Trump Called It; Ford Caves and Wont move Plant to Meheeko


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lol, I am getting tired of Trump nailing all this shit and he isnt even in office yet.

He said it so often that this would be the final result, GM is next I guess, lol.

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant
Auto manufacturer to invest $700 million in Michigan instead, anticipating better business climate with new president
Not in office yet. Obama gets the credit. Thank your Mr. President.
You should take some time away from the bullshit echo chamber and read up on the hero you're fluffing:

Minutes after Trump got off the phone with me, Schwartz’s cell phone rang. “I hear you’re not voting for me,” Trump said. “I just talked to The New Yorker—which, by the way, is a failing magazine that no one reads—and I heard you were critical of me.”

“You’re running for President,” Schwartz said. “I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying.”

“That’s your right, but then you should have just remained silent. I just want to tell you that I think you’re very disloyal. Without me, you wouldn’t be where you are now. I had a lot of choice of who to have write the book, and I chose you, and I was very generous with you. I know that you gave a lot of speeches and lectures using ‘The Art of the Deal.’ I could have sued you, but I didn’t.”

“My business has nothing to do with ‘The Art of the Deal.’ ”

“That’s not what I’ve been told.”

“You’re running for President of the United States. The stakes here are high.”

“Yeah, they are,” he said. “Have a nice life.” Trump hung up.

Schwartz can understand why Trump feels stung, but he felt that he had to speak up before it was too late. As for Trump’s anger toward him, he said, “I don’t take it personally, because the truth is he didn’t mean it personally. People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world.” If Trump is elected President, he warned, “the millions of people who voted for him and believe that he represents their interests will learn what anyone who deals closely with him already knows—that he couldn’t care less about them.”

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
Lol, I am getting tired of Trump nailing all this shit and he isnt even in office yet.

He said it so often that this would be the final result, GM is next I guess, lol.

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant
Auto manufacturer to invest $700 million in Michigan instead, anticipating better business climate with new president
Yeah, they will be building the rightist fav type of vehicle, electric cars..I bet you can't wait to buy one...
You should take some time away from the bullshit echo chamber and read up on the hero you're fluffing:

Minutes after Trump got off the phone with me, Schwartz’s cell phone rang. “I hear you’re not voting for me,” Trump said. “I just talked to The New Yorker—which, by the way, is a failing magazine that no one reads—and I heard you were critical of me.”

“You’re running for President,” Schwartz said. “I disagree with a lot of what you’re saying.”

“That’s your right, but then you should have just remained silent. I just want to tell you that I think you’re very disloyal. Without me, you wouldn’t be where you are now. I had a lot of choice of who to have write the book, and I chose you, and I was very generous with you. I know that you gave a lot of speeches and lectures using ‘The Art of the Deal.’ I could have sued you, but I didn’t.”

“My business has nothing to do with ‘The Art of the Deal.’ ”

“That’s not what I’ve been told.”

“You’re running for President of the United States. The stakes here are high.”

“Yeah, they are,” he said. “Have a nice life.” Trump hung up.

Schwartz can understand why Trump feels stung, but he felt that he had to speak up before it was too late. As for Trump’s anger toward him, he said, “I don’t take it personally, because the truth is he didn’t mean it personally. People are dispensable and disposable in Trump’s world.” If Trump is elected President, he warned, “the millions of people who voted for him and believe that he represents their interests will learn what anyone who deals closely with him already knows—that he couldn’t care less about them.”

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All
Horse shit.

That guy waited for decades to finally claim credit because why, he just had to get sued for breach of contract?

No, idiot, the Clinton machine bribed the ass hole to claim he was more than just a consultant on the book, that is why and only a fool like you would believe that horse shit.
Lol, I am getting tired of Trump nailing all this shit and he isnt even in office yet.

He said it so often that this would be the final result, GM is next I guess, lol.

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant

Trump Effect: Ford Scraps Plans for Mexico Plant
Auto manufacturer to invest $700 million in Michigan instead, anticipating better business climate with new president
Yeah, they will be building the rightist fav type of vehicle, electric cars..I bet you can't wait to buy one...
Whats wrong with an electric car?
Trump Takes Credit For Saving A U.S. Ford Plant That Wasn't Planning To Move

That hack job article is from November 18 of last year, stupid shit.

What the OP is about happened Jan 2nd.


From your own article, dimwit.

“We are excited to work with President-elect Trump and his administration to do our part to drive economic growth and create jobs in the U.S.,” said Marcelo Claure, Sprint’s chief executive.​


Trump Emerges From Holiday Hiding To Take Credit For Obama's Strong Economy

Lol, some jack ass pundit thinks that obama created all those jobs that suddenly bloomed when Trump won the election....wheee!

Paging Mark Cuban - US Treasuries Are Crashing As The Dow Soars 1000 Points After Trump Victory | Zero Hedge


Ford Motor Company announced early this morning that a planned $1.6B assembly plant in Mexico was being cancelled. Instead, they're going to renovate an existing plant in Michigan, which will create 700 new American jobs. FoMoCo said they were "inspired" by Trump's position on the issue, but did not credit him directly for the decision. This, on the same morning that the Ochre Ogre bashed GM for selling the Chevy Cruze hatchback in the U.S. A model that just went into production in Mexico two months ago, which makes up 2.5% of all Cruzes sold in America. It's doubtful you'll ever even see one.

The Trump campaign of course, was quick to claim credit for the Ford announcement. Fox News ran a banner headline on their website: "Trump Effect Making A Difference Already."

Making a difference already... seven hundred jobs, that not even the manufacturer said came about due to this magical "Trump Effect."

~ And now, for some contrast ~

Since 2010, around the nadir of the recession, counting ONLY THE PRIVATE SECTOR, over 15M new jobs have been created under President Obama, right here in the U S of A. Fifteen million. That works out to around 179k per month, each month, for seven straight years. Now if you include the public sector, that figure jumps to over 200k jobs per month...which correct me if I'm wrong, is a whole shitpot more than 700. Like 255 TIMES more. There've been some 80 straight months of job growth under the current president... you know, the out-going president. The one who's never boasted about grabbing women by the genitals, nor has he ever thumped his chest and taken credit every time a manufacturer reconsiders a business decision.

Tune in tomorrow when Fox News will ask; "Can Donald Trump Walk on Water?
Trump didn't write a word of "The Art of the Deal"....Not even the title. Keep on fluffing, twink. It's what you do best.
The real reason this is happening is that Ford has suffered sales declines in its Fusion sedan, which is made at its Mexico plant, as well as sales declines in the Mustang, which is made in Flat Rock, Michigan. There's not much point in building a new small-car plant anywhere if Fusion sales are down, and not much point in underutilizing its Flat Rock plant.

And it's not as if Ford is moving any production from Mexico to the United States. All it's doing in Flat Rock is some expansion to build self-driving and electric vehicles. This involves a grand total of 700 jobs, which were never going to be in Mexico in the first place.

In other words, this was a pure business decision. So why is Mark Fields giving Trump a big shout out? Because he figures there's no harm in spinning this into flattery of the incoming president. It might help and it can't hurt.

But it ain't so. Ford sales of sedans and small cars are tanking. If they were doing better, they'd still be building that new plant in Mexico.

Ford's plans in Mexico have nothing to do with Donald Trump
Ford Motor Company announced early this morning that a planned $1.6B assembly plant in Mexico was being cancelled. Instead, they're going to renovate an existing plant in Michigan, which will create 700 new American jobs. FoMoCo said they were "inspired" by Trump's position on the issue, but did not credit him directly for the decision. This, on the same morning that the Ochre Ogre bashed GM for selling the Chevy Cruze hatchback in the U.S. A model that just went into production in Mexico two months ago, which makes up 2.5% of all Cruzes sold in America. It's doubtful you'll ever even see one.

The Trump campaign of course, was quick to claim credit for the Ford announcement. Fox News ran a banner headline on their website: "Trump Effect Making A Difference Already.".....
Tune in tomorrow when Fox News will ask; "Can Donald Trump Walk on Water?

Yes, I really hope you Democrat assholes go with attacking Trump while he works to save American jobs as everyone knows that sure is a winning strategy, dumbass.

Ford cancels Mexico plant. Will create 700 U.S. jobs in 'vote of confidence' in Trump
Ford cancels Mexico plant. Will create 700 U.S. jobs in 'vote of confidence' in Trump
Ford (F) CEO Mark Fields said the investment is a "vote of confidence" in the pro-business environment being created by Donald Trump. However, he stressed Ford did not do any sort of special deal with the president-elect.

"We didn't cut a deal with Trump. We did it for our business," Fields told CNN's Poppy Harlow in an exclusive interview Tuesday.

Yeah, right, lol.

Chided by Trump, Ford scraps Mexico factory, adds Michigan jobs

You fucking liar, take your shit and choke on it.

It is bad enough that you anti-American morons are running your pie holes 24/7, but to actively undermine a President elect who is already at work trying to save American jobs is just the lowest shit I think I have ever seen, even from Marxist pukes like you.

Trump didn't write a word of "The Art of the Deal"....Not even the title. Keep on fluffing, twink. It's what you do best.
Lol, no one ever even questioned the FACT that Trump wrote the Art of the Deal until the Clintonistas threw that shit out there for gullible fools and hacks like you to feed on.

No one is buying your lies, fucktard.
The real reason this is happening is that Ford has suffered sales declines in its Fusion sedan, which is made at its Mexico plant, as well as sales declines in the Mustang, which is made in Flat Rock, Michigan. There's not much point in building a new small-car plant anywhere if Fusion sales are down, and not much point in underutilizing its Flat Rock plant.

And it's not as if Ford is moving any production from Mexico to the United States. All it's doing in Flat Rock is some expansion to build self-driving and electric vehicles. This involves a grand total of 700 jobs, which were never going to be in Mexico in the first place.

In other words, this was a pure business decision. So why is Mark Fields giving Trump a big shout out? Because he figures there's no harm in spinning this into flattery of the incoming president. It might help and it can't hurt.

But it ain't so. Ford sales of sedans and small cars are tanking. If they were doing better, they'd still be building that new plant in Mexico.

Ford's plans in Mexico have nothing to do with Donald Trump

Lol, Trump has already saved tens of thousands of American jobs and you Hate America First faggots just cant stand it.


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