Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap

Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.
Your willing blindness is not my problem Jethro.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.
Your willing blindness is not my problem Jethro.

I understand, you can't quote one racial slur coming from Trump so you deflect. Have a nice day and remember, Trump has done more for minorities than Obama ever did. They'll be voting for him so they can keep their jobs instead of being assigned one by the Socialists.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.

Cuomo is a propagandist and deserves to be ridiculed. The reason he doesn't like the Fredo name is it strikes to the truth. His big brother is smarter than him and he can't do anything about other than take it out on other people.
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.

Cuomo is a propagandist and deserves to be ridiculed. The reason he doesn't like the Fredo name is it strikes to the truth. His big brother is smarter than him and he can't do anything about other than take it out on other people.

You didn't answer the question. How would YOU react if some idiot walked up to you and started insulting you? Would you take it, or would you tell him to piss off? Me? I'd tell him to piss off, much like most people would.
Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.

Cuomo is a propagandist and deserves to be ridiculed. The reason he doesn't like the Fredo name is it strikes to the truth. His big brother is smarter than him and he can't do anything about other than take it out on other people.

You didn't answer the question. How would YOU react if some idiot walked up to you and started insulting you? Would you take it, or would you tell him to piss off? Me? I'd tell him to piss off, much like most people would.

Well Fredo didn't just tell him to piss off. Fredo went full ignant and made an ass of himself. That's why you don't lose it. He will forever be known as Fredo. That's the lesson you should take from this too.
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Thats because the 4 year old mentality Cheeto Jesus sports thinks it's funny to call people names.

but you are calling him a name....
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.
Cuomo called himself a journalist. He is a purveyor of hate fest propaganda. A deplorable situation that the dregs just don't understand.Hoe could somene say a word to someone who pushes venom on the air that helps to get people assaulted, maimed and killed You know for like just wearing a campaign you notice how many marriages, families are involved in the swamp in everything that circles it. TV, elected, non elected, lawyers, lobbyists, judges, and on and on? No one ever does a study on these things.
"Chris Fredo Cuomo actually assaulted that guy. Threatening to attack someone is a crime. (Battery, is actually carrying out the attack.) Assault is threatening the attack, FYI. And doesn't need to involve actually physical contact, just the threat of it, which Fredo did."

Trump continued trolling the press at a speech in Penn. he said that he liked trucks since he was a kid, and would like to drive the media around in one!
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.

Now who called us deplorables? Hypocrisy much?
Deplorable is a race now?

Try to keep up, petunia. There was nothing about race and you can't point to anything Trump said as a racial slur.

Just imagined bullshit in your mind.

Kinda looks like YOU need to keep up as well. Some idiot called Cumo an insult, and he got upset about it. And, because it had been recorded, it ended up on the internet, and that is where Trump saw it, and commented about Cuomo being an out of control animal.

Sorry, but like I said further up the thread, how would a lot of you people on these boards react if some idiot walked up to you and started shooting off his mouth? Me? I'd react much like Cuomo did and tell the idiot to piss off.
Cuomo called himself a journalist. He is a purveyor of hate fest propaganda. A deplorable situation that the dregs just don't understand.Hoe could somene say a word to someone who pushes venom on the air that helps to get people assaulted, maimed and killed You know for like just wearing a campaign you notice how many marriages, families are involved in the swamp in everything that circles it. TV, elected, non elected, lawyers, lobbyists, judges, and on and on? No one ever does a study on these things.
This is actually quite amusing coming from someone who listens to rush limbaugh and quotes from the daily Caller.

I've gotta buy a new hypocrisy meter now, but it's still pretty funny.
Some jackass who was a Trump supporter went up to Cuomo and called him "Fredo", which is the name of the stupid brother in the Godfather movies. And, he was the one that threw the first insult, not Cuomo.
What would you do if some jackass walked up and called you an insulting name? Let him, or offer to kick his ass like Cumo did?

Well well well, lookie here.... ...I seem to remember Republicans Sarah Sanders and Ted Cruz being accosted by crowds in a restaurant screaming in their faces. They maintained their dignity and left without engaging the mobs. Thats what adults do.

But Fredo is not an adult. One single person called him Fredo and he lost his lunch.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best proof ever of the difference between filthy vermin Liberals, and Conservatives with values, how they react in the same situation.
ME: I love the Donald more and more every day. If anybody deserves to get bitch-slapped its Fredo Cuomo, that sniveling fake news bitch. Rush calls him Fredo all the time too. Its great. Some remarks:

Trump calls Chris Cuomo an 'out of control animal' after 'Fredo' video flap
President Trump mocks CNN's Chris Cuomo after a viral video shows the TV host threatening a man who apparently called him 'Fredo.'

Fredo Can Dish It Out, But He Can’t Take It
Fredo Can Dish It Out, But He Can’t Take It

" know, so many conservatives have been attacked while doing nothing more than eating is a restaurant. They’ve been heckled and forced to leave.”
Do you think Fredo was critical of that? Fredo probably supported the harassment of conservatives like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and others. There wasn’t any condemnation of that when these Looney Tune leftists start harassing Mitch McConnell at his home or Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a restaurant or Betsy DeVos. The same thing happened to her! The mob descends on her, they have to leave the restaurant, and the restaurant owner says, “Good! Get out. We don’t want you here,” and all over the Drive-By Media they’re applauding this.
So now the same thing happens to Fredo, and Fredo reacts — not politely and not with dignity. He doesn’t walk away. He confront
President Trump discusses Fredo Cuomo about 6:30 into the video in the opening post. Fredo is a sick fuck for sure. On Rush today he all the callers referred to Cuomo as Fredo and thinks the hero in the vid who got in the face of fake news Fredo obtained the nickname of Cuomo from him. Also a bunch of Fredo's old comments were played in which he says saying "fake news" is like saying the "n-word" which proves Fredo is a delusional, lying POS! :p
Trump is worse than a 2nd grader when it comes to calling people names, and his idiot supporters breathlessly wait to see who he will call a doo doo head next. Such a childish bunch.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me… Most people learn that in grade school

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