Trump brags about 43% approval rating

You and your ilk sicken me.
Thanks for the confirmation we're doing a good job. :thup:

It's bad enough to be an asshole, but you are a cowardly one that lets government do you dirty work.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
My position is far more consistent than yours. I don't ignore rights I don't like, and create ones to cover things I do.

You assume the 1st is less important than someone's right to buy a cake. How stupid is that?

Equal protection under the law doesn't mean you get to force people to do things you want them to do, unless there is a compelling government interest. butt hurt soothing and your desire to ruin people you disagree with isn't compelling. It's borderline fascist.

Considering I think Roe is one of the most terrible constitutional concepts ever, I don't care what Texas and Alabama does with Abortion. It's protected by law in NY and that's fine by me, just like I hate Obergfell but am glad NY passed SSM via legislative action.

And its typical you have to go with the "Retard belt" thing, it shows you are a shallow shell of a person, who's worldviews have to be everyone else's OR ELSE.

You and your ilk sicken me.

They're not "exercising their religion" you fucking assclown, they're RUNNING A BUSINESS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

What is difficult about that to you? And how is their exercise of their own religion impeded by baking a cake? Am I taking crazy pills? Are you trolling?

Equal Protection has to do with discrimination. Not "making someone do something borderline fascist" (Whatever the fuck that means in your Insanity Dictionary).

I call it the "retard belt" because they're last in literacy, last in public schools, and first in science-denial. It's really not an insult if I'm simply stating facts. I get it, you throw your lot in with people who believe in talking snakes and flying Magic Jews. Just own it, stupid.

Why are the two mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to a non-essential, contracted service that is easily replaceable?

So you lose your constitutional rights when you decide to sell something?

The only trolls are people like you who probably jerk off to the ruination of people who think differently than you, and cheer while the government ruins others for though crime.

What about their protection to practice their religion as they see fit, and to associate with who they want to? Oh right, you disagree with how they live their life so they have to be ruined or ordered to BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE by the government bully you stand behind with a nasty smile on your face, and probably your hand on your dick, stroking furiously.

No it's an insult, not a fact. It's a sad commentary on your need to denigrate others to make your own sad smug life bearable.

When I think of you, all I think of is this, you smug, smarmy little shit-stain.

Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

you still ranting and raving on this subject? the court still said what it said and you're still a bigot. if you can't do your job because you're a bigot, do a different job.

Again, how am I a Bigot if I supported the NY law that make SSM equal to any other marriage?

None of you are answering that.

Trump gaining support .. Gerat, Excellent, WOOHOO, take that Libs !

Trump favorability drops to 38% ... Fuck the Fake Liberal based polls, what the hell do they know, they're always wrong.

SSDD ... RussianWingers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Thanks for the confirmation we're doing a good job. :thup:

It's bad enough to be an asshole, but you are a cowardly one that lets government do you dirty work.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.
It's bad enough to be an asshole, but you are a cowardly one that lets government do you dirty work.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.


Your end results are because of methods that may come back to bite you in the ass. Roe and Obergfell are just as bad as Plessey was.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.


Your end results are because of methods that may come back to bite you in the ass. Roe and Obergfell are just as bad as Plessey was.

Keep repeating the false narrative because you're too dense to understand nuance.
Thanks for the confirmation we're doing a good job. :thup:

It's bad enough to be an asshole, but you are a cowardly one that lets government do you dirty work.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).
A simple "I'm a borderline retarded hypocrite" would've sufficed.

Civil rights and equal protection are "enumerated" and codified into federal law. You choose to ignore that, and assume the 2nd Amendment is, by law, more important than the 14th.

It's not. Period.

And wake up, dipshit, Texas/Alabama/The rest of the Retard belt are doing that and far more with regard to abortion.

My position is far more consistent than yours. I don't ignore rights I don't like, and create ones to cover things I do.

You assume the 1st is less important than someone's right to buy a cake. How stupid is that?

Equal protection under the law doesn't mean you get to force people to do things you want them to do, unless there is a compelling government interest. butt hurt soothing and your desire to ruin people you disagree with isn't compelling. It's borderline fascist.

Considering I think Roe is one of the most terrible constitutional concepts ever, I don't care what Texas and Alabama does with Abortion. It's protected by law in NY and that's fine by me, just like I hate Obergfell but am glad NY passed SSM via legislative action.

And its typical you have to go with the "Retard belt" thing, it shows you are a shallow shell of a person, who's worldviews have to be everyone else's OR ELSE.

You and your ilk sicken me.

They're not "exercising their religion" you fucking assclown, they're RUNNING A BUSINESS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

What is difficult about that to you? And how is their exercise of their own religion impeded by baking a cake? Am I taking crazy pills? Are you trolling?

Equal Protection has to do with discrimination. Not "making someone do something borderline fascist" (Whatever the fuck that means in your Insanity Dictionary).

I call it the "retard belt" because they're last in literacy, last in public schools, and first in science-denial. It's really not an insult if I'm simply stating facts. I get it, you throw your lot in with people who believe in talking snakes and flying Magic Jews. Just own it, stupid.

Why are the two mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to a non-essential, contracted service that is easily replaceable?

So you lose your constitutional rights when you decide to sell something?

The only trolls are people like you who probably jerk off to the ruination of people who think differently than you, and cheer while the government ruins others for though crime.

What about their protection to practice their religion as they see fit, and to associate with who they want to? Oh right, you disagree with how they live their life so they have to be ruined or ordered to BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE by the government bully you stand behind with a nasty smile on your face, and probably your hand on your dick, stroking furiously.

No it's an insult, not a fact. It's a sad commentary on your need to denigrate others to make your own sad smug life bearable.

When I think of you, all I think of is this, you smug, smarmy little shit-stain.

Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!
So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.


Your end results are because of methods that may come back to bite you in the ass. Roe and Obergfell are just as bad as Plessey was.

Keep repeating the false narrative because you're too dense to understand nuance.

What false narrative? You act as if your position has no force involved, no compulsion, or at least you don't care who it is compulsing, because you don't like them.

And don't give me that nuance bullshit.
It's bad enough to be an asshole, but you are a cowardly one that lets government do you dirty work.
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.
My position is far more consistent than yours. I don't ignore rights I don't like, and create ones to cover things I do.

You assume the 1st is less important than someone's right to buy a cake. How stupid is that?

Equal protection under the law doesn't mean you get to force people to do things you want them to do, unless there is a compelling government interest. butt hurt soothing and your desire to ruin people you disagree with isn't compelling. It's borderline fascist.

Considering I think Roe is one of the most terrible constitutional concepts ever, I don't care what Texas and Alabama does with Abortion. It's protected by law in NY and that's fine by me, just like I hate Obergfell but am glad NY passed SSM via legislative action.

And its typical you have to go with the "Retard belt" thing, it shows you are a shallow shell of a person, who's worldviews have to be everyone else's OR ELSE.

You and your ilk sicken me.

They're not "exercising their religion" you fucking assclown, they're RUNNING A BUSINESS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

What is difficult about that to you? And how is their exercise of their own religion impeded by baking a cake? Am I taking crazy pills? Are you trolling?

Equal Protection has to do with discrimination. Not "making someone do something borderline fascist" (Whatever the fuck that means in your Insanity Dictionary).

I call it the "retard belt" because they're last in literacy, last in public schools, and first in science-denial. It's really not an insult if I'm simply stating facts. I get it, you throw your lot in with people who believe in talking snakes and flying Magic Jews. Just own it, stupid.

Why are the two mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to a non-essential, contracted service that is easily replaceable?

So you lose your constitutional rights when you decide to sell something?

The only trolls are people like you who probably jerk off to the ruination of people who think differently than you, and cheer while the government ruins others for though crime.

What about their protection to practice their religion as they see fit, and to associate with who they want to? Oh right, you disagree with how they live their life so they have to be ruined or ordered to BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE by the government bully you stand behind with a nasty smile on your face, and probably your hand on your dick, stroking furiously.

No it's an insult, not a fact. It's a sad commentary on your need to denigrate others to make your own sad smug life bearable.

When I think of you, all I think of is this, you smug, smarmy little shit-stain.

Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?
Sure, I admit I need the government to pass national healthcare for those too poor to afford it on their own, provide equal rights to allow gays to marry the person of their choice, protect womens' rights to have an abortion, etc... I may have super human abilities, but even I couldn't accomplish those without the U.S. government. And because that "sicken" you, I know it was a job well done by Liberals.

Again, thanks for your support. :thup:

So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.

They're not "exercising their religion" you fucking assclown, they're RUNNING A BUSINESS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

What is difficult about that to you? And how is their exercise of their own religion impeded by baking a cake? Am I taking crazy pills? Are you trolling?

Equal Protection has to do with discrimination. Not "making someone do something borderline fascist" (Whatever the fuck that means in your Insanity Dictionary).

I call it the "retard belt" because they're last in literacy, last in public schools, and first in science-denial. It's really not an insult if I'm simply stating facts. I get it, you throw your lot in with people who believe in talking snakes and flying Magic Jews. Just own it, stupid.

Why are the two mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to a non-essential, contracted service that is easily replaceable?

So you lose your constitutional rights when you decide to sell something?

The only trolls are people like you who probably jerk off to the ruination of people who think differently than you, and cheer while the government ruins others for though crime.

What about their protection to practice their religion as they see fit, and to associate with who they want to? Oh right, you disagree with how they live their life so they have to be ruined or ordered to BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE by the government bully you stand behind with a nasty smile on your face, and probably your hand on your dick, stroking furiously.

No it's an insult, not a fact. It's a sad commentary on your need to denigrate others to make your own sad smug life bearable.

When I think of you, all I think of is this, you smug, smarmy little shit-stain.

Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.


Your end results are because of methods that may come back to bite you in the ass. Roe and Obergfell are just as bad as Plessey was.

Keep repeating the false narrative because you're too dense to understand nuance.

What false narrative? You act as if your position has no force involved, no compulsion, or at least you don't care who it is compulsing, because you don't like them.

And don't give me that nuance bullshit.

And therein lies the problem. You hate nuance. Unfortunately the law is full of it, so you better stick to Duplo Lego nights.
So you want to turn Healthcare into the DMV and I'm supposed to thank you for it? Fuck you.
Gays should be able to marry, but the way to do it convince the States to change their marriage laws, not via Judicial Fiat. Fuck you.
Abortion should be legal, but again, its not an enumerated right, and thus up to the States to figure out. Fuck you.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.


it's actually spot on. Hillary had more hits than Trump, but lost 9-7 in runs.
Why are the two mutually exclusive, especially when it comes to a non-essential, contracted service that is easily replaceable?

So you lose your constitutional rights when you decide to sell something?

The only trolls are people like you who probably jerk off to the ruination of people who think differently than you, and cheer while the government ruins others for though crime.

What about their protection to practice their religion as they see fit, and to associate with who they want to? Oh right, you disagree with how they live their life so they have to be ruined or ordered to BAKE THAT FUCKING CAKE by the government bully you stand behind with a nasty smile on your face, and probably your hand on your dick, stroking furiously.

No it's an insult, not a fact. It's a sad commentary on your need to denigrate others to make your own sad smug life bearable.

When I think of you, all I think of is this, you smug, smarmy little shit-stain.

Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?
That's how you got Trump, fucktard.
Trump is a wrecking ball. With Hillary losing, he's the best thing to happen for the left. Still, thanks to the left, abortion is still a right, gays can now marry they person they love, and even poor folks can afford healthcare. Again, thanks for your confirmation.


Your end results are because of methods that may come back to bite you in the ass. Roe and Obergfell are just as bad as Plessey was.

Keep repeating the false narrative because you're too dense to understand nuance.

What false narrative? You act as if your position has no force involved, no compulsion, or at least you don't care who it is compulsing, because you don't like them.

And don't give me that nuance bullshit.

And therein lies the problem. You hate nuance. Unfortunately the law is full of it, so you better stick to Duplo Lego nights.

You idiots use nuance to try to justify unconstitutional actions of force. But since its only force against people you don't like it's OK.

You are like those vacant eyed frauliens lining the road as Adolph drives by, but your fuhrer is oppressive government, which you use as a bludgeon to punish people for political disagreements.

You make me sick, you fucking bastard.
Let's try this again so even your thick ass can understand it:

You have the right to sell or not sell services/goods. You DON'T have the right to set up "whites only" lunch counters.

This has been settled for more than 50 fucking years. And we as a society have decided the same holds true for gays and lesbians.

How fucking hard is that? Do you STILL feel that a christian baking a cake or changing the oil on a car is a religious practice? Is your drool-catcher backing up, you fucking retard?

Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.
Again, I want you (conservatives collectively) to be pissed at the way Liberals get things done. It's a great measure of success.

That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.


it's actually spot on. Hillary had more hits than Trump, but lost 9-7 in runs.

Right, and it was the "greatest electoral college landslide" since, uhm, the last election.


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