went on with her server, just that she was a bit careless.

And, I handled classified material from 1982 until 2002 as part of my duties as a PN. All documents that were considered classified were clearly marked at the top and bottom of the page with large stamps. If it came in on the radio traffic, there were boxes printed at the top and bottom of the message that stated the classification.

(C) When the emails in question were shown on the news, the classification markings were nothing like I've ever seen. Just a "c" in parens at the beginning of a paragraph. If this post were an email, this paragraph would be considered classified just because of the "c" at the beginning.

While she may have been a bit careless, even the FBI said that there was no wrongdoing.

You don't seem to know the difference between "a bit" and "extremely." This is what the FBI Director said:

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of the classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."
Well, appafrently you're pretty thick yourself claiming Russia can hack a server that is powered down and in FBI custody.

Oh God <buries head in hands>. That's not the point. Tell that to Trumpy. I'm not the one asking Putin to release the information, he is. IOW, he has no idea about the above.

Do you think it is possible that Hillary's server was hacked before she deleted the 30,000 emails? Or didn't that ever occur to you?
The above is the perfect commie/socialist demoRAT....Fuck the Constitution and let Heir Hildebeast RULE with an iron fist.....Try Cuba, scumbag?

If she gets the votes in the House and Senate to amend or rescind the 2nd and you go against it, then it will be you fucking the Constitution. She'll be following the rules as set out by your FF.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
:eusa_hand:Yeah and this comes from a Hillitard supporter? So if Killary didn't put any classified e-mail's on a non secure server what is there to worry about unless of course she did. :eusa_hand:

BTW the king of treason is Obama, he's been actively undermining this country for 8 years.
I thought you all stated we should become friends with the world? Allies? Doesn't that include Russia? Anyway, trump merely stated that if the 33,000 emails are in their possession for them to release them. They're not supposed to be classified right? Isn't that hillary swore on? What is it you're worried about?

Yeah, but Trumplethinskin doesn't know what they contain. He's not rubbing his hands with glee hoping Putin will release personal emails, he's hoping they were classified and sink Clinton.
Sorry but you can't shift what Hillary did to Trump.

Speaking out against hilly or obummy isn't treason. They aren't the country.

Yeah, what a great American you are. Encouraging one of your traditional enemies to undermine your own country. Wow, just when you think Trump and his supporters couldn't be any more stupid...

Trump doesn't want to undermine the country. If Russia did hack Hillary's server before she deleted the 30,000 emails and they still have them, we know they were ALL personal things that could not harm our country. Chelsea's wedding, yoga appointments, etc. How do we know that? Because Hillary already said so, and everybody knows she wouldn't lie, especially when national security could be in jeopardy.

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