Trump brilliant on 60 minutes. Why i will vote for him

People like him because they understand him. However he's running to be leader of the country. You'd hope he'd be able to do stuff that people wouldn't understand.

You mean like giving the Iranians $150 Billion and nukes with a signature from a traitor president, and didn't have the balls to declare it a TREATY?...They are still yelling DEATH TO AMERICA in the streets of Tehran!
Trump should audience a mission to mars and a outpost.
A manhatten project for fusion and curing cancer
And a 100 meter ground base telescope capable of seeing oceans and land on extrasolar earth like planets.
Rebuild our infrastructure back to 1950s quality
Bring our jobs home and industry
Reform education

Now that would be a great platform!!! Historic president!
You are a democrat remember? You party SUPPORTS citizenship to retards and folks with mental illness to be citizens. Remember that thread?

If you want to house the ILLEGAL retards and mental defects NO NASA.

He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.
So you're for higher taxes, more tariffs, and universal healthcare, huh?

Sounds like you're a Democrat. :thup:
Then you should be supporting him if you really believe that.
I wouldn't mind seeing him win the Republican nomination. He's one of the most Liberal candidates running for the GOP.

I too am for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare. :thup:
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If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

The GOP congress has no interest in Trump. He won't play ball. They will struggle to keep their power and money.
If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

I hope Donald Trump rebuilds our infrastructure to 50's and 60's quality.
Brings back our industry
Raises taxes to Nixon times!!!
Tariffs the shit out of China!
Funds science and r&d like it should
Keeps us out of war!
Reforms education so it isn't bs anymore but real education.

That is what really matters.
If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

Why, all he has to do is VETO everything like the poser we have now threatens, or fuck Congress, simply write a E.O. and DISREGARD ANY LAW that he sees fit to NOT ENFORCE...I mean the precedent has been set by the Manchurian muslim! Who could stop him? Who could enforce any sanctions against him, EXCEPT a PEOPLES UPRISING!

Even NEATER is to WAIVER any of the legislation portions one doesn't like... You saw the obomanation WAIVER favored UNIONS from Obamacare for a year.... why not extend that to the TERM OF THE PRESIDENCY?
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.
So you're for higher taxes, more tariffs, and universal healthcare, huh?

Sounds like you're a Democrat. :thup:
Then you should be supporting him if you really believe that.
I wouldn't mind seeing him win the Republican nomination. He's one of the most Liberal candidates running for the GOP.

I too am for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare. :thup:
You must be forgetting about Graham, Bush, Pataki, Rubio, Santorum, Kasich, and Christie.
If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

Why, all he has to do is VETO everything like the poser we have now threatens, or fuck Congress, simply write a E.O. and DISREGARD ANY LAW that he sees fit to NOT ENFORCE...I mean the precedent has been set by the Manchurian muslim! Who could stop him? Who could enforce any sanctions against him, EXCEPT a PEOPLES UPRISING!

If this happens then in 4 years when kanye west runs and wins I'm sure you'll love that one man show?

My point give the executive branch that much power and say and the people can kiss their power goodbye.

You guys need to be brought back to the reality of why and how our government is supposed to be run a certain way which is a million times more important than who our president is.
Trump should audience a mission to mars and a outpost.
A manhatten project for fusion and curing cancer
And a 100 meter ground base telescope capable of seeing oceans and land on extrasolar earth like planets.
Rebuild our infrastructure back to 1950s quality
Bring our jobs home and industry
Reform education

Now that would be a great platform!!! Historic president!
You are a democrat remember? You party SUPPORTS citizenship to retards and folks with mental illness to be citizens. Remember that thread?

If you want to house the ILLEGAL retards and mental
If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

Reagan pissed them off and went to the people. Trump is talking to the same group. F#ck the party. He's talking to US!

If trump is electable politics will be no more but our country and its citizens will finally be the focus. However I must say 1 thing - trump better not piss off the GOP too much because hell need their votes in congress to even have any power to get anything he wants done.

This is why he must be elected as part of the GOP instead of a 3 rd party.

Why, all he has to do is VETO everything like the poser we have now threatens, or fuck Congress, simply write a E.O. and DISREGARD ANY LAW that he sees fit to NOT ENFORCE...I mean the precedent has been set by the Manchurian muslim! Who could stop him? Who could enforce any sanctions against him, EXCEPT a PEOPLES UPRISING!

If this happens then in 4 years when kanye west runs and wins I'm sure you'll love that one man show?

My point give the executive branch that much power and say and the people can kiss their power goodbye.

You guys need to be brought back to the reality of why and how our government is supposed to be run a certain way which is a million times more important than who our president is.

You mean in 4 years we'll have over 50% hip hop lovers and Ebonics experts to translate for us old people?

Forget the old fashion way of how this gov't should be run, the POSER has changed the rules, and the DemocRATS are behind him whatever he does!
I like him because he can't be bought. HE does the buying, not vice versa.
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.
So you're for higher taxes, more tariffs, and universal healthcare, huh?

Sounds like you're a Democrat. :thup:
Then you should be supporting him if you really believe that.
I wouldn't mind seeing him win the Republican nomination. He's one of the most Liberal candidates running for the GOP.

I too am for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare. :thup:
You must be forgetting about Graham, Bush, Pataki, Rubio, Santorum, Kasich, and Christie.
I am? Which among them are for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare?
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.
So you're for higher taxes, more tariffs, and universal healthcare, huh?

Sounds like you're a Democrat. :thup:
Then you should be supporting him if you really believe that.
I wouldn't mind seeing him win the Republican nomination. He's one of the most Liberal candidates running for the GOP.

I too am for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare. :thup:
You must be forgetting about Graham, Bush, Pataki, Rubio, Santorum, Kasich, and Christie.
I am? Which among them are for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare?
Are you talking about what they SAY, or are you talking about what they DO?
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.

Is he really this good?

Truly I am in the middle of nowhere and I am only getting feed from you guys.

Is he really this awesome?

TD, just the FACT that they can't BUY him, and have been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him, and he's still polling #1 should be enough. If you are fed up with the shit we have taken from a Communist & terrorist loving poser currently in the WH, THIS GUY is the answer. He's smart enough to have the BEST of the BEST working for the American people if elected....instead of a bunch of muslim brotherhood supporters inside the WH including his trusted adviser, that Iranian bitch, Valerie Jarrett!


Interesting to note ALL you fags on the left, all you RELIGION HATERS give this bitch a PASS where she wants to turn America into an Islamic state! You scum disgust me!
tis YOU that is passing along a lie, and you should throw your disgust, at yourself, for being fooled and a pawn for those who create and regurgitate lies! slap yourself upside of the head Vigil because V jarett is not a muslim, nor ever was, nor is anyone in her family a muslim nor is anyone an iranian in her family.

Jarret is not Iranian, nor is she Muslim, nor has she or anyone in her family Muslim or Iranian. PERIOD

your quote is FABRICATED, with absolutely no was never said by her...your LIARS in their right wing blogs and emails MADE IT UP OUT OF THIN AIR.....yes, just another lie out of a long list of lies.

The level of influence Jarrett holds with the Obama administration has prompted many detractors to complain she wields too much control over the President and decisions about who should have access to him, and one expression that detraction commonly takes is the assertion Jarrett is a foreign-born Islamic "mole" who is pushing for (or furthering) a Muslim agenda through the executive branch. The quote cited above is a typical example, holding that while Jarrett was an undergraduate psychology student at

Stanford University in 1977, she proclaimed herself to be an Iranian who sought "to help change America to be a more Islamic country" and she felt "like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself."

Contrary to common rumor, however, neither Jarrett nor her parents are Iranian, nor (as far as well can tell) are any of them Muslim. Jarrett's parents,
James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman, were both American-born U.S. citizens from Washington, D.C. and Chicago, respectively; the couple merely lived in Iran for about six years in the late 1950s and early 1960s while James served as chair of pathology at Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz as part of a program that sent American physicians to work in developing countries.

Valerie was born in Shiraz during the Bowmans' sojourn in Iran; she returned to the U.S. with her parents in 1962 (when she was five years old), whereupon she attended prep school in Massachusetts, graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and earned a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981 before returning to Chicago to begin her working career. We've found no evidence Valerie Jarrett is (or ever was) Muslim, her only apparent connection to that religion being the incidental one that she temporarily lived in a predominantly Muslim country with her American parents for the first few years of her life.

The quote to attributed "Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977" about her "seek[ing] to help change America to be a more Islamic country" is an unfounded one that has no source other than recent repetition (primarily on right-wing web sites and blogs) and that in its commonly reproduced form is too stilted to be believable as the utterance of a fluent English speaker (e.g., "I am an Iranian by birth and of [sic] my Islamic faith"). No news article or document associated with Stanford University records Jarrett as having made this statement back in 1977; and if there were any credible evidence Jarrett had ever said anything remotely like this, it would have been a well-covered news story since shortly after the 2008 presidential election and not a obscure meme that didn't pop up until several years later. Valerie Jarrett on Islam
So you're for higher taxes, more tariffs, and universal healthcare, huh?

Sounds like you're a Democrat. :thup:
Then you should be supporting him if you really believe that.
I wouldn't mind seeing him win the Republican nomination. He's one of the most Liberal candidates running for the GOP.

I too am for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare. :thup:
You must be forgetting about Graham, Bush, Pataki, Rubio, Santorum, Kasich, and Christie.
I am? Which among them are for higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans, higher tariffs on corporations operating outside the U.S., and universal healthcare?
Are you talking about what they SAY, or are you talking about what they DO?
I can only go by what they say cause none of them do what they say they are going to do.

So? Which of them are for higher taxes, higher tariffs, and universal healthcare?

From what I've seen, Trump is the only one on the right saying he wants those things.
He wont let the filth media get away with anything. He is the greatest.

Is he really this good?

Truly I am in the middle of nowhere and I am only getting feed from you guys.

Is he really this awesome?

TD, just the FACT that they can't BUY him, and have been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at him, and he's still polling #1 should be enough. If you are fed up with the shit we have taken from a Communist & terrorist loving poser currently in the WH, THIS GUY is the answer. He's smart enough to have the BEST of the BEST working for the American people if elected....instead of a bunch of muslim brotherhood supporters inside the WH including his trusted adviser, that Iranian bitch, Valerie Jarrett!


Interesting to note ALL you fags on the left, all you RELIGION HATERS give this bitch a PASS where she wants to turn America into an Islamic state! You scum disgust me!
tis YOU that is passing along a lie, and you should throw your disgust, at yourself, for being fooled and a pawn for those who create and regurgitate lies! slap yourself upside of the head Vigil because V jarett is not a muslim, nor ever was, nor is anyone in her family a muslim nor is anyone an iranian in her family.

Jarret is not Iranian, nor is she Muslim, nor has she or anyone in her family Muslim or Iranian. PERIOD

your quote is FABRICATED, with absolutely no was never said by her...your LIARS in their right wing blogs and emails MADE IT UP OUT OF THIN AIR.....yes, just another lie out of a long list of lies.

The level of influence Jarrett holds with the Obama administration has prompted many detractors to complain she wields too much control over the President and decisions about who should have access to him, and one expression that detraction commonly takes is the assertion Jarrett is a foreign-born Islamic "mole" who is pushing for (or furthering) a Muslim agenda through the executive branch. The quote cited above is a typical example, holding that while Jarrett was an undergraduate psychology student at

Stanford University in 1977, she proclaimed herself to be an Iranian who sought "to help change America to be a more Islamic country" and she felt "like it is going well in the transition of using freedom of religion in America against itself."

Contrary to common rumor, however, neither Jarrett nor her parents are Iranian, nor (as far as well can tell) are any of them Muslim. Jarrett's parents,
James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman, were both American-born U.S. citizens from Washington, D.C. and Chicago, respectively; the couple merely lived in Iran for about six years in the late 1950s and early 1960s while James served as chair of pathology at Nemazee Hospital in Shiraz as part of a program that sent American physicians to work in developing countries.

Valerie was born in Shiraz during the Bowmans' sojourn in Iran; she returned to the U.S. with her parents in 1962 (when she was five years old), whereupon she attended prep school in Massachusetts, graduated with a B.A. in psychology from Stanford University in 1978, and earned a J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1981 before returning to Chicago to begin her working career. We've found no evidence Valerie Jarrett is (or ever was) Muslim, her only apparent connection to that religion being the incidental one that she temporarily lived in a predominantly Muslim country with her American parents for the first few years of her life.

The quote to attributed "Valerie Jarrett, Stanford University, 1977" about her "seek[ing] to help change America to be a more Islamic country" is an unfounded one that has no source other than recent repetition (primarily on right-wing web sites and blogs) and that in its commonly reproduced form is too stilted to be believable as the utterance of a fluent English speaker (e.g., "I am an Iranian by birth and of [sic] my Islamic faith"). No news article or document associated with Stanford University records Jarrett as having made this statement back in 1977; and if there were any credible evidence Jarrett had ever said anything remotely like this, it would have been a well-covered news story since shortly after the 2008 presidential election and not a obscure meme that didn't pop up until several years later. Valerie Jarrett on Islam
Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman.

Funny, You'll go along with Mexican anchor babies being American, but a bitch born in Iran isn't Iranian....As a child, Jarrett spoke Persian and French.[7] AND there is NO REFERENCE as to what religion she is EXCEPT we know she attended The Rev. Wrights BLACK THEOLOGY church along with the Obuma's!

Speaks the language! So they can NOT confirm or deny that what she said at Stanford in 1977 is true or false... This one of those MISLEADING Snopes pieces, where they manipulate facts to their liking Just like the Caroline Kennedy quote that they can neither affirm or deny!


I'm ashamed of you for even putting that out without any thing but a biased Snopes article as proof!

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