Trump brags about 43% approval rating

If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.
If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using
Hillary Clinton? What the fuck are you talking about? The election's been over for 5 months.

This is about Turmp's job approval. And it's in the toilet.
Did you forget the entire episode of Hillary winning the election according to the polls whoops I guess you did.

Polls and predictions aren't the same thing goofball. But you know that.
And yet the polls had her ahead the entire time over sampling will do that.
Hillary Clinton? What the fuck are you talking about? The election's been over for 5 months.

This is about Turmp's job approval. And it's in the toilet.
Did you forget the entire episode of Hillary winning the election according to the polls whoops I guess you did.

Polls and predictions aren't the same thing goofball. But you know that.
And yet the polls had her ahead the entire time over sampling will do that.

She ended ahead, genius. The national polls only measure popular vote.

There is no 'electoral college' on approval polls. lol, goddam funny that you would think there is.
Lunch counters are public spaces, and a point of sale transaction, i.e. an actual Public Accommodation. I have no issue with that. A contracted provision of a cake for a ceremony is not.

No, we haven't. we have allowed idiots like you to extend PA laws to the point they cover every time money changes hands, which was never the intent.

Why does it being a religious practice matter? Free exercise doesn't just cover religious ceremonies or clergy. It means you have to take it into account before you goose step over someones rights just because you don't like them.

lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.

There is a potential free exercise violation, which you just keep ignoring. And your "Churches aren't human beings" answer is a bush league dodge, poseur.

Yes, their 1st amendment rights are being violated, but you are too biased and bigoted to see it. The real issue is who's right is higher, the gay couple's "right" to a specific cake, or their right to free exercise.

Free exercise can confer a right to discrimination, or Churches and Pastors would be forced to hold and be celebrants for SSSM's already. They are not, so your statement is patently false.
That's how you got Trump, fucktard.

No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.


it's actually spot on. Hillary had more hits than Trump, but lost 9-7 in runs.

Right, and it was the "greatest electoral college landslide" since, uhm, the last election.


Did you ever see me post to that effect?

Yes, Trump Exaggerates, but his exaggerations haven't hurt me yet, unlike "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"
If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using

So it's everyone's fault but his that he's not popular? LMAO! You're exactly like crybaby snowflake Trump. Thin-skinned little infant.

Oh, and I nominate "you are being played" for Most Ironic Comment in USMB history.
Hillary Clinton? What the fuck are you talking about? The election's been over for 5 months.

This is about Turmp's job approval. And it's in the toilet.
Did you forget the entire episode of Hillary winning the election according to the polls whoops I guess you did.

Polls and predictions aren't the same thing goofball. But you know that.
And yet the polls had her ahead the entire time over sampling will do that.

You fucking tools had the same "oversampling" argument when Obama beat the shit out of Romney in 2012. A stopped clock doesn't mean that time is forever accurate, numnuts.
lmao, what the FUCK was that retardese about "point of sale transactions"? Please, do us a favor, and cite authority indicating that this matters. I'm in the mood for a laugh!

Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.

There is a potential free exercise violation, which you just keep ignoring. And your "Churches aren't human beings" answer is a bush league dodge, poseur.

Yes, their 1st amendment rights are being violated, but you are too biased and bigoted to see it. The real issue is who's right is higher, the gay couple's "right" to a specific cake, or their right to free exercise.

Free exercise can confer a right to discrimination, or Churches and Pastors would be forced to hold and be celebrants for SSSM's already. They are not, so your statement is patently false.

This has been explained to you ad nauseum, and all of the courts agree with me. You can keep pissing uphill if you want, but your ridiculous logic, poor spelling, terrible grammar, and just plain obvious stupidity leads me to believe that you wouldn't agree that wet paint is wet.

Fuck off down the trail, pardner.
No, we got Trump because of a lack of education among trumpanzees, and the slaveholders' gift, the electoral college (Hillary won the popular vote. So every time you try and make some remark akin to "the people have spoken" get ready to hear that).

We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.


it's actually spot on. Hillary had more hits than Trump, but lost 9-7 in runs.

Right, and it was the "greatest electoral college landslide" since, uhm, the last election.


Did you ever see me post to that effect?

Yes, Trump Exaggerates, but his exaggerations haven't hurt me yet, unlike "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Really? NONE of them have hurt you? How about "everyone will be covered, it'll be a better plan, and it'll be cheaper." How about "Mexico will pay for it"? (Meanwhile his budget for the wall includes its entire expense, lol)

ALL of those are out-and-out lies. With Obama's "lie", most of the people lost their plans because access to a much better plan was provided.

You're almost too stupid for words.
Point of sale. you go in, you go out, and that's it. McDonalds, a Bodega, etc.

Should I explain it in a coloring book?

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.

There is a potential free exercise violation, which you just keep ignoring. And your "Churches aren't human beings" answer is a bush league dodge, poseur.

Yes, their 1st amendment rights are being violated, but you are too biased and bigoted to see it. The real issue is who's right is higher, the gay couple's "right" to a specific cake, or their right to free exercise.

Free exercise can confer a right to discrimination, or Churches and Pastors would be forced to hold and be celebrants for SSSM's already. They are not, so your statement is patently false.

This has been explained to you ad nauseum, and all of the courts agree with me. You can keep pissing uphill if you want, but your ridiculous logic, poor spelling, terrible grammar, and just plain obvious stupidity leads me to believe that you wouldn't agree that wet paint is wet.

Fuck off down the trail, pardner.

Appeal to authority doesn't work on me, so try harder. Was Plessey right at the time, just because the Court issued it?

So now you are adding Grammar and Spelling Nazi to the mix? Oh joy.

Wet paint is wet, except when you paint in hospitals, due to their dry atmosphere. There wet paint is wet for about 5 seconds.

I'll put my IQ against yours any day of the week.

And spare me the cutsey folksy attempt at middle-Americana lingo, we all know you are some fart sniffing coaster.
We got Trump because of posts like yours, that smug, smarmy undeserved sense of superiority you are showing.

And, oh, the Popular vote thing....How about you argue a baseball team won a game because it got more hits, because its the same thing.

Worst. Analogy. Ever. Not to mention it's derivative of the "yards vs. points" analogy bandied about all over right-wing talk radio.


it's actually spot on. Hillary had more hits than Trump, but lost 9-7 in runs.

Right, and it was the "greatest electoral college landslide" since, uhm, the last election.


Did you ever see me post to that effect?

Yes, Trump Exaggerates, but his exaggerations haven't hurt me yet, unlike "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"

Really? NONE of them have hurt you? How about "everyone will be covered, it'll be a better plan, and it'll be cheaper." How about "Mexico will pay for it"? (Meanwhile his budget for the wall includes its entire expense, lol)

ALL of those are out-and-out lies. With Obama's "lie", most of the people lost their plans because access to a much better plan was provided.

You're almost too stupid for words.

Hasn't hurt me at all yet.

And I went from paying for a PPO to a high deductible plan that now has about the same premium as my old PPO, same cost, less coverage.

Obama's lie hurt me, Trumps' haven't, at least not yet.

It's amazing that partisan shitnozzles like you can only equate disagreement with stupidity. But keep it up, your undeserved sense of smug superiority is what's leading to your downfall.
Hey, what are number's anyway in this new age of spin. The liberal media switched the numbers, he's actually at 73%.

I know what the fuck "point of sale" means. The question is, what POSSIBLE effect could it have on the Equal Protection Clause, you drooling idiot?

So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.

There is a potential free exercise violation, which you just keep ignoring. And your "Churches aren't human beings" answer is a bush league dodge, poseur.

Yes, their 1st amendment rights are being violated, but you are too biased and bigoted to see it. The real issue is who's right is higher, the gay couple's "right" to a specific cake, or their right to free exercise.

Free exercise can confer a right to discrimination, or Churches and Pastors would be forced to hold and be celebrants for SSSM's already. They are not, so your statement is patently false.

This has been explained to you ad nauseum, and all of the courts agree with me. You can keep pissing uphill if you want, but your ridiculous logic, poor spelling, terrible grammar, and just plain obvious stupidity leads me to believe that you wouldn't agree that wet paint is wet.

Fuck off down the trail, pardner.

Appeal to authority doesn't work on me, so try harder. Was Plessey right at the time, just because the Court issued it?

So now you are adding Grammar and Spelling Nazi to the mix? Oh joy.

Wet paint is wet, except when you paint in hospitals, due to their dry atmosphere. There wet paint is wet for about 5 seconds.

I'll put my IQ against yours any day of the week.

And spare me the cutsey folksy attempt at middle-Americana lingo, we all know you are some fart sniffing coaster.

When the issue is constitutional law, and my "appeal to authority" is "just about every constitutional scholar and federal judge in the land", you bet your ass it holds water. I've already attempted to appeal to a proper understanding of the law, and even common sense, but your stubborn bigotry is impervious to both.

Yes, keep thinking grammar and spelling do not matter. They're a stark sign of intelligence, or lack thereof.
So why doesn't equal protection apply to Churches? Is equal protection absolute, or does it have limits like any other amendment?

Churches aren't human beings.

There is no equal protection violation in telling an operator of an open-to-the-public business that they can't discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe there is?

Their first amendment rights are not being violated. They're allowed to go to church, read their fucking bible, post bible verses at their business, preach about god and jesus to all customers, and enjoy a land where 99% of all of their leadership in Washington DC believes as they fucking do. For you to try and parlay that into some false narrative of "religious oppression" is beyond fucking hilarious and transversing into absurd false victimhood.

"Free exercise" does not confer a right to discrimination, and oppression.

There is a potential free exercise violation, which you just keep ignoring. And your "Churches aren't human beings" answer is a bush league dodge, poseur.

Yes, their 1st amendment rights are being violated, but you are too biased and bigoted to see it. The real issue is who's right is higher, the gay couple's "right" to a specific cake, or their right to free exercise.

Free exercise can confer a right to discrimination, or Churches and Pastors would be forced to hold and be celebrants for SSSM's already. They are not, so your statement is patently false.

This has been explained to you ad nauseum, and all of the courts agree with me. You can keep pissing uphill if you want, but your ridiculous logic, poor spelling, terrible grammar, and just plain obvious stupidity leads me to believe that you wouldn't agree that wet paint is wet.

Fuck off down the trail, pardner.

Appeal to authority doesn't work on me, so try harder. Was Plessey right at the time, just because the Court issued it?

So now you are adding Grammar and Spelling Nazi to the mix? Oh joy.

Wet paint is wet, except when you paint in hospitals, due to their dry atmosphere. There wet paint is wet for about 5 seconds.

I'll put my IQ against yours any day of the week.

And spare me the cutsey folksy attempt at middle-Americana lingo, we all know you are some fart sniffing coaster.

When the issue is constitutional law, and my "appeal to authority" is "just about every constitutional scholar and federal judge in the land", you bet your ass it holds water. I've already attempted to appeal to a proper understanding of the law, and even common sense, but your stubborn bigotry is impervious to both.

Yes, keep thinking grammar and spelling do not matter. They're a stark sign of intelligence, or lack thereof.

Again, why do you assume my position is due to Bigotry?

You are far more Bigoted, due to your masturbatory fantasies about fucking over Religious People.

A clean desk is a sign of an idle mind, a grammar/spell nazi is a sign of a anal-retentive fuckwit.

If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using

So it's everyone's fault but his that he's not popular? LMAO! You're exactly like crybaby snowflake Trump. Thin-skinned little infant.

Oh, and I nominate "you are being played" for Most Ironic Comment in USMB history.
If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using

So it's everyone's fault but his that he's not popular? LMAO! You're exactly like crybaby snowflake Trump. Thin-skinned little infant.

Oh, and I nominate "you are being played" for Most Ironic Comment in USMB history.
I never said that. That is what you are imputing. I just pointed out the flaw in YOUR analogy.
If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using

So it's everyone's fault but his that he's not popular? LMAO! You're exactly like crybaby snowflake Trump. Thin-skinned little infant.

Oh, and I nominate "you are being played" for Most Ironic Comment in USMB history.
If he was a ball player batting .433 he would be in the Hall of Fame!

To OP: what the fuck relevance is there to this?

He's batting .370 at a time when all other presidents dating back to Herbert Fucking Hoover have batted .500 or better.

So, uh, no. He's the Randy Johnson of hitters.

Most presidents have a honeymoon period with the media after the inauguration. Trump is not getting this courtesy because the leftist shit sacks are so freaked out that the rest of the world does not see things the same way as they do, thereby causing them to lose the presidency. We are witnessing an epic meltdown, and if the dimwitted leftists don't pull back soon then they will completely forfeit all credibility and will cease to exist in its present state.

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, Sparky, but all this Russia connection Bullshit is meat to the leftist lunatic base. You are being played. There is no evidence and nothing will ever materialize, certainly not an impeachment or resignation. I know that is what you little stump-dicked morons are hoping for, but it ain't ever gonna happen. You little twats are so heartbroken over your election loss that you are willing to believe anything regardless of how stupid it is.

Back to the baseball analogy, most presidents have high batting averages at this point because they are hitting batting practice level pitching. Trump, however, is facing Randy Johnson in his prime.

Sent from my iPhone using

So it's everyone's fault but his that he's not popular? LMAO! You're exactly like crybaby snowflake Trump. Thin-skinned little infant.

Oh, and I nominate "you are being played" for Most Ironic Comment in USMB history.
I never said that. That is what you are imputing. I just pointed out the flaw in YOUR analogy.


Jesus. Do you even speak English?

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