Trump Borders on Treason

After examining the server, the FBI said that there was nothing illegal that went on with her server, just that she was a bit careless.

And, I handled classified material from 1982 until 2002 as part of my duties as a PN. All documents that were considered classified were clearly marked at the top and bottom of the page with large stamps. If it came in on the radio traffic, there were boxes printed at the top and bottom of the message that stated the classification.

(C) When the emails in question were shown on the news, the classification markings were nothing like I've ever seen. Just a "c" in parens at the beginning of a paragraph. If this post were an email, this paragraph would be considered classified just because of the "c" at the beginning.

While she may have been a bit careless, even the FBI said that there was no wrongdoing.

During their exchange, Comey admitted that Clinton, despite her claims of innocence, shared classified information from multiple devices and failed to turn over all of her work-related emails after she was ordered to do so.

GOWDY: Good morning, Director Comey. Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?

COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent —

GOWDY: So it was not true?

COMEY: That’s what I said.

GOWDY: OK. Well, I’m looking for a little shorter answer so you and I are not here quite as long. Secretary Clinton said there was not marked classified on her e-mails either sent or received, was that true?

COMEY: That’s not true. There were a small number of portion markings on I think three of the documents.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?

COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

COMEY: She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of State.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related e-mails from her personal account. Was that true?

COMEY: That’s a harder one to answer. We found traces of work related e-mails in — on devices or slack space, whether they were deleted or whether when a server was changed out something happened to them. There’s no doubt that the work-related e-mails that were removed electronically from the — the e-mail system.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?


In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.
There were a lot of WMD's in Iraq. Saddam used some of them on the Kurds and hid war with Iran. We just didn't find what was left. Kerry and Clinton voted in favor of invading Iraq and the UN disagreed with you since they found Iraq in material breech of the cease fire. Like it or not, Bush crossed the T's and dotted the i's before invading Iraq.

At Least Trump Got One Thing Right. There Were No WMDs in Iraq

That above aside, there are plenty of countries that have WMDs - China, Russia, France, GB...when do you start the invasions?

There WERE WMD's in Iraq along with 500 tonnes of yellowcake which the U.S. shipped to Canada for safe storage.
drama queens here

i saw the speech it was a joke. reading off the dnc memo?
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Another idiot taking the bait. Russia can't hack Hillary's servers idiot. They are offline and in the possession of the FBI. Russia probably did hack them while Hillary was using them but they can't hack them now. They are unplugged and most probably locked away in an evidence room. Get a life. You can't hack into a server that is powered down and the hard drive is removed.
The fact is Bubba that he suggested - hell, asked- that they try and that is opprobrious! He is dangerous.! The guy who claimed that he is beholden to no one is trying to use a foreign power that to get himself elected. Is it possible that you don't se a problem with that. And remember, he has already signaled to Russia that he is willing to sit back and allow them to roll over eastern Europe and re-establish the Soviet empire.
no, actually he didn't. He said if you have the missing 33000 emails basically hand them to the FBI. They already hacked her server fool. they have them. he asked for them to give them to the people of the US.
He also said:

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

“I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens. That will be next.”Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Make note of this as well:

Admiral James Stavridis, the former Nato commander who is due to speak at the Democratic national convention on Wednesday night, called Trump’s comments “shocking and dangerous”.

“In addition to the obvious domestic political implications of essentially inviting interference in our election, they will further undermine European confidence in the reliability of the US as an ally – particularly in the face of Russian adventurism,” he said. Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
well if the emails Trump wants are already deleted, how is it he's asking anyone to hack anything. you know her server is off line right, the FBI already stated they weren't there. So? The sentence again, only states, if you find them, give them to America. What's wrong with that? if they already have them, they have them and then the traitor is Hillary for her server being unprotected. Doh!!!!!!

What would you all be worried about?
What the FBI said is that they were deleted in a manner that makes then unrecoverable. So if the hacker has them they got them a long time ago.

Deleting files in that manner requires more than clicking a delete button. The files have to be overwritten. It is ridiculous to believe that someone would do that over wedding plans.
When the UN declares them in material breech of a cease fire would be a good time.

Oh, so now the UN has credibility. Interesting. And which UN resolution agreed with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 (hint, there isn't one that was approved by the SC)

When has the SC approved anything involving a muslim country other than declaring Iraq in material breech? The only thing they always approve is condemnation of Israel.

When a cease fire is violated, the only sensible solution is to resume firing.
When has the SC approved anything involving a muslim country other than declaring Iraq in material breech? The only thing they always approve is condemnation of Israel.

When a cease fire is violated, the only sensible solution is to resume firing.

Oh, so now the UN doesn't matter....make up your mind.
Bush going into Iraq was BS. Stated it at the time. Stating it now. Gee, who ended up being right?
When has the SC approved anything involving a muslim country other than declaring Iraq in material breech? The only thing they always approve is condemnation of Israel.

When a cease fire is violated, the only sensible solution is to resume firing.

Oh, so now the UN doesn't matter....make up your mind.
Bush going into Iraq was BS. Stated it at the time. Stating it now. Gee, who ended up being right?

The only real BS in Iraq was Obama keeping a campaign promise and pulling ALL of the US support troops out instead of taking the advice from the Pentagon to leave a residual force in country. Gee, he has since had to send them back after ISIS was formed and took over part of the country.
The only real BS in Iraq was Obama keeping a campaign promise and pulling ALL of the US support troops out instead of taking the advice from the Pentagon to leave a residual force in country. Gee, he has since had to send them back after ISIS was formed and took over part of the country.

Oh please. I don't even bother listening to anybody who puts the words "Iraq", "Obama" and "fault" in the same sentence. Iraq and ALL it's consequences are owned lock, stock and barrel by Dubya, Cheney, Wolfowitz and anybody else involved from that cabal. All Obama did was take the advice of his generals. Something Dubya should have done in the first place. The whole place is a clusterfuck.

The bit I really love and find ironic, is that Repubs are huge on personal responsibility. When it comes to Iraq they can't wait to pin blame on Obama. It's their clusterfuck, they own it. Period.
The only real BS in Iraq was Obama keeping a campaign promise and pulling ALL of the US support troops out instead of taking the advice from the Pentagon to leave a residual force in country. Gee, he has since had to send them back after ISIS was formed and took over part of the country.

Oh please. I don't even bother listening to anybody who puts the words "Iraq", "Obama" and "fault" in the same sentence. Iraq and ALL it's consequences are owned lock, stock and barrel by Dubya, Cheney, Wolfowitz and anybody else involved from that cabal. All Obama did was take the advice of his generals. Something Dubya should have done in the first place. The whole place is a clusterfuck.

The bit I really love and find ironic, is that Repubs are huge on personal responsibility. When it comes to Iraq they can't wait to pin blame on Obama. It's their clusterfuck, they own it. Period.

Bush, bad....Obama, good. Got it.

As I previously stated, Bush got the OK from Congress and that made it legal

Bush, bad....Obama, good. Got it.

As I previously stated, Bush got the OK from Congress and that made it legal
Y'know TT, I get sick of the same old BS. "Oh, bush, bad, Obama good". It's like being in a fucking schoolyard. It's not that simple. Somehow, Bush and all his acolytes invade Iraq and Afghanistan against the wishes of the rest of the world. They were there for five years of Bush's presidency. Everything was well-entrenched by the time Obama came to power, and suddenly everything is somehow Obama's fault when he gets elected. Started from Day One he was sworn in. Get fucked. Do you think any rational, sane person thinks like this? No. They don't. We're not idiots. And if you want get on your knees for Bush, go for it. I believe you are responsible for your actions. Iraq and Afghanistan are, and always will be, Bush's wars of choice.

I laugh my head off whenever I criticise Bush about this for two main reasons. And this is just how fucking stupid you think the rest of us are:
1) Criticise the invasion? GoPers fall over themselves about how Bush was right and there were WMDs; Congress approved of the invasion; Saddam was bad; Blah, blah, blah
2) Mention how it's all turned into a clusterfuck? Obama's fault.

I'll tell you something for free. The VAST majority of people in the western world, and ALL sane Americans know that those wars are Bush's. The only people who don't see that are neocon whackos. Who are by far the minority. If you want bury your head in the sand then have at it. Don't try and sell you snake oil to the rest of us. We're laughing at you.....
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Bush, bad....Obama, good. Got it.

As I previously stated, Bush got the OK from Congress and that made it legal
Y'know TT, I get sick of the same old BS. "Oh, bush, bad, Obama good". It's like being in a fucking schoolyard. It's not that simple. Somehow, Bush and all his acolytes invade Iraq and Afghanistan against the wishes of the rest of the world. They were there for five years of Bush's presidency. Everything was well-entrenched by the time Obama came to power, and suddenly everything is somehow Obama's fault when he gets elected. Started from Day One he was sworn in. Get fucked. Do you think any rational, sane person thinks like this? No. They don't. We're not idiots. And if you want get on your knees for Bush, go for it. I believe you are responsible for your actions. Iraq and Afghanistan are, and always will be, Bush's wars of choice.

I laugh my head off whenever I criticise Bush about this for two main reasons. And this is just how fucking stupid you think the rest of us are:
1) Criticise the invasion? GoPers fall over themselves about how Bush was right and there were WMDs; Congress approved of the invasion; Saddam was bad; Blah, blah, blah
2) Mention how it's all turned into a clusterfuck? Obama's fault.

I'll you something for free. The VAST majority of people in the western world, and ALL sane Americans know that those wars are Bush's. The only people who don't see that are neocon whackos. Who are by far the minority. If you want bury your head in the sand then have at it. Don't try and sell you snake oil to the rest of us. We're laughing at you.....

Any fool that calls the invasion of Afghanistan a war of choice is an anti-American idiot. That is like saying declaring war on Japan because of a few bombs dropped at Pearl Harbor was a war of choice.

I do not consider you a rational sane person, and the wars became Obama's responsibility when he took office. I don't blame him for engaging but I do blame him for surrendering Bush's gains to keep a campaign promise. All of the loss in human life was squandered for political gain.

If you can be bothered to read, you will find the rest of the world wasn't against the Iraq invasion:

"The Bush administration briefly used "coalition of the willing" to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or politically, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members. In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion. Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete."

I will repeat, the way Obama ended the Iraq war was a clusterfuck.
Any fool that calls the invasion of Afghanistan a war of choice is an anti-American idiot. That is like saying declaring war on Japan because of a few bombs dropped at Pearl Harbor was a war of choice.

I do not consider you a rational sane person, and the wars became Obama's responsibility when he took office. I don't blame him for engaging but I do blame him for surrendering Bush's gains to keep a campaign promise. All of the loss in human life was squandered for political gain.

If you can be bothered to read, you will find the rest of the world wasn't against the Iraq invasion:

"The Bush administration briefly used "coalition of the willing" to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or politically, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members. In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion. Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete."

I will repeat, the way Obama ended the Iraq war was a clusterfuck.

You're comparing Pearl Harbor to Iraq/Afghanistan? An action where the Imperial Japanese Army/Air Force and Navy blew up the Pacific Fleet vs 17 mainly Saudi nationals flew planes into the WTC? That's what your saying. Saudis ram planes into the WTC and it's Afghanistan/Iraq's fault? Bad analogy.

Let me give you a history lesson on the Coalition of the Willing. The only countries that mattered were the US, UK and Australia. I live in Australia. The invasion was opposed by the vast majority. The ONLY reason Howard got reelected after the invasion was due to the economy. If the ONLY issue in the subsequent election had been the supporting the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan he would have lost in landslide. One of the most unpopular decisions he ever made. As for the UK. Two words: Chilcot Report. As for the rest of the Coalition of the Willing - nothing but US proxies, acolytes, arse lickers and nobodies. Where was France? Russia? China? Germany? NOWHERE.

How was it a clusterfuck? He was in a lose-lose situation. Thanks Dubya. Would you like your son or daughter to be the last death in that war? Fuck off....
If the server is off-line, then there is no way anyone can get to it.

The second thing is it wasn't Clinton's server that was hacked, it was the DNC's server.

I think Trump baited the left and they swallowed the bait and the hook and the line and the sinker.

Another silly issue by the left.

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