Trump buying food for hospital workers.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.
I think it's funny that ANYTHING positive said about Trump sends many of you into instant convulsions.

Who is "having convulsions" ? I see most people simply pointing out the FACT that Trump didn't do diddly and likely didn't even know the donations were being made.
Your ASSumptions serve no purpose.

Then we are even. None of your posts seem to serve much purpose beyond licking Trump's boots.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.
Buying votes is what his re-election campaign are doing.

Good point. Could it be a campaign violation?

Someone getting help/support is a campaign violation? Are you serious???

I try not to think the worst of you people but you make it so hard.

Yes, buying food for voters with campaign contributions is a violation.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.
Buying votes is what his re-election campaign are doing.

Good point. Could it be a campaign violation?

Someone getting help/support is a campaign violation? Are you serious???

I try not to think the worst of you people but you make it so hard.

Yes, buying food for voters with campaign contributions is a violation.
You better impeach him!

Bet ya the Biden campaign won't mention it because, you know, they're not completely incompetent and know that criticism of charity in times of crisis WOULD BE STUPID

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.
Buying votes is what his re-election campaign are doing.

Good point. Could it be a campaign violation?

Someone getting help/support is a campaign violation? Are you serious???

I try not to think the worst of you people but you make it so hard.

Yes, buying food for voters with campaign contributions is a violation.
You better impeach him!

Bet ya the Biden campaign won't mention it because, you know, they're not completely incompetent and know that criticism of charity in times of crisis WOULD BE STUPID
No need to impeach.

18 USC 597 - Expenditures to Influence Voting - Crimes and Criminal Procedure - US Code
I guess that makes up for endangering thousands of them because “it’s our stockpile”. Here, have a Big Mac; it’s your last meal.

Actually, dummy, the food orders were placed with local restaurants which were also in dire straits...

why didn't the 'billionare' pay outa his own pocket?
You should like that, less ads that will be run. It really doesn't matter if he bankrupted himself doing it. You would talk negative, still.
How is paying for meals for voters with campaign funds even legal? Can candidates stand outside polling places and hand out free pizza slices, sodas, and donuts? "Here, swear to God you will vote for me and I'll give you a slice of pizza, a donut, and a soda.
Why not? Bernie was going to use tax payer money to get him elected.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.
Trump has donated millions of his money over the years for people in need. What have you done?

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.

Are you high?

I'm not a victim of anything (well, perhaps my ex-wife's cooking).

Why do you see this as a bad thing? Because the pinheads on the left didn't think of it first?

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.
Trump has donated millions of his money over the years for people in need. What have you done?
Has he now?

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

What I find pathetic in the Trump cultists is the need to grovel in appreciation to this conman whenever he does the tiniest crumb of a thing for the people he screwed over in the first place, and their slavering devotion to praise him for doing so.

It's the absolute LEAST he can do for them since they wouldn't be in this mess if Trump hadn't botched this pandemic response in the first place. The rest of the world is watching in horror as the President totally fucks this response.

You have the most cases, the most deaths, and all we can see from afar is how much American companies are profiting on the supplies and equipment needed to save lives, while people are dying.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.
Buying votes is what his re-election campaign are doing.

Good point. Could it be a campaign violation?

Someone getting help/support is a campaign violation? Are you serious???

I try not to think the worst of you people but you make it so hard.
Yes, buying food for voters with campaign contributions is a violation.
You better impeach him!Bet ya the Biden campaign won't mention it because, you know, they're not completely incompetent and know that criticism of charity in times of crisis WOULD BE STUPID
No need to impeach.18 USC 597 - Expenditures to Influence Voting - Crimes and Criminal Procedure - US Code

un·hinged | \ ˌən-ˈhinjd \
Definition of unhinged

: UPSET, UNGLUEDespecially : mentally deranged

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

I am sure hospital workers would prefer Trump get them the equipment they need rather than food.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.
Trump has donated millions of his money over the years for people in need. What have you done?
Has he now?
He has many times in the past. Of course you keep yourself ignorant.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

I am sure hospital workers would prefer Trump get them the equipment they need rather than food.
I'm sure they were happy that someone was thinking of them.
Remember when Rrump was caught stealing funds he solicited for veterans? How about when the state he was born and lived in declared he nor his family could never operate a charitable organization ever again because of all the irregularities and nonsense rhey used for scamming folks out of their money.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.

The lengths you will go to to lavish devotion on Trump is truly remarkable. Trump probably didn't even know about the donations since HE isn't the one making them.

That's makes the criticism of Trump, by the idiot ass-licking libs here, all the more funny.

Someone who isn't Trump does something good and the flat-heads go out of their minds being critical of Trump...
You are a con artist victim. Con artist victims are always the last for realizing they have been conned. Currently, you are being conned into believing Rrump giving away other people's money, specifically donated campaign contributions, is a charitable contribution from the con artist.
Trump has donated millions of his money over the years for people in need. What have you done?
Has he now?
He has many times in the past. Of course you keep yourself ignorant.
It's not about ignorance. His lawyers stood up before a judge and stated that his charity used the money for his own gain. His children, as a result, have been forbidden to run charitable organizations for ten years. Trump's charity is not only minuscule it has always been a vehicle to his political ambitions.

Pretty cool. The restaurant owners response when he found out who the anonymous donor was, was pretty cool too.
Cool, now if we can just get him to deliver the PPE gear they've had months to procure we could say he has accomplished something.
Now if we can get him to deliver taxpayer paid for medical survival gear and equipment and life-saving equipment for Americans facing death without the equipment we could celebrate his incompetence being cured.
He’s the democrat governor? Huh

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