Trump brings home American hostages through policy and focus - WINNING


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Since President Trump took office more than two-and-a-half years ago, he has touted his prowess at being able to bring U.S citizens wrongfully held abroad home – framing it as a coup the Obama administration was not able to do as effectively.

Partisan politics aside – families, lawmakers and activists alike have indicated that a hardline focus on bringing Americans home is yielding results.

What has changed under the Trump administration is the level of personal interest and engagement from the President. Trump has made it clear that he views the return of American hostages as a priority.

To date, at least 21 hostages held abroad have been freed throughout Trump’s first term."

......without having to pay huge ransoms to terrorists and other enemies of this nation.


Trump brings home American hostages through policy and focus, experts say
"Since President Trump took office more than two-and-a-half years ago, he has touted his prowess at being able to bring U.S citizens wrongfully held abroad home – framing it as a coup the Obama administration was not able to do as effectively.

Partisan politics aside – families, lawmakers and activists alike have indicated that a hardline focus on bringing Americans is yielding results.

What has changed under the Trump administration is the level of personal interest and engagement from the President. Trump has made it clear that he views the return of American hostages as a priority.

To date, at least 21 hostages held abroad have been freed throughout Trump’s first term."

......without having to pay huge ransoms to terrorists and other enemies of this nation.


Trump brings home American hostages through policy and focus, experts say
FOX so you know it's FAKE NEWS. Tramp paid $2 MILLION for the half dead Otto Warmbier alone!
As I said, Trump has been able to bring American citizens home from abroad without having to pay HUGE ransoms to terrorists / our enemies. I would not call $2 million a 'HUGE ransom'. Compared to what Barry was eagerly willing to pay.

Obama's 'tough negotiating for US hostages' resulted in Barry giving $1.7 BILLION to Iran for the return of US hostages.

President Trump has at least negotiated for the release of US hostages. Barry refused to ask for the release of US hostages to be part of his Un-Constitutional personal Treaty with Iran because he was afraid they would walk away from the table and deny him his 'Legacy' deal.

State Dept. confirms $400 million Iran payment conditioned on prisoner release

The U.S. Sent Another $1.3 Billion to Iran After Hostages Were Released

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