Trump bringing in more immigrants.

I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
They're legal, they're okay for seasonal work. Two years ago there were businesses in Maine that are open for the summer tourist season only that couldn't open because the guest workers they'd had coming in for years could not get in.
With the economy as it is and unemployment in the US so low, it is hard to find enough people who don't have steady year round jobs to work a seasonal job for the summer.

So how do we replace the millions and millions here illegally?

If you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between legitimate guests and immigrants, and invading foreign criminals; then there is no point trying to discuss any of this with you. Your entire understanding of every issue pertaining to this matter is based on a treasonous lie which you refuse to let go of.

You are the one ignoring the correlation. Both drive down wages. Both are things Trump argued against.

And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to have an external influx of younger workers.

At one point in time these companies would train those they needed. They aren't interested in doing that any longer. We have all kinds of people being displaced with automation that are going to need jobs.

We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

Bottom line--------------> Immigrants WE decide to let in are good, period! If we disagree, then have a conversation on which we should let in, and which one's we should not, and make it a campaign issue.

Those that come in without being invited are interlopers, law breakers, and thieves! It is our country, and WE get to invite in who we want. Everyone else----------------->apply, and we will let you know!

Worthless rhetoric. They are here. How do we go about replacing them?
There is an important correlation between the two. Both drive down wages.

If you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between legitimate guests and immigrants, and invading foreign criminals; then there is no point trying to discuss any of this with you. Your entire understanding of every issue pertaining to this matter is based on a treasonous lie which you refuse to let go of.

You are the one ignoring the correlation. Both drive down wages. Both are things Trump argued against.

And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to prime the labor force with an influx of younger, foreign born workers.

It's not a pretty truth but unfortunately it is a truth. It has nothing to do with politics or with nationalism or exclusionism.... It just is what it is. For what it's worth foreigners who come here learn very quickly that wages can be competitive. I think many of the people who object to their presennce don't understand that these are fully documented individuals who pay the full spectrum of federal deductions. In the greater picture there is a tremendous amount of benefit for the entire nation in that aspect. I too however object to the malicious practice of replacing american-born skill with Cheaper foreign-born skill. There should be a price to pay for that practice if it's provable.


It's provable. What you feel should be is not what is.
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
They're legal, they're okay for seasonal work. Two years ago there were businesses in Maine that are open for the summer tourist season only that couldn't open because the guest workers they'd had coming in for years could not get in.
With the economy as it is and unemployment in the US so low, it is hard to find enough people who don't have steady year round jobs to work a seasonal job for the summer.

So how do we replace the millions and millions here illegally?

LOL, that is simple--------------------> so many want to get in, you could replace them in a month! And guess what, they wouldn't be on the government teat!

If it's that simply why don't we and how is it that they wouldn't qualify for government assistance?

The ones who work for a living tend to vote conservatively.


So they vote against their own best self interests?
If you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between legitimate guests and immigrants, and invading foreign criminals; then there is no point trying to discuss any of this with you. Your entire understanding of every issue pertaining to this matter is based on a treasonous lie which you refuse to let go of.

You are the one ignoring the correlation. Both drive down wages. Both are things Trump argued against.

And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to have an external influx of younger workers.

At one point in time these companies would train those they needed. They aren't interested in doing that any longer. We have all kinds of people being displaced with automation that are going to need jobs.

We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment
Last edited:
You are the one ignoring the correlation. Both drive down wages. Both are things Trump argued against.

And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to have an external influx of younger workers.

At one point in time these companies would train those they needed. They aren't interested in doing that any longer. We have all kinds of people being displaced with automation that are going to need jobs.

We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
They're legal, they're okay for seasonal work. Two years ago there were businesses in Maine that are open for the summer tourist season only that couldn't open because the guest workers they'd had coming in for years could not get in.
With the economy as it is and unemployment in the US so low, it is hard to find enough people who don't have steady year round jobs to work a seasonal job for the summer.

So how do we replace the millions and millions here illegally?

We don't need to replace them, we need to give those that have been here for a while and are contributing to our economy a path to citizenship.

It's a completely do-able compromise if we had something resembling a functional Congress with a capable President.

Republicans can get their walls and tougher illegal immigration enforcement.
Democrats can get a path to citizenship for those that are already here.

Seems simple. Why don't we?

Democrat Senate passed a similar compromise bill in 2013

Republican House couldn't get it's members onboard. Right wing radio talking heads start screaming AMNESTY! and enough Republicans don't have the balls to cross them.

It's the same story on any sort of tax increase to do a budget deficit reduction compromise.

The summer 2014 death of immigration reform in Congress
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

A guest-worker is a fully documented potential citizen. They work on the books and pay every category of deduction even some they may never benefit from.
The job market has expanded so much under this president's tutelage that is a must to fill the mundane and repetitious tasks that comprise the foundation of an industry with the sheer numbers that are required to fill them. Some of these are skilled jobs like programming or electronic component assembly... To keep the growth healthy they must be filled with people who have the knowledge and ability to do them.

This is very different from the open flood of unskilled illiterates who are unable to fit themselves into workable living wage positions where the benefit is mutual but instead become a parasitic draw on the local economies that they settle into.


Both drive down wages. MAGA.

If the job market is so saturated, how do we argue to get rid of millions and millions working here illegally?
The jobs where we need people with specialized education may not have enough American candidates. To many degrees in less desirable majors perhaps.
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

There is a big difference between importing skilled workers to fill a specific labor hole than just allowing one million anybodies stream across the border every year.

There is an important correlation between the two. Both drive down wages.
The Americans who would do this work have better jobs.
And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to have an external influx of younger workers.

At one point in time these companies would train those they needed. They aren't interested in doing that any longer. We have all kinds of people being displaced with automation that are going to need jobs.

We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double

Did you read it? Link to udneremployment statistics straight from the article:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

A guest-worker is a fully documented potential citizen. They work on the books and pay every category of deduction even some they may never benefit from.
The job market has expanded so much under this president's tutelage that is a must to fill the mundane and repetitious tasks that comprise the foundation of an industry with the sheer numbers that are required to fill them. Some of these are skilled jobs like programming or electronic component assembly... To keep the growth healthy they must be filled with people who have the knowledge and ability to do them.

This is very different from the open flood of unskilled illiterates who are unable to fit themselves into workable living wage positions where the benefit is mutual but instead become a parasitic draw on the local economies that they settle into.


Both drive down wages. MAGA.

If the job market is so saturated, how do we argue to get rid of millions and millions working here illegally?
The jobs where we need people with specialized education may not have enough American candidates. To many degrees in less desirable majors perhaps.

*May not*. Train Americans.

What majors precisely are the needs not being met?
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

There is a big difference between importing skilled workers to fill a specific labor hole than just allowing one million anybodies stream across the border every year.

There is an important correlation between the two. Both drive down wages.
The Americans who would do this work have better jobs.

Making lower wages than they should because of all those brought in to drive down wages.
At one point in time these companies would train those they needed. They aren't interested in doing that any longer. We have all kinds of people being displaced with automation that are going to need jobs.

We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double

Did you read it? Link to udneremployment statistics straight from the article:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

This leaves out a ton of relevant people. According to the November 2016 data, over 5.5 million Americans said they want a job, but don’t have one, and are not considered a part of the labor force.
We do? unemployment is at 3.5%.

Self-odering on the phone and kiosks at McDonalds didn't really change that.

If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double

Did you read it? Link to udneremployment statistics straight from the article:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

This leaves out a ton of relevant people. According to the November 2016 data, over 5.5 million Americans said they want a job, but don’t have one, and are not considered a part of the labor force.

As I already explained underemployment u5 and u6 measures accounts for this.


But whichever way you want to count we are at full employment. This is just about as good as it has ever been as far as people being able to get a job and we are at a point of a 9 year expansion where labor demand is out stripping job supply.
If you believe 3.5% well...........(and this isn't a slam towards Trump, the numbers have been manipulated for years.)

Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double

Did you read it? Link to udneremployment statistics straight from the article:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

This leaves out a ton of relevant people. According to the November 2016 data, over 5.5 million Americans said they want a job, but don’t have one, and are not considered a part of the labor force.

As I already explained underemployment u5 and u6 measures accounts for this.


But whichever way you want to count we are at full employment. This is just about as good as it has ever been as far as people being able to get a job and we are at a point of a 9 year expansion where labor demand is out stripping job supply.

Note your graph. U-6 is over double the rate that gets quoted. The unemployment rate is far higher than 3.5 percent. Even at that, simply being employed isn't what it once was either.
There is an important correlation between the two. Both drive down wages.

If you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between legitimate guests and immigrants, and invading foreign criminals; then there is no point trying to discuss any of this with you. Your entire understanding of every issue pertaining to this matter is based on a treasonous lie which you refuse to let go of.

You are the one ignoring the correlation. Both drive down wages. Both are things Trump argued against.

And Trump was dead wrong as anyone who is familiar with labor statistics knows.

Our population is getting older and baby-boomers are retiring in droves, which will be driving down Labor Participation rates, stifling economic growth and increasing dependant-to-worker ratio all the way to 2040s.


The only way to really counter that is to prime the labor force with an influx of younger, foreign born workers.
No it's not. This is ALL part of demographic replacement. Drive down wages so American's specifically white Americans won't have kids,then have elitists claim we need nonwhite foreigners to invade our country to take jobs,get on government dole and pop out 5 or 6 kids apiece. We need to do what Russia and Hungary are doing and given American's especially white Americans incentives to have 4,5 and 6 kids.
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

There is a big difference between importing skilled workers to fill a specific labor hole than just allowing one million anybodies stream across the border every year.

They're not skilled ...its news max click bait

Its seasonal guest workers....usually they're high school kids from all over europe to the Caribbean

They work the tourist towns ...restaurants to amusement parks
They usually go home to

And thiers this

"Mulvaney’s remarks appear in contrast to the public position of several top figures in Trump’s White House — especially that of senior policy adviser Stephen Miller — who have been working to slash legal and illegal immigration through a slew of policies that aim to close off the U.S. border to foreigners. They have insisted that the steady arrival of newcomers depresses wages for the blue-collar U.S. workers whose votes helped lift Trump to the presidency in 2016."

You guys Wonder why virgina flipped ?

It ain't because white idiot Yankee nazi progs

From the Democrats flagship the nytimes

Once the heart of the confederacy, Virginia is now the land of Indian grocery stores, Korean churches and Diwali festivals. The state population has boomed — up by 38 percent since 1990, with the biggest growth in densely settled suburban areas like South Riding. One in 10 people eligible to vote in the state were born outside the United States, up from one in 28 in 1990. It is also significantly less white.

And 50 years ago it was one in 100
I said it before I'll say it again time for a 25 year moratoriums on all the least ....its for thier own good cause America is wacist , evil ,non inclusive and run by the patriarchy!
Muh avacados
Yes I belive it and can explain why.

Can you explain why you don't?

You say they have been "manipulated" but the method for U3 data collection has remained consistent (Just as under-employment statistics U5 and U6), so I don't know what you are talking about.

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If the US unemployment rate included everyone who says they want a job, it would be nearly double

Did you read it? Link to udneremployment statistics straight from the article:

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization

This leaves out a ton of relevant people. According to the November 2016 data, over 5.5 million Americans said they want a job, but don’t have one, and are not considered a part of the labor force.

As I already explained underemployment u5 and u6 measures accounts for this.


But whichever way you want to count we are at full employment. This is just about as good as it has ever been as far as people being able to get a job and we are at a point of a 9 year expansion where labor demand is out stripping job supply.

Note your graph. U-6 is over double the rate that gets quoted. The unemployment rate is far higher than 3.5 percent. Even at that, simply being employed isn't what it once was either.

Underemployment (U6) is very low historically speaking. We are at right about the same lows we were at the tail end of "roaring" 90's

And what was being employed then?
There is a big difference between importing skilled workers to fill a specific labor hole than just allowing one million anybodies stream across the border every year.

There is an important correlation between the two. Both drive down wages.

Driving wages down in positions specifically brought in to fill a labor hole? LOL. Did you read the statement you were responding to, or does your point actually make sense to you?
Unpaid Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded

If the corporate traitors would pay a high salary plus tuition to American studying those skills, there would not only be no shortages, but the paid graduates would replace the Diploma Dumbo hacks we're stuck with in those positions now.
Once again for the slow people...LEGAL immigrants that add value to our society are a good thing....dead beat uneducated ILLEGAL aliens are not....
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020
I thought he argued that we were full?

'Our country is full': Trump claims emergency during border visit

It seems when corporations want them, it's all well and good.

Report: Guest Worker Program to See Boost in 2020

A guest-worker is a fully documented potential citizen. They work on the books and pay every category of deduction even some they may never benefit from.
The job market has expanded so much under this president's tutelage that is a must to fill the mundane and repetitious tasks that comprise the foundation of an industry with the sheer numbers that are required to fill them. Some of these are skilled jobs like programming or electronic component assembly... To keep the growth healthy they must be filled with people who have the knowledge and ability to do them.

This is very different from the open flood of unskilled illiterates who are unable to fit themselves into workable living wage positions where the benefit is mutual but instead become a parasitic draw on the local economies that they settle into.


Both drive down wages. MAGA.

If the job market is so saturated, how do we argue to get rid of millions and millions working here illegally?
The jobs where we need people with specialized education may not have enough American candidates. To many degrees in less desirable majors perhaps.

*May not*. Train Americans.

What majors precisely are the needs not being met?
Once again for the slow people...LEGAL immigrants that add value to our society are a good thing....dead beat uneducated ILLEGAL aliens are not....

Case in point. An American made product..
Large industrial machine....all made in USA.

New model costing about Ten million
Only 14 exist. We bought one. Damn thing didn't work. American company....sent best and brightest out.
No results. They called a super fixer from Pakistan....a genius....charges 2500 bucks an hour even in his hotel room. He came...he redesigned....he paid and was gone three days later. Machine now works perfectly.


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