Trump calling people son of a bitch for exercising their first amendment rights is beyond the pale

The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Under the 1st amendment they have every right to protest whereever/whenever. They're are protesting Trump's disrespect toward them---(not the flag or the National Anthem.) I would much rather prefer that our players WANTED to stand versus being FORCED to stand. We're not N. Korea yet.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump who is under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding collusion with Russia to interfere into an American election. Trump who wrote in his book that his "personal VIET NAM" was avoiding Sexually Transmitted diseases, really doesn't COMMAND a lot of RESPECT with many Americans in this country. In fact, he is the last person in this country that should be commentiing on Patriotrism, much less attacking others for his regard over their lack of it.

A Viet Nam veteran & sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas explains it very well. This is a facebook statement going around, so if you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon for volumn on the video. This will remind you of what the flag is really all about.

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The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Under the 1st amendment they have every right to protest whereever/whenever. They're are protesting Trump's disrespect toward them---(not the flag or the National Anthem.) I would much rather prefer that our players WANTED to stand versus being FORCED to stand. We're not N. Korea yet.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump who is under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding collusion with Russia to interfere into an American election. Trump who wrote in his book that his "personal VIET NAM" was avoiding Sexually Transmitted diseases, really doesn't COMMAND a lot of RESPECT with many Americans in this country. In fact, he is the last person in this country that should be commentiing on Patriotrism, much less attacking others for his regard over their lack of it.

A Viet Nam veteran & sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas explains it very well. This is a facebook statement going around, so if you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon for volumn on the video. This will remind you of what the flag is really all about.

If it's not about the flag or the national anthem then don't do it during the national anthem.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Under the 1st amendment they have every right to protest whereever/whenever. They're are protesting Trump's disrespect toward them---(not the flag or the National Anthem.) I would much rather prefer that our players WANTED to stand versus being FORCED to stand. We're not N. Korea yet.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump who is under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding collusion with Russia to interfere into an American election. Trump who wrote in his book that his "personal VIET NAM" was avoiding Sexually Transmitted diseases, really doesn't COMMAND a lot of RESPECT with many Americans in this country. In fact, he is the last person in this country that should be commentiing on Patriotrism, much less attacking others for his regard over their lack of it.

A Viet Nam veteran & sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas explains it very well. This is a facebook statement going around, so if you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon for volumn on the video. This will remind you of what the flag is really all about.

If it's not about the flag or the national anthem then don't do it during the national anthem.

That asshole, Colin, who started it is saying that it is indeed against the flag and country. He is probably going by what Obama said about racism being in America's DNA. And now there are so many other douchebags copying him.

So, yes, disrespecting the anthem is aimed at the country in general. The message appears to be that they are not part of America, which they consider 'White America.' This despite our country going farther than any other to ensure equality of all people. There just haven't been enough cases of real racism to keep the narrative alive so the race baiting leftwing radicals decided to first paint all cops as racist, then declared all whites racist. That means there will be no end to the false accusations and violence. The left must be proud of themselves for successfully manipulating the least sophisticated people into becoming permanent victims.

The minorities who didn't buy the crap the left has been selling for decades are doing okay. Only those who still sit and wait to be elevated by the kindness of politicians are suffering, and they always will be.
The players should protest on their own time, not when they are on the clock. They are offending the very fans that paid to see them. Why is it that some are allowed to offend people all they want, but the minute some exercise their freedom of speech to express their opinion of BLM, antifa, Hillary, Obama or Muslims, they are treated like criminals?

They can disrespect America all they want but better be prepared for others to do the same and boycott them.

Under the 1st amendment they have every right to protest whereever/whenever. They're are protesting Trump's disrespect toward them---(not the flag or the National Anthem.) I would much rather prefer that our players WANTED to stand versus being FORCED to stand. We're not N. Korea yet.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no decency and the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone is to himself and Vladimir Putin. Trump who is under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding collusion with Russia to interfere into an American election. Trump who wrote in his book that his "personal VIET NAM" was avoiding Sexually Transmitted diseases, really doesn't COMMAND a lot of RESPECT with many Americans in this country. In fact, he is the last person in this country that should be commentiing on Patriotrism, much less attacking others for his regard over their lack of it.

A Viet Nam veteran & sports announcer out of Dallas, Texas explains it very well. This is a facebook statement going around, so if you have trouble hearing it, there is an icon for volumn on the video. This will remind you of what the flag is really all about.

If it's not about the flag or the national anthem then don't do it during the national anthem.

That asshole, Colin, who started it is saying that it is indeed against the flag and country. He is probably going by what Obama said about racism being in America's DNA. And now there are so many other douchebags copying him.

So, yes, disrespecting the anthem is aimed at the country in general. The message appears to be that they are not part of America, which they consider 'White America.' This despite our country going farther than any other to ensure equality of all people. There just haven't been enough cases of real racism to keep the narrative alive so the race baiting leftwing radicals decided to first paint all cops as racist, then declared all whites racist. That means there will be no end to the false accusations and violence. The left must be proud of themselves for successfully manipulating the least sophisticated people into becoming permanent victims.

The minorities who didn't buy the crap the left has been selling for decades are doing okay. Only those who still sit and wait to be elevated by the kindness of politicians are suffering, and they always will be.

Trump cannot be considered the "icon" of Patriotism in this country. Someone who is under criminal investigation for Obstruction of Justice, regarding collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election. Someone who stated in his book that his "pesonal VIET NAM" was avoiding sexually transmitted diseases, doesn't hit the high water mark on what Patriotism is in this country.

Trump has continually made personal attacks on American citizens, John McCain, Cruz, even Boening aircraft simply because the CEO of that company critized him over one of his policies. That hurt their business. After you burn all you team gear, he'll stir the pot again, and two weeks from now he attack another American entity or citizen or group of citizens, & you'll be boycotting & burning something else.

There has never been a President in this nations history, that couldn't talk & act Presidential. Trump has a narcissist personality disorder that no one can control. He does this for ATTENTION. Does Obama's birth certificate ring a bell? It kept him on the news and in front of camera's for 4 solid months.

What is a Narcissisitic personality disorder?

"What is it exactly that makes someone a certifiable narcissist and not simply a person who has a healthy amount of confidence and a burning desire to achieve great goals? According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissistic personality disorder is “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for attention & admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But a lack of empathy is just one part of narcissistic personality disorder. Just beneath the surface layer of overwhelming arrogance lies a delicate self-esteem that is easily injured by any form of criticism. ” Does this remind you of anyone--:badgrin:
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Reading hasn't killed anyone yet, you may want to try it sometime.

Here is a Viet Nam Veteran--and sports announcer out of Dallas Texas and his views on this. It's a Facebook link--so if you can't hear it, there is a volume icon on the video.

You dumb fucks who support Trump might also believe this:

Sheila Zilinsky: ‘Every NFL Stadium Is A FEMA Camp In Hiding’ | Right Wing Watch

On a recent radio broadcast, radical right-wing commentator Sheila Zilinsky use the controversy over athletes kneeling during the national anthem to warn that the NFL is working with the government to brainwash Americans so they can easily be herded into FEMA prison camps housed inside NFL stadiums.

“I told you the NFL was out of the bowels of hell and nothing more than a propaganda machine,” she said, “with mindless sheep who are brainwashed every night of the week with the alpha, gamma, theta waves, the delta waves lulling people into trances, slipping people into mass hypnosis. That’s declassified, folks. High-level mind control projects have been exposed, it’s on record. TV, that noise box, is the most disgusting invention ever made.”

“I think the NFL is pure evil,” she continued. “It’s anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-patriot, anti-constitutional, anti-gun, anti-American for sure.”

“Every NFL stadium is a FEMA camp in hiding,” she continued. “The American public is being conditioned to the fact that the state owns your body and your freedoms … The NFL stadiums are going to be staging areas for martial law and it’s all a part of the conditioning process.”
When you do criminal things you get shot by cops idiot.
What did Sandra Bland or Philando Castille do that was criminal?

I dunno, you tell me fool. Provide a link or STFU.
You claimed the people on that list did criminal things.

Were you talking out your ass again?

Is your Google not working? Look up both of them.

I claimed no such thing, I chose 1 case and found out what you posted was a lie. Provide a link to support your claims, I'm not doing your work for you....moron.


You're so weak-minded you believe everything fed to you. You're a fool.

Trump's Pants on Fire tweet that blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims
That's your opinion snowflake..... he still has his base intact and we are winning.
His boy lost in Alabama tonight.

A NH special election today that went 59% for Trumpy was just won by the Democrat.

Another state election in Florida in a long-held GOP district just went Democrat, too.

Trump is toxic.

New Hampshire always leans D and went for Hillary in 2016. Link to Florida.

Now to the win by Judge Moore. This epic battle had jack shit to do with Trump. This was between Team Bannon/Moore vs Team Javanka and the rest of the McConnell Swamp/Strange.

This victory was a serious win for Team Bannon and Conservatives.
Stop being a dumbass. I told you that district went 59% for Trump. And now it's been won by a Democrat.

And NH elects Republican Governors and Republican Senators.

Until she lost in 2016, Kelly Ayotte was the Republican Senator.

Before that, Judd Gregg was the Republican Senator, from 1993-2011.

Before that, Warren Rudman was the Republican Senator from 1980-1993.​

What about the other NH Senate seat?

Democrat Jeanne Shaheen was preceded by Republican Senator John Sununu, from 2003-2009.

Before that, Bob Smith was the Republican Senator from 1990-2003.

Before that, Gordon Humphrey was the Republican Senator from 1979-1990.​

Since 1982, NH has had 8 Republican Governors and 3 Democratic Senators.

So, once again tinydancer, I've made you look like a fool, with your total ignorance of American politics.
Oh, tinydancer!!!
When you do criminal things you get shot by cops idiot.
What did Sandra Bland or Philando Castille do that was criminal?

I dunno, you tell me fool. Provide a link or STFU.
You claimed the people on that list did criminal things.

Were you talking out your ass again?

Is your Google not working? Look up both of them.

I claimed no such thing, I chose 1 case and found out what you posted was a lie. Provide a link to support your claims, I'm not doing your work for you....moron.



Well...You did what I told you to do....Good boy! I looked up the Sandra Bland case and watched the dash-cam video. She acted like an insolent, hateful bitch toward the officer. He was very polite with her until she started giving him lip. Now, granted, he may have overreacted to some people's analysis however, people who are hateful and rude (as she was) could also be packing. Lesson...When pulled over by the police, be respectful and do what the cop tells you to do. As far as her hanging herself....That is sad. The cop was found not guilty but suffered anyway mostly for his "I will light you up" stupid comment. Actually that reminded me of Barney Fife. Indeed he was indicted by a Grand Jury for 'acting inappropriately during a stop. He lost his law enforcement license too.

So...In any case, how the fuck is this an indication of any widespread 'white-cops-hate-blacks' meme you guys always pretend exists. Seems to me the other way around, she sure acted like she hated that cop.

Maybe I'll check your other link...sometime....I thought the googley thingy was fun...
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the left complains, yet no one on the left complained when word got out that Hillary referred to the SS/Guards as F_____ing Dogs"?
The SS were fucking dogs.

It figures that you would defend Nazis.

You are just begging someone to call you dumbass.
He's talking about Hillary's Secret Service detail who's job it was to protect her and the President.
Conservatives are dishonest scum.

Liberals are dishonest scum.
Ooooh, the pre-K tantrum, I'm rubber, you're glue....

Thanks for demonstrating how conservatives are dishonest scum AND possess the intellect of a 4 year old.

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