Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

So tell me, exactly what 'injustice' are they protesting? Show facts, data, stats, etc. Otherwise you are hysterical.
Here it is, one more time, dipshit.

Obamacare repeal: FAIL!
Iran treaty end: FAIL!
Border wall: FAIL!
Tax cuts: FAIL!

I can't take all this winning!
You really don't get it do you? Trump and his base win by exposing the swamp and the worthless nature of the current house and senate members. They will be replaced one by one....Roy proved that last night...... boobala....
Why did Trumpy delete his 3 tweets supporting Luther Strange?
Here it is, one more time, dipshit.
Go ahead please show us again what a misinformed brainwashed fool you really are....this is getting good. That is awesome because my NetFlix video is late.....Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahahahahahaha
Each post of yours gets better and dig deeper and deeper and we all laugh harder and harder.....:badgrin:
My hero, the rest that hid in the locker room can go to Hell.


Those who never served will never understand.
He apologized to his teammates and said he made a mistake.
Yeah, that is sad, he was forced to apologize for not disrespecting the flag. The rest of the team hid like little frighten girls. Sad really. He didn't make Tomlin look bad, Tomlin did. Fire that SOB first.
But not actually not guilty.

You have no proof of that, only some silly 'cops hate blacks' loony conspiracy theory that you are told to believe. Please post all the data, proof, etc. that would support your opinion, otherwise you are a loon. 'dipshit'
You're a fucking liar. But we all already knew that
You are once again misinformed....he was admonished by his coach dufuss
See how the low lifes work? The only MAN that respected the country and I assume the only one that was a Ranger with three tours in Afghanistan they try and demean. Then he is forced to apologize. There is nothing too low for the degenerate liberal left.
Funny after all that you can't even tell me what those dunderheads are protesting.
Are you serious? You really don't know why we honor our fallen soldiers with the flag?
Taking a knee during the Anthem is disrespectful and being insulted by that is not hysterical at all.

Those idiots who take a knee ARE being wildly uncontrolled in their emotions because their protest is based on hysteria.
If one fights for America and dies doing so, they have given their life for the country. How is it you can't understand that?

They are protesting at getting shot by cops. What does putting a flag on a coffin have to do with not singing the national anthem? Nothing. Two different issues.

I don't see anybody bending a knew being wildly uncontrolled. You must be seeing something different to me.

No. The last people to actually die FOR America are WWII veterans. Every other conflict since they've either been dying for the American military/industrial complex or in countries they have had no right being in. And that is a decision those service people made when they were drafted or signed up.
They are protesting at getting shot by cops. What does putting a flag on a coffin have to do with not singing the national anthem? Nothing. Two different issues.

I don't see anybody bending a knew being wildly uncontrolled. You must be seeing something different to me.

No. The last people to actually die FOR America are WWII veterans. Every other conflict since they've either been dying for the American military/industrial complex or in countries they have had no right being in. And that is a decision those service people made when they were drafted or signed up.

When you do criminal things you get shot by cops idiot.
The National Anthem was written about the American flag you dunderhead.
Kneeling is disrespecting the Flag and the excuse (cops out to get blacks) is hysterical. 'dipshit'

Really? Well now....because YOU say so? How narcissistic can you get...'dipshit'
So you spit on Korean veterans and Iraq veterans and Afghanistan veterans because of some insane fantasy you were told to believe and, in doing so, you disrespect those who died in those conflicts. What a 'dipshit' you are.
This is what I think of the NFL .
The Association ( Owners ) are a disgrace .
The Union ( Players ) are a disgrace .

This whole Organization is a disgrace .......

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