trump brings registered sex offender on stage

You do understand that " College Educated " no longer
is a plus.Even more so when attending Ivy League.
Like Harvard,Yale etc.David Horowitz warned of this way back
in the 70's.Dennis Prager { Attended Columbia U } and spoke
disparagingly about it also in the 70's.
Now it's a hardened fact.Most College education is not worth
the price of admission no matter who or what. It's gotten to
be a joke this last decade.With Affirmative Action or easy breezie
Lemon squeezie admissions and Professors who were woke
all along.No way on planet earth for a Professor to hide
their Wokeness.It's now legion.A veritable contagion upon
higher education.If not for hard working laborers who chose to
work with their hands and do an honest days work,then our
Country could never operate.Our Country depends on Kids
who chose not to go off to college and learn words and attitudes
and little else.No longer are Doctors beholdin' to any
Hippocratic Oath.Right there spells doom and gloom.
You’re wrong. The people doing the worst in America are uneducated blue collar.

I know too many rich kids who’s parents are paying and they’ll graduate making $100,000
You do understand that " College Educated " no longer
is a plus.Even more so when attending Ivy League.
Like Harvard,Yale etc.David Horowitz warned of this way back
in the 70's.Dennis Prager { Attended Columbia U } and spoke
disparagingly about it also in the 70's.
Now it's a hardened fact.Most College education is not worth
the price of admission no matter who or what. It's gotten to
be a joke this last decade.With Affirmative Action or easy breezie
Lemon squeezie admissions and Professors who were woke
all along.No way on planet earth for a Professor to hide
their Wokeness.It's now legion.A veritable contagion upon
higher education.If not for hard working laborers who chose to
work with their hands and do an honest days work,then our
Country could never operate.Our Country depends on Kids
who chose not to go off to college and learn words and attitudes
and little else.No longer are Doctors beholdin' to any
Hippocratic Oath.Right there spells doom and gloom.
Maybe Spanky Dotard can start up another fake university scam for you MAGA dupes to attend.
No evidence of that. Repeating your dishonesty doesn’t persuade anyone, sillybozo.
It only proves what pathetic nonsense streams inside their
political will.That is how Stalinism took root and of course
Hitlers Third Reich.
Mark Levin explains it implicitly.In regards to the overtly
lauded New York Times.
The New York Times cultivated and helped Fidel
Castro seem like a well-intentioned person only
looking to make Cuba into a formal Democracy.
Castro hoodwinking everyone in his sphere at the
time.The New York Times had a history of buying into
that rubbish.Now of course more than ever.
You’re wrong. The people doing the worst in America are uneducated blue collar.

I know too many rich kids who’s parents are paying and they’ll graduate making $100,000
Without those blue collar workers the Country is frozen.
You expect these overtly lauded Professors to do labor
to make the United States operate.
Classic example both here and in Canada.
The Truckers strike.Without Truckers,there are few
daily delieveries.Therefore little to no food supplies,
{ including medicines } or fuel.Home repairs and road
repairs.You done lost your thinking cap ... Bub.
I don't require one dagburn thing from college educated
pukes and especially their teachers { Professors } who
live to taint minds full of mush.
Your stupidity is epic.

Keep up the good work, MAGA dupe.
That poster was spot-on.Unions used to exist to basically
keep Union bosses very wealthy and in control.
Just back and research the name Jimmy Hoffa.
He started out well-intentioned but in no time
was transformed into a mob-like boss.Organized Crime
got it's clutches { hardly unavoidable } on little Jimmy
and he became corrupt.Not far removed from movies
that Actor Robert DeNiro starred in.
Like - Goodfellas - { 1990 } to - Casino - { 1995 }
To this day { just this past week } DeNiro went off again
on some Trump tirade.
You’re wrong. The people doing the worst in America are uneducated blue collar.

I know too many rich kids who’s parents are paying and they’ll graduate making $100,000
They are the ones saying, kill the jews. Your kinda people.
You should be very proud of yourself. Contractions are definitely more important to some than logic, reason and debate skills
Sadly, you’re lacking all four of those attributes.
Btw, there’s no pride to be had schooling dipsticks.
Sadly, you’re lacking all four of those attributes.
Btw, there’s no pride to be had schooling dipsticks.
Why are you so concerned about telling me how dumb I am? Nobody gives a shit. If I’m so stupid then school me in a debate. Don’t abandon it to lay out meaningless insults. That just makes it look like you can’t hang
Like you did here?

I’m not telling you anything, just noticing your inadequacies. Stop posting like an idiot and I’ll stop commenting on it.
Saying I’m inadequate vs showing it by countering my points are two very different things. Your way of insults is meaningless and ineffective. The other way is tougher but effective.

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