Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

So what should they do in your mind? Salute? Put their hand over their heart's? What do you want? Heck if forced too I wouldn't put my hand over my heart because it belongs to GOD first. If people had a problem with that i would physically challenge this 81 year old.....
Trump has freedom of speech too.These prima donas on modern sports make 5 digit incomes, what the hell do they have to bitch about? I advocate boycotting all sponsors that side with these racial blinkered jerks. 75% of NFL is black. Why is that? Let's end that in the name of diversity.
They make 7 and 8 digit incomes.
Why not acknowledge black on black crime rates are far worse than white racist policemen? But it appears being a realist is the real threat here.
His boy lost in Alabama tonight.

A NH special election today that went 59% for Trumpy was just won by the Democrat.

Another state election in Florida in a long-held GOP district just went Democrat, too.

Trump is toxic.
You're so wrong....Roy was Trump's true choice and we and he won again.....The swamp can't blame Trump for the loss but Trump gets his man....That is called winning.....but a loser would have trouble seeing it.

You're a retard. Seriously. You're a retard.
They aren't disrespecting anyone except those who still keep their boots on the blackmans throat We call them republicans

Who is keeping their boots on blackmen? Didn't we just have a BLACK President? Hey there are BLACK congressmen and congresswomen too. WTF is your problem anyway? What are all these powerful blacks doing for their own race......Answer.....nothing.
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Why not acknowledge black on black crime rates are far worse than white racist policemen? But it appears being a realist is the real threat here.

Because that would expose the left's Democrat hypocrisy. As long as they can blame 'whitey' they can keep blacks on the 'plantation' where Yessa Massa still exists.
They aren't disrespecting anyone except those who still keep their boots on the blackmans throat We call them republicans

Who is keeping their boots on blackmen? Didn't we just have a BLACK President? Hey there are BLACK congressmen and congresswomen too. WTF is your problem anyway?
Black congressmen ? Republican?? Name him
That's what Trump said before the election. Yes - it was total bullshit, like everything he says
Do you want to look back to Obama's and Bill's words in their campaigns?
No you don't because you are a political want your side to win even if it destroy's your own pathetic life. You want to destroy the nation because you hate Trump and his ain't gonna work snowflake....we got your ass....we are large and in charge buttercup.
Obamacare repeal: FAIL!
Iran treaty end: FAIL!
Border wall: FAIL!
Tax cuts: FAIL!

I can't take all this winning!
Obamacare repeal: FAIL!
Iran treaty end: FAIL!
Border wall: FAIL!
Tax cuts: FAIL!

I can't take all this winning!
You really don't get it do you? Trump and his base win by exposing the swamp and the worthless nature of the current house and senate members. They will be replaced one by one....Roy proved that last night...... boobala....
They aren't disrespecting anyone except those who still keep their boots on the blackmans throat We call them republicans

Who is keeping their boots on blackmen? Didn't we just have a BLACK President? Hey there are BLACK congressmen and congresswomen too. WTF is your problem anyway?
Black congressmen ? Republican?? Name him

Tim Scott the only congressman brave enough to shed the Democrat plantation yoke.

BTW Our HUD secretary is black. David Clarke is being tapped for Trump's admin too. BTW I thought selecting by skin color was racist....
Yeah all those 100's taking a knee had no one in the services

I said show proof. In any case I also said IF they did have dead soldiers in their families then they are dissing them and the fact that you and/or them don't understand that is deeply troubling. Why don't you address what I said instead of blathering on about the same old tired liberal shit.?
Who cares what trump calls them? He has every right to call them whatever he wants. I've been calling them selfish narcissistic idiots.

When he starts throwing them in jail or fining them, then we have a problem

White supremacist in violent protest..."very good people"

Black football players silently protesting injustice "sons of bitches".

Yeah, who cares what the racist orange troll says.

Amazing how people who loves this nation might be upset with a bunch of athletes whining about being oppressed before they make millions of dollars playing a game once a week.

And he hasn't supported white supremacists. Lets be honest here.
That's your opinion snowflake..... he still has his base intact and we are winning.
His boy lost in Alabama tonight.

A NH special election today that went 59% for Trumpy was just won by the Democrat.

Another state election in Florida in a long-held GOP district just went Democrat, too.

Trump is toxic.

New Hampshire always leans D and went for Hillary in 2016. Link to Florida.

Now to the win by Judge Moore. This epic battle had jack shit to do with Trump. This was between Team Bannon/Moore vs Team Javanka and the rest of the McConnell Swamp/Strange.

This victory was a serious win for Team Bannon and Conservatives.
Stop being a dumbass. I told you that district went 59% for Trump. And now it's been won by a Democrat.

And NH elects Republican Governors and Republican Senators.

Until she lost in 2016, Kelly Ayotte was the Republican Senator.

Before that, Judd Gregg was the Republican Senator, from 1993-2011.

Before that, Warren Rudman was the Republican Senator from 1980-1993.​

What about the other NH Senate seat?

Democrat Jeanne Shaheen was preceded by Republican Senator John Sununu, from 2003-2009.

Before that, Bob Smith was the Republican Senator from 1990-2003.

Before that, Gordon Humphrey was the Republican Senator from 1979-1990.​

Since 1982, NH has had 8 Republican Governors and 3 Democratic Senators.

So, once again tinydancer, I've made you look like a fool, with your total ignorance of American politics.
People taking the knee have relatives loved ones who served and died serving their country

Then they are disrespecting their own relatives. The fact that you and/or they can't understand that is deeply troubling.
Your feeble attempt to try to make this about the military has failed miserably. Again:


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