Trump Borders on Treason

He has 500 million more than you, but that takes no brains to get that, right. He is a terrible politician, but he is by no means dumb.

From a $200 million start 35 years ago, yeah, that is a poor return. He is thick as pig shit. The wind my dog just passed shows more signs of intelligence. That's the problem with you sycophants who believe the almighty dollar is their Magog - you equate wealth with intelligence. That can be true (Gates and Jobs), but it can also be BS.

Sounds like sour grapes, his properties that he owns are worth billions. He doesn't have billions without being smart, you are doing something right. Back to the name calling. I love how you just love to call people that don't agree with you names, that is a sure sign of intelligence.
Sounds like sour grapes, his properties that he owns are worth billions. He doesn't have billions without being smart, you are doing something right. Back to the name calling. I love how you just love to call people that don't agree with you names, that is a sure sign of intelligence.

It's not so much name calling as opposed to how vacuous you are.
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....
Sounds like sour grapes, his properties that he owns are worth billions. He doesn't have billions without being smart, you are doing something right. Back to the name calling. I love how you just love to call people that don't agree with you names, that is a sure sign of intelligence.

It's not so much name calling as opposed to how vacuous you are.

Sure, whatever you want to believe.
This thread reminds me of the time a child chewed a pop tart into the shape of a gun. The libs went ape shit and suspended the child. "Oh lord! This is unacceptable, imagine if that thing went off? It could have hurt someone!"

Libs are not fit to think. They cannot think past step 1. Please let conservatives handle the thinking from now on.

Bush, bad....Obama, good. Got it.

As I previously stated, Bush got the OK from Congress and that made it legal
Y'know TT, I get sick of the same old BS. "Oh, bush, bad, Obama good". It's like being in a fucking schoolyard. It's not that simple. Somehow, Bush and all his acolytes invade Iraq and Afghanistan against the wishes of the rest of the world. They were there for five years of Bush's presidency. Everything was well-entrenched by the time Obama came to power, and suddenly everything is somehow Obama's fault when he gets elected. Started from Day One he was sworn in. Get fucked. Do you think any rational, sane person thinks like this? No. They don't. We're not idiots. And if you want get on your knees for Bush, go for it. I believe you are responsible for your actions. Iraq and Afghanistan are, and always will be, Bush's wars of choice.

I laugh my head off whenever I criticise Bush about this for two main reasons. And this is just how fucking stupid you think the rest of us are:
1) Criticise the invasion? GoPers fall over themselves about how Bush was right and there were WMDs; Congress approved of the invasion; Saddam was bad; Blah, blah, blah
2) Mention how it's all turned into a clusterfuck? Obama's fault.

I'll tell you something for free. The VAST majority of people in the western world, and ALL sane Americans know that those wars are Bush's. The only people who don't see that are neocon whackos. Who are by far the minority. If you want bury your head in the sand then have at it. Don't try and sell you snake oil to the rest of us. We're laughing at you.....
So you don't expect obummer to honor his promises? Is that what you're saying?
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....

I don't like the idea he filed bankruptcy, but our legal system allows for it and I don't fault others for playing by the rules. However the rich have written laws for the rich since the beginning of time.

Who said I was backing Trump? I have said to you over and over that I won't back Trump, you seem to pick and choose what you want out of post or you have poor reading comprehension skills. You seem to be another leftwing nutter that tries to box me in to a certain category.

Like you said you have voted for 5 different parties, I am going to be at 6 different parties after this election.

You don't like the idea that I think Trump is a little better than Hillary. I think she is very dangerous, her lies about Libya to over throw a government was wrong. Even Obama says it is a low point in his administration. The games she played in Honduras are cause for concern. But the left won't talk those issues, they are hung up about a what Trump said about Russians releasing Clintons e-mails that don't have any classified information on them. Instead of talking about the inter-cities and their issues, liberals are concerned that Trumps wife plagiarized a speech from 8 years ago. Instead of talking about immigration issues, the left wants to talk about Trump's wife's boob job.

Trump isn't any better when he brings up dumb things like Russians having Clinton's emails.

Two stupid candidates and even dumber supporters.
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....
There's that xenophobia charge again. Why do ewe do that?
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....
There's that xenophobia charge again. Why do ewe do that?

He has nothing else. Just wants to name call, it's a regressive left tactic.
Any fool that calls the invasion of Afghanistan a war of choice is an anti-American idiot. That is like saying declaring war on Japan because of a few bombs dropped at Pearl Harbor was a war of choice.

I do not consider you a rational sane person, and the wars became Obama's responsibility when he took office. I don't blame him for engaging but I do blame him for surrendering Bush's gains to keep a campaign promise. All of the loss in human life was squandered for political gain.

If you can be bothered to read, you will find the rest of the world wasn't against the Iraq invasion:

"The Bush administration briefly used "coalition of the willing" to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or politically, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members. In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion. Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete."

I will repeat, the way Obama ended the Iraq war was a clusterfuck.

You're comparing Pearl Harbor to Iraq/Afghanistan? An action where the Imperial Japanese Army/Air Force and Navy blew up the Pacific Fleet vs 17 mainly Saudi nationals flew planes into the WTC? That's what your saying. Saudis ram planes into the WTC and it's Afghanistan/Iraq's fault? Bad analogy.

Let me give you a history lesson on the Coalition of the Willing. The only countries that mattered were the US, UK and Australia. I live in Australia. The invasion was opposed by the vast majority. The ONLY reason Howard got reelected after the invasion was due to the economy. If the ONLY issue in the subsequent election had been the supporting the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan he would have lost in landslide. One of the most unpopular decisions he ever made. As for the UK. Two words: Chilcot Report. As for the rest of the Coalition of the Willing - nothing but US proxies, acolytes, arse lickers and nobodies. Where was France? Russia? China? Germany? NOWHERE.

How was it a clusterfuck? He was in a lose-lose situation. Thanks Dubya. Would you like your son or daughter to be the last death in that war? Fuck off....
Well, if you want an analogy, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and we go to Germany. Hmmmmm seems the same to me.
Any fool that calls the invasion of Afghanistan a war of choice is an anti-American idiot. That is like saying declaring war on Japan because of a few bombs dropped at Pearl Harbor was a war of choice.

I do not consider you a rational sane person, and the wars became Obama's responsibility when he took office. I don't blame him for engaging but I do blame him for surrendering Bush's gains to keep a campaign promise. All of the loss in human life was squandered for political gain.

If you can be bothered to read, you will find the rest of the world wasn't against the Iraq invasion:

"The Bush administration briefly used "coalition of the willing" to refer to the countries who supported, militarily or politically, the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent military presence in post-invasion Iraq. The original list released in March 2003 included 46 members. In April 2003, the list was updated to include 49 countries, though it was reduced to 48 after Costa Rica objected to its inclusion. Of the 48 countries on the list, three contributed troops to the invasion force (the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete."

I will repeat, the way Obama ended the Iraq war was a clusterfuck.

You're comparing Pearl Harbor to Iraq/Afghanistan? An action where the Imperial Japanese Army/Air Force and Navy blew up the Pacific Fleet vs 17 mainly Saudi nationals flew planes into the WTC? That's what your saying. Saudis ram planes into the WTC and it's Afghanistan/Iraq's fault? Bad analogy.

Let me give you a history lesson on the Coalition of the Willing. The only countries that mattered were the US, UK and Australia. I live in Australia. The invasion was opposed by the vast majority. The ONLY reason Howard got reelected after the invasion was due to the economy. If the ONLY issue in the subsequent election had been the supporting the Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan he would have lost in landslide. One of the most unpopular decisions he ever made. As for the UK. Two words: Chilcot Report. As for the rest of the Coalition of the Willing - nothing but US proxies, acolytes, arse lickers and nobodies. Where was France? Russia? China? Germany? NOWHERE.

How was it a clusterfuck? He was in a lose-lose situation. Thanks Dubya. Would you like your son or daughter to be the last death in that war? Fuck off....

Why didn't FDR just ignore the loss 3,000 American lives? You expected Bush to just ignore it or you call it an unnecesary war. I spent 6 almost 6 months in Australia years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. You can fuck off if you aren't an American citizen.
you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Anyone voting for Clinton is voting for the end of our country. This is painfully obvious.
People backing Hillary are either anti America or clueless. Could be both of course but I'm thinking one or the other.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Here are excerpts from what Charles Krauthammer had to say about Trumps statement on Russia. And he is no Trump fan.

"Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer pointed out what many have called a brilliant trap GOP presidential Donald Trump set for Democrat rival Hillary Clinton earlier this week when he called on the Russian government to find the 30,000 emails missing from the former secretary of state’s personal email server.

Krauthammer told Fox News’ “Special Report” host Bret Baier that people remembered what Trump said about Russia because that remark was his “parting shot,” adding that “it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue.”

The Clinton campaign responded to Trump’s remark, saying, “This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”

So it would appear that Clinton’s campaign just admitted that at least some of the emails housed on her e-mail server were indeed a national security issue.

The Pulitzer Prize winner pointed out that if the emails Clinton deleted were actually about yoga lessons and wedding planning, there’s no national security involved at all. So why mention national security at all when criticizing Trump?

“So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work-related, if not classified stuff, on the emails which she deleted, which I think would be the grounds for a charge of obstruction,” he said.

Krauthammer also added the whether Trump’s remark was serious or not, “it leaves the Clinton campaign in a complete contradiction. If these are just private emails, then there is nothing to be concerned about. There’s no espionage. There is no danger to national security.”
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Borders on Treason? What about Traitor period!! What this man has done and continues to do is grounds for being shot off the map by a US military firing squad and then hung by the balls to dry.

Did they hack his unsecured private server and get all of those highly classified documents he was sending to his staff? Or was that another traitor?
not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

Don't worry. If she is innocent as she claims she is, they will simply waste their time. Right? LOL!!
Not only that, but if anyone could seriously hack that computer now, they are truly the best of the best hackers. I mean, Hillary took a dust cloth to it and wiped it, remember? Seriously, though, that computer is no longer accessible to the internet, in fact it is most likely not assembled at all.
Hillary gave Russia all those emails. Is that not treason?

No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.

Boy, you all are really stupid.

If they could hack the DNC, what makes an idiot like you think they didn't hack Hillary's unsecured server?
Now, now, don't go destroying an article of faith for the faithful. They've clung tenaciously to the idea that her server was never hacked. I think it helps them sleep at night.
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You know, this shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.

First, it came out that Hillary had a private server in her house. The FBI took it over and checked it out to see if there was anything illegal that had happened, and their determination was that while she was a bit careless and sloppy, she did nothing illegal.

Several months later, the e-mail scandal is desperately being kept alive by the GOP, and when the DNC is hacked in a SEPARATE HACK ATTACK, on DIFFERENT SERVER that belonged to the DNC, not Hillary, and Trump tries to connect the two as a way to make Hillary look bad.

The hack on the DNC has nothing to do with Hillary's emails as Secretary of State.
Now I see why you are confused. The FBI most certainly did not say Hillary was a bit careless and sloppy. I'll leave it to you to see how they actually characterized it, minus the spin you're attempting to put on it.

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