Trump Borders on Treason

No, he's a liar too. Just wondering why anyone would suggest the release of Hillary's personal emails would endanger national security. They're personal, right?

Okay, I've said this on the boards at least five other times in the past hour or so, but you seem like a reasonable person so I'll say it again. He didn't know that, though. He thinks there's a smoking gun. He hoped to ruin her. He was wrong.
No, he's a liar too. Just wondering why anyone would suggest the release of Hillary's personal emails would endanger national security. They're personal, right?

Okay, I've said this on the boards at least five other times in the past hour or so, but you seem like a reasonable person so I'll say it again. He didn't know that, though. He thinks there's a smoking gun. He hoped to ruin her. He was wrong.

Not sure how you could know what Trump or any other man knows, hopes or thinks. Not sure how you know anyone was wrong or not as thus far, those emails remain deleted.

If, and it's a big if, Russia or any other hacker has those deleted emails, then and only then will we see if Hill lied again.

Won't make me vote for Trump either way.
No, he's a liar too. Just wondering why anyone would suggest the release of Hillary's personal emails would endanger national security. They're personal, right?

Okay, I've said this on the boards at least five other times in the past hour or so, but you seem like a reasonable person so I'll say it again. He didn't know that, though. He thinks there's a smoking gun. He hoped to ruin her. He was wrong.

Or he said it to get everyone to think about how she endangered American security. You don't know his intent. But he also knew it was the DNC servers that were hacked not her personal servers.
Or he said it to get everyone to think about how she endangered American security. You don't know his intent. But he also knew it was the DNC servers that were hacked not her personal servers.

I do know his intent by his subsequent comments after the original. Tell you what, go back and see what he said after. Then tell me you don't know his intent. And if you don't know, you're dumb as a post. And that's not an opinion....
Not sure how you could know what Trump or any other man knows, hopes or thinks. Not sure how you know anyone was wrong or not as thus far, those emails remain deleted.

If, and it's a big if, Russia or any other hacker has those deleted emails, then and only then will we see if Hill lied again.

Won't make me vote for Trump either way.

I know that because I've heard him talk and he is thick as pigshit. You haven't heard him talk lately? really?
Glad to see you are sane. Vote third party I say...
Or he said it to get everyone to think about how she endangered American security. You don't know his intent. But he also knew it was the DNC servers that were hacked not her personal servers.

I do know his intent by his subsequent comments after the original. Tell you what, go back and see what he said after. Then tell me you don't know his intent. And if you don't know, you're dumb as a post. And that's not an opinion....

You can't know his intent, he is a baiter and you libs fall for it. First he knew it was the DNC server that was hacked, secondly, there wasn't any classified info that the Russian had or might of had, Clinton herself told you that, unless you believe Clinton lied.

As being dumb as a post, that is a stupid regressive left comment. I dislike Trump a lot, yet you left wing nut jobs believe what Hillary tells you without question and that is even after knowing she has lied to you. Who is really the dumb one?
He is that smart, you don't build real estate empires by being stupid.

What empire? He inherited his "small loan" (his words) of $200 million and since then has done fuck-all. Well, there are the four Chapter 11's...How are those tax returns being released going? He claims to be worth $10 billion. Looks like it's close to $600 million.
He is that smart, you don't build real estate empires by being stupid.

What empire? He inherited his "small loan" (his words) of $200 million and since then has done fuck-all. Well, there are the four Chapter 11's...How are those tax returns being released going? He claims to be worth $10 billion. Looks like it's close to $600 million.

He has 500 million more than you, but that takes no brains to get that, right. He is a terrible politician, but he is by no means dumb.
You can't know his intent, he is a baiter and you libs fall for it. First he knew it was the DNC server that was hacked, secondly, there wasn't any classified info that the Russian had or might of had, Clinton herself told you that, unless you believe Clinton lied.

As being dumb as a post, that is a stupid regressive left comment. I dislike Trump a lot, yet you left wing nut jobs believe what Hillary tells you without question and that is even after knowing she has lied to you. Who is really the dumb one?

Of course i can know his intent due to his previous replies to various questions and press conferences. It's not rocket science. The guy is a vacuous moron. At best. Go listen to what he said. Please. You are looking like an idiot. Anybody with half a brain can see he hadn't a clue what had or had not been released. He was hoping to hand Clinton her arse on a plate.

This 'left-wing nutjob' is anti abortion and affirmative action...yeah, a real leftie. That's the problem with you Yanks and your crappy political system. You only have two trains of thought. There are at least 7 different political parties in my Parliament, pal. And I've voted for five of them in the past.

If you've read my other posts you'll know that I think both candidates are poor. The problem is that Trump is much, much poorer than Hillary. The GoP had an opportunity this year to put forward some pretty decent personal. They blew it. Not my fault or problem.
He has 500 million more than you, but that takes no brains to get that, right. He is a terrible politician, but he is by no means dumb.

From a $200 million start 35 years ago, yeah, that is a poor return. He is thick as pig shit. The wind my dog just passed shows more signs of intelligence. That's the problem with you sycophants who believe the almighty dollar is their Magog - you equate wealth with intelligence. That can be true (Gates and Jobs), but it can also be BS.
He is that smart, you don't build real estate empires by being stupid.

What empire? He inherited his "small loan" (his words) of $200 million and since then has done fuck-all. Well, there are the four Chapter 11's...How are those tax returns being released going? He claims to be worth $10 billion. Looks like it's close to $600 million.
Give us Hillary's Wall Street transcripts and we'll give you trumps taxes.
Trump is the manifestation of a reaction. To a large extent, so is Bernie....together they are more than half the voting population.

Why can't both sides acknowledge that a good portion of America is pissed off about business as usual.

People want to call Trump stupid (including me). What's funny is that they are doing while their heads are up their asses.
You can't know his intent, he is a baiter and you libs fall for it. First he knew it was the DNC server that was hacked, secondly, there wasn't any classified info that the Russian had or might of had, Clinton herself told you that, unless you believe Clinton lied.

As being dumb as a post, that is a stupid regressive left comment. I dislike Trump a lot, yet you left wing nut jobs believe what Hillary tells you without question and that is even after knowing she has lied to you. Who is really the dumb one?

Of course i can know his intent due to his previous replies to various questions and press conferences. It's not rocket science. The guy is a vacuous moron. At best. Go listen to what he said. Please. You are looking like an idiot. Anybody with half a brain can see he hadn't a clue what had or had not been released. He was hoping to hand Clinton her arse on a plate.

This 'left-wing nutjob' is anti abortion and affirmative action...yeah, a real leftie. That's the problem with you Yanks and your crappy political system. You only have two trains of thought. There are at least 7 different political parties in my Parliament, pal. And I've voted for five of them in the past.

If you've read my other posts you'll know that I think both candidates are poor. The problem is that Trump is much, much poorer than Hillary. The GoP had an opportunity this year to put forward some pretty decent personal. They blew it. Not my fault or problem.

You are a nut job, you haters are going to hate. Glad you have 7 different parties. I don't know what country you are from but I would be willing to bet that I wouldn't know any of your leaders nor do I care to. Yet, you desperately want us to recognize your opinion. Fine I recognize your opinion as being without merit and you are not logical.

I have voted for five different parties and will vote for another party this year. Big whopping deal.

If you don't like our political system, too bad, you aren't a citizen and we don't care. You have 7 parties and are not relevant to us.

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