Trump Borders on Treason

Why didn't FDR just ignore the loss 3,000 American lives? You expected Bush to just ignore it or you call it an unnecesary war. I spent 6 almost 6 months in Australia years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. You can fuck off if you aren't an American citizen.

Japan owned Pearl Harbor. Iraq owned shit about 9/11.

As I've said many times before on this board - the day America fucks off and leaves the rest of the world alone is the day I leave this board. IOW I never will because America just can't help itself. It has to stick its nose in everybody else's business. Sucks, eh?
The above is the perfect commie/socialist demoRAT....Fuck the Constitution and let Heir Hildebeast RULE with an iron fist.....Try Cuba, scumbag?

If she gets the votes in the House and Senate to amend or rescind the 2nd and you go against it, then it will be you fucking the Constitution. She'll be following the rules as set out by your FF.
Incorrect. She will need to get 2/3 of the individual states to do that. But please, do try again.

To be ratified, yes....But she needs to get the votes in the house and senate first to get the process going. I doubt they'd take the other option first (a convention of the states).
Is there any doubt that there were classified documents in her emails? Not according to the FBI Director Comey

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of the classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Not only does your point not negate mine, it has nothing to do with mine.
Hillary gave Russia all those emails. Is that not treason?

No, idiot....Hillary didn't give Russia any e-mails. The e-mails that the Russians hacked were the DNC e-mails....not Hillary's e-mails.

Boy, you all are really stupid.

If they could hack the DNC, what makes an idiot like you think they didn't hack Hillary's unsecured server?
Bottom line is this, why don't we wait and see, and if Putin is in the closet with the RNC, it'll show. But com'on, we all know the RNC are commies in the closet!

Sure, and Reagan brought down the USSR because he loved commies. You are one sick fuck if you think the Republicans are commies.
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....

I may add..... The sad part after those chapter 11s Trump bragged he made a lot of money.
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....

I may add..... The sad part after those chapter 11s Trump bragged he made a lot of money.
So you're pissed cause he used the law to benefit himself? That's brilliant
Is there any doubt that there were classified documents in her emails? Not according to the FBI Director Comey

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of the classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Not only does your point not negate mine, it has nothing to do with mine.

but....but....but.... no one is allowed to point out what the donald is or they get cranky.
You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

not about hating. you think I don't want a strong US? of course i do. But if you keep on backing losers like Trump you're going to be a third world country in no time.

Yeah. nothing logical about filing 4 chapter 11s. Go tell that to the sub-contractors he ripped off...

Love the xenophobia! Well done Georgio....
There's that xenophobia charge again. Why do ewe do that?

He has nothing else. Just wants to name call, it's a regressive left tactic.

you should probably go look up the word regressive dum dum
Well he totally fkd healthcare and lost jobs because of it. Yahoo

Healthcare is in a lot better place than it was. Ask those who are now covered. Lost jobs?
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Here are excerpts from what Charles Krauthammer had to say about Trumps statement on Russia. And he is no Trump fan.

"Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer pointed out what many have called a brilliant trap GOP presidential Donald Trump set for Democrat rival Hillary Clinton earlier this week when he called on the Russian government to find the 30,000 emails missing from the former secretary of state’s personal email server.

Krauthammer told Fox News’ “Special Report” host Bret Baier that people remembered what Trump said about Russia because that remark was his “parting shot,” adding that “it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue.”

The Clinton campaign responded to Trump’s remark, saying, “This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”

So it would appear that Clinton’s campaign just admitted that at least some of the emails housed on her e-mail server were indeed a national security issue.

The Pulitzer Prize winner pointed out that if the emails Clinton deleted were actually about yoga lessons and wedding planning, there’s no national security involved at all. So why mention national security at all when criticizing Trump?

“So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work-related, if not classified stuff, on the emails which she deleted, which I think would be the grounds for a charge of obstruction,” he said.

Krauthammer also added the whether Trump’s remark was serious or not, “it leaves the Clinton campaign in a complete contradiction. If these are just private emails, then there is nothing to be concerned about. There’s no espionage. There is no danger to national security.”


If hiLIARy was telling the truth that the deleted emails were all personal, then it's not treasonous to suggest that the Russians release her Yoga schedule.

If the emails do contain national security related info, then hiLIARY LIED.
So you're pissed cause he used the law to benefit himself? That's brilliant

No, he's pissed because a guy who wants to become the leader of the free world doesn't mind ripping off hard working Americans. And then brags about it. You seem okay with it. Oh, and just because it's the law doesn't make it right.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Here are excerpts from what Charles Krauthammer had to say about Trumps statement on Russia. And he is no Trump fan.

"Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer pointed out what many have called a brilliant trap GOP presidential Donald Trump set for Democrat rival Hillary Clinton earlier this week when he called on the Russian government to find the 30,000 emails missing from the former secretary of state’s personal email server.

Krauthammer told Fox News’ “Special Report” host Bret Baier that people remembered what Trump said about Russia because that remark was his “parting shot,” adding that “it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue.”

The Clinton campaign responded to Trump’s remark, saying, “This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”

So it would appear that Clinton’s campaign just admitted that at least some of the emails housed on her e-mail server were indeed a national security issue.

The Pulitzer Prize winner pointed out that if the emails Clinton deleted were actually about yoga lessons and wedding planning, there’s no national security involved at all. So why mention national security at all when criticizing Trump?

“So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work-related, if not classified stuff, on the emails which she deleted, which I think would be the grounds for a charge of obstruction,” he said.

Krauthammer also added the whether Trump’s remark was serious or not, “it leaves the Clinton campaign in a complete contradiction. If these are just private emails, then there is nothing to be concerned about. There’s no espionage. There is no danger to national security.”


If hiLIARy was telling the truth that the deleted emails were all personal, then it's not treasonous to suggest that the Russians release her Yoga schedule.

If the emails do contain national security related info, then hiLIARY LIED.
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails

Here are excerpts from what Charles Krauthammer had to say about Trumps statement on Russia. And he is no Trump fan.

"Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer pointed out what many have called a brilliant trap GOP presidential Donald Trump set for Democrat rival Hillary Clinton earlier this week when he called on the Russian government to find the 30,000 emails missing from the former secretary of state’s personal email server.

Krauthammer told Fox News’ “Special Report” host Bret Baier that people remembered what Trump said about Russia because that remark was his “parting shot,” adding that “it was a clever thing to plant, because it is an issue.”

The Clinton campaign responded to Trump’s remark, saying, “This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security issue.”

So it would appear that Clinton’s campaign just admitted that at least some of the emails housed on her e-mail server were indeed a national security issue.

The Pulitzer Prize winner pointed out that if the emails Clinton deleted were actually about yoga lessons and wedding planning, there’s no national security involved at all. So why mention national security at all when criticizing Trump?

“So the Clinton campaign ends up admitting that perhaps there really is work-related, if not classified stuff, on the emails which she deleted, which I think would be the grounds for a charge of obstruction,” he said.

Krauthammer also added the whether Trump’s remark was serious or not, “it leaves the Clinton campaign in a complete contradiction. If these are just private emails, then there is nothing to be concerned about. There’s no espionage. There is no danger to national security.”


If hiLIARy was telling the truth that the deleted emails were all personal, then it's not treasonous to suggest that the Russians release her Yoga schedule.

If the emails do contain national security related info, then hiLIARY LIED.

If hiLIARy was telling the truth that the deleted emails were all personal, then it's not treasonous to suggest that the Russians release her Yoga schedule.

If the emails do contain national security related info, then hiLIARY LIED.

All Krauthammer has done is give Trump and out. Krauthammer's reasoning is his own, not Trumps. Trump is not that smart.

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