Trump Borders on Treason

So will our intelligence agencies now refuse to brief Trump, being what a security risk he is?

Why, did he run an illegal mail server and let foreign intelligence hack top secret emails, and then delete them in a coverup?

Oh wait, that was Crooked Hillary.

Well , keep on lying.

Probably not. They'll go through the motions, so as not to look political. But, not being stupid, they won't tell him anything that matters, being it's certain Trump can't be trusted with it. They'll tell him some boilerplate stuff you can hear on the nightly news, and Trump, being a moron, will believe it's super top secret.

Obviously, Clinton will get full briefings.

This also means a bigger win in Virginia for Clinton, being nobody in any intel agency is going to be voting for Trump.

You may be a partisan hack and filled with hate, but holy fuck aren't you a stupid one.....
The FBI should be investigating Trump for this latest display of anti-patriotism. He encouraged Russia (on National TV) to hack into Hillary's e-mails and publish them. The Republican candidate for the Presidency is actually asking an enemy country to hack into an American's e-mails. This is considered Treason. If this isn't proof that the buffoon is not qualified to lead the country I don't know what is.

What will it take for Trump supporters to get the picture? If he were to ask another country to drop a bomb on the US would the Trump supporters stand on the sidelines and cheer? I believe they would.

Trump, meanwhile, speaking at a press conference in Florida, raised the stakes again, as he urged Russia to hack into and release Clinton’s emails from the personal server she used while she was secretary of state.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said.

Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish Hillary Clinton's 'missing' emails
Another one who is too busy knee jerking into faux outrage, to note that Trumpenfurher was trolling the media.

This raises another question; if Hillary's deleted emails were really just mundane crap about yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding, how can it be that there's any national security risk if they're in the hands of hackers?

Yeah, but he's so thick, he doesn't realise that and he encouraged Russia to do so. What sort of person does that? A fucking moron. And you support that? I reiterate, when Ryan and Pence are running for cover, you've fucked up.
Then it shows them to be at least as thick in the head as those who can't see that it was the media being mocked.
Another idiot taking the bait. Russia can't hack Hillary's servers idiot. They are offline and in the possession of the FBI. Russia probably did hack them while Hillary was using them but they can't hack them now. They are unplugged and most probably locked away in an evidence room. Get a life. You can't hack into a server that is powered down and the hard drive is removed.

not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

A Secretary of State, and a major party chair who does not understand encryption makes Dems a party led by dimwits.
not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

A Secretary of State, and a major party chair who does not understand encryption makes Dems a party led by dimwits.

Yeah because she's running for President of the IT department
Another idiot taking the bait. Russia can't hack Hillary's servers idiot. They are offline and in the possession of the FBI. Russia probably did hack them while Hillary was using them but they can't hack them now. They are unplugged and most probably locked away in an evidence room. Get a life. You can't hack into a server that is powered down and the hard drive is removed.

not the point though...the fact that Trump is even suggesting a foreign enemy country do something like that is whats news here, not whether or not it can be done
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

Don't worry. If she is innocent as she claims she is, they will simply waste their time. Right? LOL!!
So will our intelligence agencies now refuse to brief Trump, being what a security risk he is?

Probably not. They'll go through the motions, so as not to look political. But, not being stupid, they won't tell him anything that matters, being it's certain Trump can't be trusted with it. They'll tell him some boilerplate stuff you can hear on the nightly news, and Trump, being a moron, will believe it's super top secret.

Obviously, Clinton will get full briefings.

This also means a bigger win in Virginia for Clinton, being nobody in any intel agency is going to be voting for Trump.

Yes. Hillary will probably email Chelsa with the full details of the briefings.
So will our intelligence agencies now refuse to brief Trump, being what a security risk he is?

Probably not. They'll go through the motions, so as not to look political. But, not being stupid, they won't tell him anything that matters, being it's certain Trump can't be trusted with it. They'll tell him some boilerplate stuff you can hear on the nightly news, and Trump, being a moron, will believe it's super top secret.

Obviously, Clinton will get full briefings.

This also means a bigger win in Virginia for Clinton, being nobody in any intel agency is going to be voting for Trump.

Yes. Hillary will probably email Chelsa with the full details of the briefings.
Skip the. Chelsea middleman. Hilly will email everything directly to Wiki leaks. After all, how can Trump be blamed for emailing state secrets unless someone actually emails the secrets.
Look dumbass here's the way it went down

The DNC got caught plotting shit against The Bern, wondering if he was a Jew or an atheist and whether they could use it against them, when they were caught the said the Russians hacked them,for Trump so Trump comes back and says find those 33,000 deleted emails we want to see them. Now you asshole as faux outraged that he is consorting with the enemy, the same enemy Hildebeast was doing uranium deals with. See how stupid you look?

Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

A Secretary of State, and a major party chair who does not understand encryption makes Dems a party led by dimwits.

Yeah because she's running for President of the IT department

Rich folks don't have that excuse.

Nice troll response though
Siding with the Russians make you look smart

Siding with the Communist Democratic Party proves you are stupid.

Cheering for our enemies to hack our computers make you look Patriotic

A Secretary of State, and a major party chair who does not understand encryption makes Dems a party led by dimwits.

Yeah because she's running for President of the IT department

Rich folks don't have that excuse.

Nice troll response though

Let's just admit it. Like all Democrats, Hillary is just plain stupid.
You know, this shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.

First, it came out that Hillary had a private server in her house. The FBI took it over and checked it out to see if there was anything illegal that had happened, and their determination was that while she was a bit careless and sloppy, she did nothing illegal.

Several months later, the e-mail scandal is desperately being kept alive by the GOP, and when the DNC is hacked in a SEPARATE HACK ATTACK, on DIFFERENT SERVER that belonged to the DNC, not Hillary, and Trump tries to connect the two as a way to make Hillary look bad.

The hack on the DNC has nothing to do with Hillary's emails as Secretary of State.
You know, this shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.

First, it came out that Hillary had a private server in her house. The FBI took it over and checked it out to see if there was anything illegal that had happened, and their determination was that while she was a bit careless and sloppy, she did nothing illegal.

Several months later, the e-mail scandal is desperately being kept alive by the GOP, and when the DNC is hacked in a SEPARATE HACK ATTACK, on DIFFERENT SERVER that belonged to the DNC, not Hillary, and Trump tries to connect the two as a way to make Hillary look bad.

The hack on the DNC has nothing to do with Hillary's emails as Secretary of State.

While containing less that 5% truth, what does your post have to do with the blatant lies that Trump asked Russia to hack Hillary?
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Trump didn't so much as Russia to hack Hillary, he's under the assumption that they already have and has asked them if they have the emails to release them to the media.

He isn't asking them to do so, he assumes they already have.
You know, this shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.

First, it came out that Hillary had a private server in her house. The FBI took it over and checked it out to see if there was anything illegal that had happened, and their determination was that while she was a bit careless and sloppy, she did nothing illegal.

Several months later, the e-mail scandal is desperately being kept alive by the GOP, and when the DNC is hacked in a SEPARATE HACK ATTACK, on DIFFERENT SERVER that belonged to the DNC, not Hillary, and Trump tries to connect the two as a way to make Hillary look bad.

The hack on the DNC has nothing to do with Hillary's emails as Secretary of State.

Rob...Rob... ROB!!!!! You just don't get it! Hillary/DWS/DNC....???? Don't you get the connection? Where there is smoke there is fire. Would Trump have said it if he didn't mean it? Two wrongs don't make a right!

Why can't you just feel the FEAR????? What about the Mexican rapists??? What if Trump IS the only man on the planet that can fix everything?

Ask not what your country can do for you! Ask what your country can do for Donald Trump!
You know, this shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.

First, it came out that Hillary had a private server in her house. The FBI took it over and checked it out to see if there was anything illegal that had happened, and their determination was that while she was a bit careless and sloppy, she did nothing illegal.

Several months later, the e-mail scandal is desperately being kept alive by the GOP, and when the DNC is hacked in a SEPARATE HACK ATTACK, on DIFFERENT SERVER that belonged to the DNC, not Hillary, and Trump tries to connect the two as a way to make Hillary look bad.

The hack on the DNC has nothing to do with Hillary's emails as Secretary of State.
We aren't as stupid as you think we are. The whole DNC hacker drama is of your own making. Shows what a corrupt party you are and instead of owning that you idiots blamed the Russians and Donald Trump. Now get real.
Trump didn't so much as Russia to hack Hillary, he's under the assumption that they already have and has asked them if they have the emails to release them to the media.

He isn't asking them to do so, he assumes they already have.

Of course, as anyone with a brain assumes,.

Hillary's illegal mail server had ZERO security on it. They didn't need to "hack," just download here mail as plain text, including classified and top secret documents.

And you want HER to be president? :eek:

No way should she be allowed access to any classified or secret information, she has already proven that she will not handle it properly.

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